Returning player,

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Akanid, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Akanid New Member

    I'm unsure if I really want to get into the new server. I live in Alaska and work nights so my biggest concern of course is "if" I came back, would there be folks to play with. Roughly I'm looking at 4pm PST to 6pm PST on my work days, longer of course when I'm off work.

    I just haven't quite pulled the trigger on membership, to gain access, ugh it sucks way back when (Planes of power) I had an old druid, and recalling how to play seems to be my hang-up, that and I had a legit couple of years real life played in my chars...

    Any advice? Has anyone who came back regretted it?
  2. Chill New Member

    No man, I've been having a blast on Phinegel and I'm a returning player as well. Depending on my schedule, I play all hours of the day and I haven't had trouble finding groups. My freaking friend's list is swelling steadily and there are always people on for sure.
  3. Talinthor New Member

    I tried twice before to play on progression servers but just could not get into it. But a little over a month ago I came back to give Phinigel a try and it's been a much better experience thus far. There are plenty of people to group with as you level even at the very low levels as group xp is much better than solo and boxing is not as prevalent. On any given night there are upwards of about 50 people online in my guild alone. Also, you mentioned 4pm - 6pm PST which would be prime time for the east coast of the US (my time zone).

    All that said, sometimes you still have to work to get a group or form one yourself. Helps to pick a class that is in demand if you want to get groups faster.

    As for re-learning to play, it comes back pretty quickly. I have many of those "oh yeah" moments and sometimes I find myself typing a command I didn't even know I still remembered. I chose to play a shaman again for just this reason because it's a class I'm familiar with and would be a great way to relearn the game.

    I would advise that if you want to come back to give Phinny a shot.
  4. Akanid New Member


    Came back and started on Phinny, forgot how long it takes to lvl... But it has been a relearning experience.

    Is there by chance an Auction zone like EC used to be? I'm over in Qeynos but, was thinking I should head over so perhaps I could find some gear and what not.
    Stune likes this.
  5. Kiani Augur

    Commonlands (combined EC and WC) is the auction zone on the progression servers. But a lot of people also use the serverwide auction channel, to join is easy:
    /join auction
  6. Anhari Augur

    Commonlands still has the EC Tunnel that we love and remember. You will find the cave stocked full of sellers hawking their wares, much like in olden days before the bazaar.

    You can also watch the auctions in chat. If you see something you like, you can always get it delivered via Parcel Post so you don't have to seek out the vendor. (Just have to figure out the PP. For some reason I have problems "depositing" the plat. I know it works because I have been paid for things I sell. Guess I am such an old fool that it will take me a bit to figure it out. Would probably be easier if I actual bought things instead of only selling stacks of bones :)
  7. Kiani Augur

    Go to parcel mode, pick up the cash on your cursor, and a little window opens up. Hit "deposit", and the cash on your cursor will be added to the little window. Then you can send it just like any parcel.
  8. Stune Augur

    OK i broke my vow, and said i wouldn't ever play a mage again. I started one with my brother playing the enchanter. Its ok at low level on Phinigel. Eventually i know it will be a bottleneck at end game, but its fun again playing the low levels. Enjoy it while it lasts, and try not to let the toxic devs ruin your fun of what was once the best game out there at low levels.
  9. Akanid New Member

    Thanks for the info. I'll head that direction.