Plane of Fear - Agent of Change still broken.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Giles Trainbringer, May 28, 2016.

  1. Giles Trainbringer Journeyman

    We are able to get the instance of plane of fear, however after the hot fix after getting the instance being visible and in main pick it says the way is blocked to you. Perhaps you would be able to enter if there was a reason to come here.
  2. Selfoss New Member

    Bump, this happened to us as well.
  3. Marek-EQ Lorekeeper

    Just to be clear, this past Saturday on Phinigel, we pulled the instance from the AoC and waited 10-15 minutes for the instance to populate and allow us to zone in. AoC never was able to zone us in with the AoC telling us what Giles posted above. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon!
  4. KeystoneFoH New Member

  5. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    Working as Programmed!
  6. Kieel Pureblade Journeyman

    Happened to our guild as well on Phinigel 5/26/16. We have plans to try again tomorrow night. I will give an update when we try.
  7. Kieel Pureblade Journeyman

    Has anyone been able to enter instanced Fear since 5/26?
  8. Squints Journeyman

    We were not able to Monday night. Way blocked. No reason to be there message.
  9. Toodles Elder

    any chance we could get this looked at? Would love to get CT2.0 into the mix
  10. Prathun Developer

    We believe this is fixed internally and will look into the possibility of a hotfix.
    Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
    Marek-EQ and Tudadar like this.
  11. Torec New Member

    What is the status on this?
    Bromm likes this.
  12. Catashe Augur

    Yes definally whats the status? Hotfix or wait til this months patch cause not the ST instance is broken with the sleeper awoken... So 2 instances don't work..
  13. Bromm Lorekeeper

    Bump. We'll accept any answer without . We'd just like to hear from you one way or the other please.
  14. FiveHour Journeyman

    -Accidental release of Velious
    -Broken Sleeper's Tomb
    -Broken Plan of Fear
    -Dev's writing completely inaccurate announcements for server maintenance

    I wonder if attention to detail means anything at all in the DMG workplace? It's like some manager says, "Let's see just how many people will continue to pay us after continually screwing things up."
  15. FiveHour Journeyman

  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    Priceless, thanks.
    Brumans likes this.
  17. Draekon Elder

    Inb4 censorship
  18. TowerDefense Augur

    I would guess probably the same amount of people that are still paying after everything else.
  19. FiveHour Journeyman

    True. It was more of a rhetorical question.
  20. Popanasty Journeyman

    Can this ever be fixed plz? ty.