Message for CEO and Devs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Thana_01, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Amor Augur

    Based on some of your replies any actual necro would come to the conclusion you don't play one. If you do, you should probably actually play it then so you don't look so foolish in your responses.
  2. RangerGuy Augur

    Just lol!

    Swarm pets dont twincast. Raid necros which is what most people talk about can do exactly everything they could before only their group dps in fast kill groups was dropped slightly. Group necros once again take it on the chin when the dev who created the spells to begin with said it was intended that 2 could be used. 100% they never intended people to use 3, 4 or 5 versions of the spells in succession but guess what anyone doing that was just wasting time and costing themselves dps. This concern was easily addressed by adding timers to every other version like the 105, 95 and 85 versions share one timer and the 100 and 90 versions share another timer. Regardless most people cared less about it because just about any raid geared class can molo a named these days and since necro group dps is horrid compared to other dps classes. Because the devs refuse to allow most things amplify swift dots and only having 3 simply isn't enough to match what other dps classes do in the group game.
  3. Aghinem Augur

    As previously stated, this is a 'whine about nerfs' thread under the disguise of (please question if something is enjoyable before implementing it); to which my general thoughtful and non-sarcastic response was the term 'enjoyable' is subjective --- AND I HAD SUCH FRIENDLY RESPONSES AS CAN BE EXPECTED FROM SUCH LOVELY PEOPLE.

    So, here is my final retort.

    Get over it and stop crying like little brats having a tantrum. SKs got nerfed a few years ago with epic and mortal coil which is my primary class, not to mention a hates attraction nerf that I found obnoxious - but I am not beating my hands in the sand throwing a hissy fit. If any of you are 1/4 as good as you say you are at your class, you will adapt to the changes and move on.

    As far as those questioning my knowledge or credibility, it makes no difference to me what you think to be honest. Oh no... someone 1000-2000 miles away disagrees with me on the internet and they are being MEAN; well p1ss on me then right? I've heard a lot worse from a lot better, but did get a good little chuckle at least. So thank you for that, all of you.

    With that said - praise be to thee the kings who sit atop troll mountain! May we the lowly, uncredited, uneducated, and unwise be graced with the turds you roll down from the peak so we may be blessed and buried up to our necks in the BS that is bequeathed upon us.

    Ta Ta
  4. Tyraxor Augur

    So...everyone who doesn't like the direction Eq is taking is a troll. And crying.
    You can be the goat with your class, if they nerf it into the ground it's even more painful that your skill now matters less.
    I wonder if that's so difficult to understand, you would think it is not...
  5. Triconix Augur

    Who says I didn't play a necro? I said I wasn't one. I'm a warrior who just so happens to box...a necro! ;) However, I don't raid so the GoDR doesn't really affect me. Neither do swarm pets because I don't solo much.

    However, knowing oh too well that necros are absolutely junk compared to wizards, mages or just about any burst-type dps in the group game, these nerfs are preposterous. Not only are multiple classes going to out sustain The Fundamental Sustain class (necro) on raids, but make necros a laughing stock in the group game.

    Oh, and to make matters worse, you took one of their better solo abilities away with swarm pets. News flash: Necromancers were the defining solo class in the game for over a decade (along with mages) and were known to be soloers since the dawn of EQ.

    Are you starting to understand things now? Necros literally have nothing left that makes them valuable. Just about any dps class can sustain equal or better than them on raids, all of them out burst them in the group and now their soloing power decreased. Please tell me, what is the point of a necro now?

    I won't even begin to mention the hardships already found on necros like not being able to field more than 3-4 on raids at a time or they start hurting each other or the fact that in order to sustain great dps they have to work much much harder than the multibind nuke counterparts. On my group necro alone I have 10 spell set ups, 3-4 I rotate regularly. I can't imagine being on raids.

    P.S twincast swarm pets? lololol wth are you talking about? Twincasts don't affect swarm pets at all. Maybe you should learn the basics of a necro before commenting? Please go away, troll.
    Igniz, Utaerx and menown like this.
  6. Utaerx Elder

    Dude, you talked down to another player about not knowing what the nerfs meant when you had no idea yourself. Then, when we call you out on it, you play the victim and act like you're above it all, when you are obviously super butt hurt. Maybe know what you are talking about before you are a on the Internet next time?
    valiantSeven likes this.
  7. lancelove Augur

  8. Lily Augur

    Ah but the majority of players has already left the game.
    Faana and Amor like this.