Thinking of coming back to the progression servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by EricaShadowsheen, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. EricaShadowsheen New Member

    I'm currently on p99 and considering trying something else. I want to play a rogue and just a rogue. I really enjoy raiding and grouping. What are my options as a fresh starter on say Ragefire or Phinny? I love pop and I know nothing about these servers. The last time I played a TLP server it was Fippy.

    Can anyone help me figure out what server I'll play on and maybe be willing to friend me when I start? I'm not home yet from hospital but will be in a few days.

    Thanks so much for the answers!
  2. Tieyla Elder

    Phinny will only have pop for 84 days then move to God

    Ragefire will have it for 7m then move on.
  3. EricaShadowsheen New Member

    Isn't there a server in velious? I mean I'm okay with post pop too. I'm just trying to see where I can play that would be fun and not have to deal with mercs. I hated mercs.
  4. Semah Augur

    Ragefire just started Velious. It's a great time to start here: months at 60 without AA to level up, several active guilds to join, etc.

    If you end up deciding on Ragefire, shoot me a tell on Semah or Kirtle. :)
  5. Batbener Augur

    What do you want to do? Phinny is a fun server where most people single box and group and be social and all that. 99% of the people there are greedy as , so good luck if you want to buy level appropriate gear, however. You are pretty much going to have to earn it all. Rage is a different animal. It's the MMORPG for people that really don't like playing with strangers. You can box your off, and do your thing in relative peace. If you know/meet people there, they will help you out. There is an economy for the BIS if you want to buy/sell, but that's about it.
  6. EricaShadowsheen New Member

    I think Ragefire is more my speed. Thanks you guys. Do I need a subscription to really play?
  7. PathToEternity

    While I doubt LoY and LDoN will receive the full 84 day treatment (at least I sure hope not), it's unlikely that they will be glossed over entirely.
  8. Semah Augur

    You need to subscribe to create a character on any of the TLPs.

    Looking forward to seeing you in game!
  9. Conscript Journeyman

    That's crazy to think of only spending 84 days in PoP
  10. Kunon Augur

    As with other TLPs you get LoY and LDoN in that release as well. They are staggered, LoY should be 2 weeks after PoP launches followed by LDoN 2 weeks later. Sounds super quick, but on previous TLPs that was enough time for guilds to down the expansion and that was without instancing.
  11. Machen New Member

    On Fippy PoP opened on 2/13/2012 and LDon opened on 3/13/2012, 29 days later. But sure, 84 days would be unprecendented and far too short!
  12. Jaime Lannister Augur

    If you are intersted in multiboxing from a single computer, Ragefire is it.

    Phinny is in Kunark and has by far the largest population. There areinstanced raids if you simply want to experience raid content once a week at a specific time. There are tons of guilds that raid in their weekly instances to join, so I'm sure you can find a guild that suits you. Mostly everyone single boxes, with a few who dual-box and an even smaller amount who box more than that.

    It's somewhat crowded (More due to lack of content in Classic/Kunark) and finding a group as a non essential class can be annoying, but it's definitely doable if you are persistent with LFG'ing and making friends. Phinny has by far the slowest experience rate in EQ currently.

    Open world content on this server spawns almost daily, and if you want to experience that bleeding edge/Gear up fast/Top level guild environment of raiding daily, crushing the competition, there is really only 1 guild option and you're going to need skill and playtime to join it. I would say the server is highly competitive, but the #1 guild is really too strong to have actual competition currently.

    Expansions unlock automatically every 3 months.

    Ragefire is in Velious and has a healthy population, but no where near as populated as Phinny. There are 3 "In era" capable raid guilds on the server, and several other smaller/more casual guilds that do things like Farming HoT and raiding previous era content etc. Multiboxing is allowed so it's not uncommon to run into people running their own groups, or boxing multiple toons, most people box characters of some sort. There are 3-4 people on the server who box literal armies of toons (Talking 18+), and a good handful of players who box about 2 groups of toons.

    Plenty of people group on this server, but it suffers from the burden of having had 6 months in Kunark, making it very top heavy level wise. Everyone has had 6 months to level a toon and multiple alts to 60, so while there are always people leveling, at this point you might find it difficult to constantly find a group starting from level 1, but that will change in Luclin when AA's and open up and a new hoard of Vah'Shir players pop up.

    There are 2 "Top end" Guilds that are friendly with each other, but do often compete for raid targets (less so right now until they fix some of the Zone cap and Issues with Velious raid targets). There is a 3rd guild working their way into become a top end guild on the server.

    There are no raid instances on this server, so if you want to raid top end content, you need to be in one of the 3 top guilds to compete for those targets.

    A vote to unlock the next expansion occurs 6 months AFTER all raid content is defeated in the current expansion. Meaning the average expansion will last about 7-8 months at this point.
    AlmarsGuides and Zool like this.
  13. Turinbar Augur

    Honestly, 3 hours in lfg in Phinny and no one is interseted in starting a group.. server is dead atm. I'm really worried about what will happen to the server when more expansions hit. I may end up moving to RF.
  14. Numiko Augur

    Dev's have been asked several times what the plans for LoY and LDON are on Phinny as all we have been told is "84 days per expansion pack" .. but we have never gotten any sort of response.
  15. Tulgin Augur

    I think Phinny might survive for many years unless they open a new instanced TLP. Ragefire and Lockjaw realistically are dead already, will be even more so as time goes on.

    It's not nice to troll people and recommend they start on RF / LJ, you are playing with people's lives here.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  16. Acoma New Member

    This is the biggest crock of I've seen to date.

    If you actually want to see raid content and get raid gear go to phinny. With the instances it allows all guilds a chance at every raid target. If you are lfg and a non essential class build a group. There are tons of people lfg in the group window. On phinny there are very few boxers so the actual population is a lot higher than RF.

    If you want to group with a multi boxer who will power level you with his own group go to RF. If you don't care about seeing raid bosses or raid loot and are ok with group content for 6 months unless you get into said top 2 guilds go to RF.

    The greed comment.... Please tell me how boxing your own group / raid isn't the epitomy of greed because you want all loot to go to you or divvy it out to who you want because you have full power control of kills.
  17. gluteous Elder

    Lockjaw is no where near being dead. We have a healthy population even with some people hanging out on phinny until Velious opens here.
  18. gluteous Elder

    Lockjaw far from dead, how can you say servers are dead when you are on phinny, lots from LJ are hanging out there until Velious opens here
  19. Semah Augur

    It's advantageous for Phinny for Phinny players to pretend RF/LJ are "dead". We are competing for new blood, and the server that captures more new blood lasts longer. The only real concern is what happens post-PoP when the hardcore nostalgia crowd re-rolls on Druzzil Ro or Grummus or whatever the 2019 TLPs are. A lot of us are hoping to stay on Ragefire until it catches live.
  20. Syrup Augur

    Lockjaw looks like the place to go.
    Ragefire can't clear velious and phinny is hardly everquest