Stop hurting Casual/Family raiding guilds Please!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Schroeco, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Schroeco New Member

    Whats the deal with going back and tuning up the fear golems, inny, vs, and other classic raid mobs on ragefire?! Even the mini's in sky now got tuned. We are a family/Casual raiding guild with around 200 members, on our raid night we get around 30-40 people and we can't kill anything now. Even Phinny got souped up. Its really frustrating. We get it, we aren't darkwind or tempus but guess what we don't want to be.

    If you think of it this way, Classic and Kunark are now respectively one and two expansions behind. 30-40 people in velious gear should be able to stomp any named in classic. But we wipe instantly now with the awesome Prescence of the mighty. Just Please stop.

    We get it. Your cash horse is darkwind and tempus, and as Holly said this server wasn't designed for casuals. but please atleast let the OLD content be easy enough that guilds can raid it. we aren't going to get 80 people to down a mob that drops one piece of gear...

    /rant off
  2. Bandok Augur

    Plane of Fear and Plane of Hate had revamps in Velious. Inny and CT have different loot tables than they did during Kunark.
  3. Schroeco New Member

    thanks for the info I did not know that. I'm fine with velious being impossible to beat unless you are darkwind and tempus. that's cool they deserve that, but classic? come on
  4. woo woo Journeyman

    Please stop buffing mobs....just don't.
    Rhiyannon and Xanadas like this.
  5. Kiris Journeyman

    It's not a "locked at classic forever" server. Content is delivered in era.

    I understand your frustrations, but this is Plane of Fear VELIOUS.

    Although nobody seems to like Potm!
    Xanadas likes this.
  6. Schroeco New Member

    I never said it was a locked at classic forever.... but why tune up the old expansions when new ones come out? that's never how its been done
  7. Machen New Member

    It is exactly how it was done during original velious, which is why it was done on the progression servers.
    Sophism and Pikallo like this.
  8. Pikallo Augur

    That is exactly how it was done, this is nothing new and not some random change out of left field. In the original EQ timeline, Plane of Fear and Hate were re-vamped in Velious as mentioned above, so it makes perfect sense that they are the proper version that they were at this point in EQ progression history. That is how progression servers work.

    I do agree that Presence of the Mighty is not needed and should be removed.
  9. Semah Augur

    The upside is that there's more decent smaller-guild content in Luclin. The downside is that, worst case, that's 6 months away.
  10. EQvet Elder

    I might be missing something but wasn't naggy just killed with 6 people? I know my guild clears sky with like 30 or 40 and a lot are recruits who haven't hit 60 yet. 30 or 40 is plenty for VS and sev...trak and tal might be to much now for 30 with the new buff but there has to be something u guys can do...i wanted to try soloing phinny soon lol.
  11. Kahna Augur

    He's on Ragefire, can't kill Naggy/Vox because they banish, Sky/VS/Phinny is probably kept clear by boxers. That's the problem with open world only, it doesn't ever trickle down to the little guy, it just gets cleaned up by bored raiders/boxers. These mobs are still kept down on live, gonna be a long wait for them to open up.
  12. EQvet Elder

    Ahhhhh I see. Then to the OP...have your guild reroll on phinny, the server was made for you!

    Edit = he did say they wiped on mobs they did find up tho which even with the buff shouldn't be happening. Sky minis with 30-40 people should be doable, along with the fear golems =\
  13. Dral Elder

    On Phini, level 60's can attempt Naggy and Vox inside instances. The power increased of level 60's over level 52's is huge.

    That said, Nagafen and Vox should never have been made more difficult with the new buff.
  14. Moranis Augur

    VS / Tal / Fay / Sev / Woushi / Lord Bob / Vindi are almost always up on RF...we can usually count on at least 3-4 of them being up on any given raid night. They are all mostly doable with 30-40 peeps in velious gear. Vindi, maybe needs more peeps.

    On another note, Gore is always up too! Unfortunately, you need a freaking army to beat her down now.
  15. Xanadas Augur

    I agree. The MOTM / POTM is way overtuned and is really restricting raid content to only the bat-phone guilds who can field 70-80+ toons and have multiple armies of 12-24 (or more) m*acro/boxers.

    Relativity in mind, these bosses are now harder than they were in classic. They shouldn't be tuned to be difficult for the hard core guilds - a hard core guild is going to roflstomp anything - they should be tuned to require raid forces of 40-50 decently geared players IMHO.
  16. Jaime Lannister Augur

    40-50 decent geared players can kill almost everything in Velious.