Just stop buffing mobs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Weebles, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Tierdal Augur

    So the uber guild got beat by the content? Faceless can't even win when they are the only ones left on the server?
  2. Smackage Journeyman

    Buffs rock and Darkwind is loving playing against the hard content. Hopefully we can find ways to win the fights without nerfs and they can just fix the broken content with mobs in wrong zones etc and we can gear enough to kill against the insane regen and they at least make sure it is scaling correctly not just correct for the low hp mobs. Hope zone caps also raised!
  3. Weebles Augur

    Lol. The way the buffs were currently done, "find ways to win without nerfs" basically means bring more people. You can't honestly tell me you enjoyed an 18 minute Tormax tank and spank.
  4. Smackage Journeyman

    18 min is ok, used to take ages back in the day. First kill was 40 mins so we improved our setup. So long as they can be killed somehow I am happy enough.
  5. Weebles Augur

    So when half of the playerbase quits because they can't/don't want to raid with 72 people and you are playing in a ghost town, will you have the same opinion?
  6. Smackage Journeyman

    Honestly I care about my guild. We need players to recruit from but I am not a pr guy for Darkwind. I do not want content so easy that we don't need to gear up for it or work for it so its all cleared instantly. The game is supposed to be the challenge not racing a bunch of boxers or some guild to a target to throw as many as possible into it and hope it dies.
  7. Weebles Augur

    The aren't making the game more difficult, they are just turning a knob up to make it require x more players. Nothing is getting harder or more challenging by requiring more people. I watched the Tormax video. It wasn't hard at all, it was a total joke. Start CH rot on tank, do dps for 18 minutes. If tank dies, taunt, pop furious, and move rotation. The only thing hard is getting 72 people online at noon.

    Oooo look, we recruited another cleric and changed our CH rot from 3 seconds to 2 seconds because the mob hits harder this is so much more challenging now.
  8. Lifetap Augur

    They should raid easier content if they're not willing to put in the effort required to take on end game content. There's nothing wrong with being an expansion behind casual guild.
  9. Weebles Augur

    I have no issue being an expansion behind, i have an issue with needing 60 people to kill a mob that was killed IN ERA by 3 groups.
    Classic eq was great because guilds could throttle mob difficulty simply by bringing more players. If you wanted easier content, no problem, just ally with another guild. If you wanted harder content, stay small and tight knit. That option is no longer available, and frankly, it bums me out.
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  10. darkvixyen73 Augur

    /rolleyes... the intent to the MotM buffs was to bring difficulty (which numbers are a part of!) back in line with old school numbers.

    No one was raiding Velious with 70+ - normal raid size for the era was 40-50. With plenty of stuff doable with under 30.

    In fact the term "zerg guild" came about during Velious for those that couldn't use 40-50 or less to tackle the content.
  11. Healiez Augur

    It has nothing to do with effort. More hp sure, mitigation ok... But every time they do something like significantly ramp up regen or mob damage they are alienating more players from doing these mobs...

    I think some people are forgetting that this game is 17 years old. A lot of us came back expecting to be able to do XYZ. Suddenly they put in these blanket changes, buff mobs like crazy, and change the raid game entirely. Suddenly those of us who came back expecting to do XYZ cant, and that leads to disgruntled customers.

    I do feel that classic and kunark mobs needed a little tweak, however, the significance of these changes should have STOPPED at velious. Velious was already tough for the semi hardcore guild, now it appears to be impossoble.

    Example. Our guild tried trak the other day and got him to 50% on a few attempts. We will kill him next week. I am ok with that. He is tough but not impossible, we need some more levels and to change our strat and we will kill him. That kind of raid change I am ok with.

    What I am not ok with is. Well we tried that mob, got him to 98% and he regened back up to 100%.... Lets see what can we do different?? Recruit 20 more DPS??!! ok sounds good...

    THAT is what I am not ok with.

    Normal raid size in classic velious was 40ish people 50ish on a good night. THERE IS DOCUMENTED PROOF OF THIS...

    As it stands now it is looking like these mobs are taking full raid forces and then some...

    Some people are saying well once you have velious gear you wont need as many people. So what are you supposed to do, recruit up to 70-80 players for velious then once your geared kick 20 of them?
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  12. Weverley Augur

    Seems to me that a raiding guild shouldn't have problem having 50+ persons online to kill a mob or having 72+ at night.Is it that hard to find enough raiders already on ragefire to accomplish that.
  13. Healiez Augur

    This isnt the point. The answer should not be bring more people. Especially when this content was done with 40-50 back in classic.


    Pulled straight from the LoS archives.

    "Zlandicar, commonly know as our , had to die again today. I must say that the battle tonight was one of the funnest in a long time. Basically, to put it short and sweet, we were short-handed. Well, not exactly short-handed. When we charged we had 32 people"

    "We took 13 people into Sleeper's Tomb today. The Master of the Guard fight at 13 was an absolute blast. When we eventually get more people in there this guy will be cake but at 13 the fight is just right. Anyway, Sleeper's was very good to LoS today. Rather than yapping on and on, I'll just post some pics and go to sleep."

    I bet you anything those mobs have been buffed to take way more than 13 people.

    "Needless to say, 35 members of LoS >>>>> Sontalak."

    All these kills were before they had even set foot in NTOV, they werent loaded with NToV gear, they had 2-3 Tmax kills, one statue, and a handfull of entry level velious kills under their belts.
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  14. DryalRmog Augur

    Not everyone has 80 people to field on a raid. Not everyone wants to field 80 people on a raid (Raid window is 72 max by the way)

    All Velious content should be killable with 60 people that know what they are doing level 60 with epics and in era armor (Maybe AOW should take full 72 as it did back in the day)

    I am not convinced tormax can be killed with 50 or 60 people you wont out DPS his regen... which is the point everyone is trying to make.

    You should not need 80 people to raid in eq, the games own raid window does not support that.

    If you field 40-55 active raiders at an event you should be able to kill the majority of the content in velious. Examples, Vindicator, Velks, WW dragons, some TOV mobs. You prob should need a few more for big targets like Yelnik, Sont, NTOV, Tormax.

    We beat our head on Vindi the other day for about 10 min, and got him to 75%, so that implies with over 50 people in raid, vindi is a 40 min fight if done right? By the way most people at raid leve 60 decent gear, epics, and of our clerics had mana issues at the end of that 10 min, and we had 6 so we need 12+ clerics for vindi if going to be a 40 min fight? Come on, these stuff is BROKEN. This is a mob that people used to do with 20-30 people ALL THE TIME, I mean come on he drops 1 BP.

    In games current state, I would challenge anyone to kill Tormax with 50 people. It will be like 50 level 1s trying to do gnome race in unrest, fun to watch, but painful to experience.

    To take the view that we can field 80 people and its killable so its ok! Move along! This is very short sited. If only one or two guilds can kill raid mobs, lot of people will get disinterested and quit, and when you have attrition in your guild, you will no longer be able fill your needed DPS spots, and you also will not be able to field 80 people, and kill mobs.

    Think Valuk, you will get stuck in era.

    These mobs need to be tuned way down, period. It might be as simple as fixing broken in combat regen, why mobs are regen hps during fight is beyond me, I want that massive ability...
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  15. Vend New Member

    My biggest gripe with MoTM is also the requiring of more players. Classic and Kunark isn't terrible because you can defeat the content with 30-40 people. Granted that's with a lot of BiS items and perfection. But I doubt you'll be so lucky in Velious. Mobs are already much harder and with a MoTM... even worse. My personal thoughts is you should be able to raid with at least 36 and have a chance. Being in a guild that has a force of 72+ you begin to feel like just another number.
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  16. Weebles Augur

    Yup. There is countless evidence of Velious bosses being killed with less than 6 groups, and several of the easier tank and spank mobs were 2 grouped. The current state of Velious is ridiculous and will turn off a large portion of the player base.
    Zhuge Liang likes this.
  17. Tieyla Elder

    Comparing the mid 30's plus players of these tlp servers to the top guild on The nameless 15 years ago is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
  18. Tieyla Elder

    I'm sure if Lockjaw had Velious FI would have tackled most of this by now.

    Darth specifically said if Lockjaw didn't get Velious everything would get nerfed before FI even got a shot at killing any of it.

    Looks like he was right.
  19. Sinzz Augur

    something else to consider motm= more mouths to feed on raids are they going to up drops or drops going to stay the same for a mob that's 2x as hard to beat ?(estimation).
  20. Tieyla Elder

    They spawn everyday instead of ever 3-4-7 days like before. So the drops are already at least triple what they were in era.

    So all these people saying it was with 30 back then...well if you get 90 now the loot distribution is the same.