
Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Demascuss, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Demascuss Journeyman

    So I have a macro set up on my mage that looks like:

    /pause 5, /cast 2
    /pause 45, /cast 3
    /pause 40, /cast 7
    /pause 40 / cast 8

    But for some reason, it skips that second line/spell. And it's not the pause timer, I've gone clear up to 80 in increments of 5, and it still skips that second line/spell.

    Any idea as to why? That first /pause 5 is simply to adjust for any lag/delay I may experience.
  2. chaoz_sk Journeyman

    The /pause takes effect after the /cast, so 1st line should be - /pause 45, cast 2
  3. Demascuss Journeyman

    Well that doesn't make sense lol its backwards from what logic says. Haha thanks for the quick response and clarification!
  4. Laronk Augur

    Since you're only casting 4 spells on the first line I'd add /timer 130 so the hotkey goes red for that amount of time and tells you when its going to be up.
  5. Gundolin Augur

    Have you thought about using a multi-bind instead of locking your mage in a macro?
  6. Demascuss Journeyman

    Nope :) I play both tools and use them accordingly to the situation. I enjoy swapping back and forth between them. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to go about key-binding as ive never looked into it.
  7. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    I use a multibind and /cast macros on my friends mage also. :) Here's a little snippet about multibinding if you want to try it:


    I have a hotbar I normally don't see on my screen (Hotbar 9), and I've assigned hotbuttons 1-5 to the `~ key. I then drag spellgems onto this hotbar in whatever order I'd like to cast them in. So when I press `, each spell will go off, in order.

    You can also make a multibind that uses spell gem #s. I personally prefer the hotbar version, since you can flip pages and change your multibind on the fly.

    From what I've heard, mages shouldn't put Force of Elements on a multibind - apparently it lowers DPS over time (you'll be casting an AA instead of a spell at some point; it should be used manually between spellcasts).
    Iila likes this.
  8. Demascuss Journeyman

    Forgive my ignorance...but wouldn't setting a multi-bind make it so it'd attempt to fire off all 5 hot buttons at once?
  9. Brudal Augur

    It would try 1 first then move to 2 if 1 was not ready and continue through all. Each key press casting 1 spell, whichever from 1 to 5 that was ready to cast.
  10. Demascuss Journeyman

    Oh boo, I like the macro haha.

    I pull with my ranger, set off a few spells while I get him back to camp/the mage.

    Then swap to mage and fire off hot buttons 2, 3, 4 (pet attack, malo, afore mentioned macro). Swap back to the Ranger until those 4 spells go off. Depending on the mobs health, I'll go back to Mage and set the macro off once more, or fire off 1 or 2 spells manually.

    Then it's back to the Ranger to go pull while merc/pet finish off the mob. Every now and then, hp is low enough that the Ranger gets a finishing blow before I go pull.

    May not be the fastest, or most optimal way, but I'm able to keep the camp clear with a bit of down time. And constantly swapping back and forth in the manner that I do (it's not really "constant"), I'm even able to handle unexpected roamers or pops.
  11. Ghubuk Augur

    You wont lock a toon out by using a macro. If for whatever reason you need to switch to a toon and do something different...just right click the macro and then cast what you need. Right clicking a macro stops it.