Oldschool mystery about Kurn's tower

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RpTheHotrod, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. RpTheHotrod New Member

    When I was younger, I recall finding something peculiar. I am certain it was in the Field of Bone. I remember in the zone was a building you could zone into. I believe it was Kurn's tower.

    Anyway, I remember exploring the area and accidentally running into the outer wall of this building. My camera glitched out and sort of positioned itself behind the wall. Effectively, I could see through the wall. What I spotted inside was what I think were mini-wizard spires with a large glowing orange sphere floating in the middle. I could not find another way into that building without going through the zone line that would send you into the tower. I was too low level to actually go in, but I found it strange that this orange sphere object was hidden somewhere that no one would ever see.

    Any one have any ideas what it was? Was this something you would see after zoning? It has been a mystery that has stayed with me to this day. If it was not for the invisible zone wall, you would effectively walk right into this room with the sphere.

    Zoso and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  2. Malbro Augur

    I believe it was intended to be or is a zone line to somewhere, don't know where to. It is, or was, in the bottom of the basement area.

    My mistake, it isn't in the basment.

    I have no idea but I do remember seeing it once.

    I am looking at it now, through the wall after shrinking, and it looks like four upright pillars with the ball twirling beneath them. As you say, it looks like it should be there right after zoning in but it isn't.
  3. Malbro Augur

    Won't let me edit again, oh well.

    The same feature? is in the Kurn's Tower in the Field of Scale off of the Void but minus the ball.
  4. Naugrin Augur

    It sounds like maybe they were going to put some type of dungeon type zone off of it and never did.
  5. Numiko Augur

    it sort of reminds me of the stone you click to enter Selebis, there are many unused zone lines scattered through EQ. this may have been one of them.
    Iila likes this.
  6. RpTheHotrod New Member

    Thanks guys! As you can see, this has been a great mystery to me ever since I was a kid.

    Any chance you could get a screenshot of it?

    It'd be nice to see it again just to refresh my memory just as to what it looked like...and perhaps someone else here might recognize it.
  7. Malbro Augur

    I can try. Probably be tomorrow though.
  8. Iila Augur

    Oh, they're totally just the Sebilis spires.

    Looking through the wall at the level of the Kurn's zone in:

    Looking from below the zone in:

    Sebilis orb:

    Kurn's Tower from SoD, at the zone-in level:

    Below the zone-in level:[IMG]
    No more orb, but somehow some trees got stuck under there with a second set of spires. And there's a shimmering field that's only visible from one side:

    The Kunark Kurn's orb looks like they changed how they wanted the zone-in to work. And I guess the SoD Kurns has a neat easter egg for people who knew about the old one.
    roguerunner, Zoso, Prathun and 6 others like this.
  9. RpTheHotrod New Member

    Ah...there it is! Thanks for the screenshots! Nice to "fill in the memory blanks" since I was a kid. I remember the pillars and sphere, and my memory just assumed the orb was floating in the middle above it and the pillars linked to a more memorable wizard spires. Funny how you imagine things as a kid.

    Well, I suppose it was indeed originally the zone in and then changed to be a "walk-in" zone.
  10. Malbro Augur

    The one in Kurn's that is in Field of Scale IS on the ground floor straight in from where you zone. Just pass the overhead walkway.