Cerulean Crystal Hammer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Canute, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Canute New Member

    Just wanted to check to see if anyone has this item or has much information on it? While it is a rare drop, it seems to be more rare than most of the other TDS rare/chase loots. I believe I have seen two on Bertox but none for sale. Didn't know if this is worth pursuing any farther as I am not a raider and this would be one of the better items out there as a 2-hander for my monk. Thanks much guys.

  2. Nightops Augur

    I have one for my zerker on luclin. I picked it up from an undead trash mob at the Dino island docks.

    I only picked up 2 chase items during my time in TDS expansion (both of which dropped in the same week) about 2 months into the expansion.

    I wouldn't spend time looking for this item to drop and likely will not see many more on your server simply because not many people xp off of regular zone TDS mobs when they can get better xp in HAs or working other expansions.
  3. Canute New Member

    Thank you for the quick reply, Nightops. I haven't actually tried to farm this item as I know my luck would never be that good. There just don't seem to be as many of these rares floating around as the other rares that are for sale. I see all the others quite often, just not this one.
  4. Kravitz Augur

    Best place to farm chase items, buyer mode in bazaar. I've farmed over a 50+ chase items this way in the last year including the hammer. I payed 2 mill for the hammer in buyer and resold it for about 8 krono iirr, was about 6 months back so can't remember of top of my head.
  5. Canute New Member

    Actually, I do need to give that a shot, Kravitz. I have no clue about the price but 2 mil would be fine with me. I have tried in general chat but you know how that can be. May just keep trader off for a while and put the buyer up and see if anyone will bite. Thank you sir.
  6. Xanathol Augur

    2 million is extremely cheap for an attunable item that good. People pay 2 million for mounts...
  7. Canute New Member

    I have no clue what the going price is for this item. I'd just like to see one for sale. Plat isn't really hard to come by so I don't mind paying whatever the going rate is for it.
  8. Phlare New Member

    Back before TBM came out I tried for months to get my hands on one for up to 15M even offering a pretty large finder's fee with no luck so yeah it was exceptionally rare even when people were actively doing TDS content. If i recall you couldn't even create a buyline for one on our server for a couple months after TDS came out, I've heard items will not pop up in that search until after the item has been looted on the server but I don't know if there is any real truth to that...

    The market has changed a bit since TBM but its still the best zerker usable 2 hander outside of TDS and TBM raid content. I no longer have a use for one myself as I use a TBM raid weapon but a few weeks ago someone was trying to sell one on my server but wasn't getting many offers so I ended up buying it to loan out in case a guild zerker comes along that could use one.

    Since there is no longer near as many people doing TDS content these days, your best bet is to find one that someone will unattune to sell to you. They are out there, but probably are no more than a handful on each server.

    Good luck to you Canute.
  9. Iila Augur

    Without knowing your server, and the guilds on it. Try offering 10-15 Kronos (15m plat quick converted to Kronos in the baz) to the best one or two raiding guilds on your server for a rotting zerker weapon. In the later months of TDS, the weapons were going to 5th tier alts or being randomed for 5 currency.

    It might take some time before guilds are at that point for TBM. But as long as you're online during raid hours and can loot quickly, plenty of guilds would value randoming 15 kronos off over the 50 currency or an alt looting their 16th zerker weapon.
  10. Canute New Member

    Thanks for the replies, Iila and Phlare. I have fished around in general chat and have had no luck. I'll keep at it though as it is bound to drop at some point with someone willing to sell. I did set up a buyer and have been able to add the item on there. Is it me or does this one seem more rare than the others? I still see plenty of the TDS chase loots for sale, but not this one.
  11. NoRedeem New Member

    Check on the Povar server. I saw a guy named Semprxx selling one not too long ago.