Harm Touch still broken

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Progress, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Progress Augur

    Goblin depradators in Droga showing a 500 damage Harm Touch but it actually hits you for around 900 damage. I haven't tried Charsis yet but if it's the same there than that place will be a ghost town.
  2. Miss Shortcake Elder

    but they said they fixed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Xanadas Augur

    I re-reported this as well several weeks ago and not so much as a reply or acknowledgment of it breaking again. /shrug

    Was fun getting one shotted from full life on my low level alts from white cons. In sure new players find that enjoyable too.
  4. Moranis Augur

    It's been like that since Phinny opened...I remember in Befallen having our lvl 15 or so tanks getting one-shotted by harm touch. Weak sauce.
    Side note, Korasel Klyseer in burning woods' HT is broken too, so be careful running to Chardok!
  5. Zanarnar Augur

    Again; if its a bug that helps the players, its hotfixed ASAP.

    if its a bug that HURTS us.... well unless its game breaking they probably won't get around to fixing it for years if ever. I'm positive if players HT was bugged like this, we would have seen a hot fix in the first week. (YES I sound cynical.. but its just from years of observing the same pattern when it comes to issues ingame)
    Xanadas, Rhiyannon and kain200 like this.
  6. kain200 Augur

    That isn't cynicism, its fact based observation and I've seen it too. If that bug was affecting player's HT it would have been fixed before most of the players even noticed it was a thing. Any time a bug gives us any kind of advantage it gets nuked top priority. Yet any bug that hurts us or makes our lives more miserable and inconvenient stays for as long as until they damn well feel like bothering with it. Sometimes it never gets addressed at all.

    I've never understood this type of prioritization.
    Krondal and Rhiyannon like this.
  7. Sodium Chloride New Member

    I got chunked 100-35ish percent by a grey level 15ish mob at level 33.

    ...working as intended. -.-
  8. nazgull2k1 Elder

    Oh yeah, its awesome in Kurns tower... 500+HP Harm Touches by mobs that are white con to a level 12...

    Totally fuckin legit.
  9. nazgull2k1 Elder

    Oh and you are absolutely correct about their patch priorities... anyone remember when the SK HT Ability was instantly refreshing after use? Servers came down in like an hour, was "fixed" 2 hours later.. servers back up.

    But this? I give this 6 months or so.
  10. cptnflowers New Member

    This really needs to be fixed ASAP. Level 12 mobs should not be able to hit for 500+ DMG. My twinked warrior with shaman and cleric buffs was insta-gibbed. Not really fun or challenging and certainly not how it was originally...
  11. Batbener Augur

    If I were a dev, I would patch it right away. Instead of calling it a "harm touch" I would call it a "Death touch", up the damage, and then pronounce "working as intended". But I am kind of an hole.
    Jezzie and Xanadas like this.
  12. MabbuQuest Elder

    I can confirm that all SK mobs in howling stones double death touch.

    Its fun lol
    Finley likes this.
  13. Risiko Augur

    Yeah I was down in Kurns Tower on my 29 druid helping a guildy, and next thing I know, I was one shot by a low level mob using HT. I literally was like wtf was that.
  14. Atrocity Journeyman

    I think just don't want to have to change the base values but they have some hidden modifier for TLP servers. Unless it does this on live too.
  15. fireworks Journeyman

    Still broken, please fix or just drop the pretense and name it Babby's First Death Touch.
  16. mackal Augur

    Report back next live patch :p
  17. Weverley Augur

    Don't everybody knows by now that it won't be fix before next patch.Was in sol b today and saw some in my group getting ht but we had cleric buff so didn't got one shotted.
  18. Tanadien Journeyman

    *guy from taken movies voice* "Good Luck"
  19. Numiko Augur

    one day 3 of the 4 Sarnaks in the tunnel outside of Chardok were Korasal Kylseer's .. was kind of funny to watch people trying to run in uninivsed get one shotted by the 3 HT's . :p
  20. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Well, it is called Harm Touch - right guys? Right? Anyone?