Leveling opportunities in Vel

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vontod, May 12, 2016.

  1. Vontod Augur

    Hi all,

    I was wondering how leveling is in Vel in the 50 - 60 range. I have a 50 bard that I would like to play, but couldn't make the grind between 50 - 53 in seb for my new mez. Finding groups was pretty hit or miss and soloing in BW really slowed down.

    Anyway, I want to know what the popular zones are in Vel. I am hopeful there might be an outdoor, bard solo friendly zone for when I can't find a group, plus the indoor zones in my range (that people wouldn't mind a mez less bard...) I have been looking on the sites, but don't quite trust the info since most of the Vel info is from the early 2000s.

  2. Zephyroth Elder

    Velketor's lab is an insane xp zone, from 45 ish to 60 if im not mistaking, i might be wrong. And 50-60 Sirien grotto is also really good xp, but the most annoying zone to grind in (imo) Both arent really open zones
  3. Dilf Augur

    At 50, I'd live in Kael Drakkel farming Thurg set pieces or go nuts charm kiting in Western Wastes if you can't find a group in Velks.
  4. Zephyroth Elder

    True ! Farming armor in kael would be a great xp spot at 50
  5. Vontod Augur


    I guess my excuse not to resub is gone!
  6. Moranis Augur

    Kael exp is decent, but finding armor groups is pretty tough because basically 1 or 2 groups max can lock down the entire arena (where the majority of the armor drops are) and it doesn't really lend itself to tons of pickzones. Velks at least has a wider variety of camps and everything in that zone is at least 45+. SG is a total pain because the pathing is really awful, and WW is cool so long as you're on dragon faction.
  7. Gremin Augur

    SG is awesome to xp in with a solid group of players. Just have to take the time to learn the zone.
  8. yerm Augur

    SG is the single best xp zone pre-pop unless something else is arbitrarily boosted eg a hotzone. Velks is a popular one since it has decent drops all over the place with plenty of room, and xp isn't bad there. For soloing, the outdoor zones are all rather decent. Lots of room and options.

    Kael armor farming as a bard in the arena is probably a poor choice. It means half your group all wants just plate, so you're going to end up very starved for possible drops, while xp is horrific compared to the actual dungeons. Instead, if you just level in SG or something and come back with a guild, thurg plate is actually the easiest to get by doing the plate house (9th ring event).