What would be your ideal 6 man group for grinding AA's on the TLPs from Luclin onwards?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by No PK Please, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Vaclav Augur

    Waaaaaaahhhhh...? Even after the nerfs that happened? I've never played past PoR - so I'm not familiar with the mechanic other than bits and pieces I've seen hinted at.

    So this isn't remotely accurate then? http://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/eq:headshot

    That implies it would be restricted to L46 mobs and lower...
  2. Sinzz Augur

    1 to 105 with a sk shaman cleric enchanter mage and wizard
  3. Machen New Member

    That chart is no longer accurate. They changed it to effect mobs 1 level lower than you have to be to purchase the aa. So, first rank becomes available at level 60 in pop, hits level 59 mobs.
  4. Vaclav Augur

    Jesus Christ - that sounds broken.

    Even happier to have a ranger wife now.
  5. Phunky New Member

    War, Cleric, Enchanter, Monk, Rogue Rogue. How would that fare for purely group content you reckon? Change a Rogue for BST in Luclin perhaps?

    Could debate to change a Rogue with a Wizard for evacs and ports, and/or Enchanter for Bard, though you'd miss the haste and a boxed bard is really hard to CC on efficiently. I really like the idea of a melee centric team, but they just have so many downfalls.
  6. Buddi Elder

    The Holy Trinity (WAR CLR ENC) continues to be the best basis for grind groups through PoP, with whatever other toons you want to throw in with them. ENC is prolly the hardest class to box though, so if you are boxing an ENC choose a WIZ as your box-mate.

    The absolute best compliment to the Holy Trinity is three WIZ and an out of group ENC. This is the ideal set up for AOE groups. The WAR trains the mobs to group, the two ENC keeps the stuns going, the 3 WIZ burn baby burn. You'll lose count of the AAs you will amass in Luclin. If the out of group ENC is not someone's sacrificial lamb for AAs, you can rotate him in with the other 6.

    Challenge this if you like, but you will be wrong.
  7. Phunky New Member

    What about the arguement for knights over warriors for group content? Is warriors still struggling bad through velious and luclin?
  8. Taeluuin Entariel Elder

    For me:
    SK, SHM, WIZ, Me(ranger at this time, maybe sk or a diff dps by then), BRD, +1 pug
  9. Ultrazen Augur

    1. Tank (any), Druid, Chanter, Mage, Wiz, Caster. Druid debuffs + fire spells = insane.

    2. Tank (any), Shaman, Bard, melee, melee, melee.

    If you're going to 2 box, go druid/mage. The synergy is fantastic, and the travel options rule. One of the best 2 boxes in the game.