I do believe that another week of double exp is appropriate.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by vardune, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. TipTap Journeyman

    Absolutely double xp is in order. 24 hours without being able to play and stuck in this horrible xp when we can is not very enticing.
  2. TipTap Journeyman

    Probably one of the few left on RF or LJ wanting to see Phinny fail. He obviously doesn't play on Phinny.
  3. Venthos Augur

    Aww man, we've reverted back in the stages of grief. We've gone back to "Denial". You folks were progressing so well, too. Maybe by Mid-Jan.
  4. TipTap Journeyman

    Especially with fast 84 day unlocks. No one has EVER explained the reasoning for this. If Phinny's xp rate is so fantastic, PUT IT ON ALL SERVERS!
  5. Venthos Augur

    You jest, but I am in full agreement here. RJ/LJ should've been Phinny's XP rate. It would be unfair to adjust it so late into the server, so I am not arguing to change them now. But, it's unfortunate that they were turned up in Fischer Price Mode. Phinny's XP rate should be the rate for any future TLP servers.
    Massimo_Bertoxx likes this.
  6. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    It used to be this slow on all servers. Twice as slow, actually, with hell levels. They only sped up the experience years into the game (along with the other things that have had to be restored that are being called nerfs by some) because they needed people to advance to the levels most people were playing at for the health of the game...As they do now. Not so people could sail to top level with minimal effort on TLP servers.

    Personally, the slow exp is annoying and I've loved these double exp events recently. Would love another one. But it is undeniable that the slow exp has contributed to the quality of the server. It's spread out the population in the content, it's made people more committed to their toons and more aware of their reputations, and it's made it a lot harder to just level up a toon at whim to assemble box crews. Purely my own conjecture, but I would venture that it has also turned away particular types of players who literally infested the previous servers.

    But yeah, definitely...Not a fan of slower exp per se, but it along with the limits on boxing have made this the nicest new place to play eq that I can remember, recently at least.
    Venthos likes this.
  7. Vorshayla New Member

    Honestly, I'd rather you nerf the xp to actual classic era. If you promise to fix the Instances. Fix PoHate, Fix Hole, Fix Sky. Do that and I'll be happy. Grinding 6 hours for 1/2 a level? sure, i'lll live with that if you fix your instances and actually give us what you promised
  8. Finley Augur

    Told we'd get 12 weeks of classic. We're closing in on a month complete and PoHate still doesn't work.
  9. Phunky New Member

    Double exp is what ruined Phinny server more or less. What shaped up to be a great ride with groups, and camps and loot and meeting new people who wernt actually boxes was stopped dead in its tracks by whiners.

    You WoW kids are so hellbent on making max everything by yesterday and not enjoying the ride like it was supposed to be, nay like we were given the chance to do. Devs succumbed to your whine and gave up their own idea on how the server would be to please to vocal minority.

    Sure it sucks that some stuff isn't working. If you are not happy, dont play.

    Commence nerd-rage
    Venthos likes this.
  10. Finley Augur

    We're not experiencing the same game at all. Both double exp periods I found a surge of activity and it was even very easy to get groups on my wizard alt (A less desirable class during classic).
  11. Elemenopi Augur

    this is right down the checklist first ballot hall of fame straw man argumentation at its finest.

    blindly defending reducing xp rates with no info provided of having done so.....check
    straw man about how people want it all with no effort put in to earn it......check
    insults about how people are supposedly crying over the issue......check
    use of "special snowflakes" label.......check
    labeling of those who agree as "reasonable"........check

    -the only thing missing is a good solid godwin. Because of that I have to give it a B+

    Oh, and citation needed on how casuals are getting their raiding in on phinny. show us hours played as well as raid loot equipped.
  12. Venthos Augur

    Mmmm mmm that delicious ad hominem. Finding it hard to argue the points versus just throw a general tantrum?

    For the one point you attempted to make, "casuals" is a loaded term. Some folks make it sound like 2 hours played per week (not day) should earn them rights to "in era" raiding. You're going to need to define your parameters. I'd say 18-20 hours per week (including weekends) would net you some solid raiding opportunities. You could break that down into 2 hours per weekday and two 4 hour grind sessions on the weekend, or not even play every day (or not on the weekends) and spread it around otherwise. The world is your oyster (I feel like I have to spell this out or someone will retort "I CAN'T PLAY EVERYDAY" or some such drivel).

    We're only some 3 weeks into Phinny, so I imagine not many borderline casuals are raiding. But my argument isn't that they're raiding now, but that they'll likely be able to get a couple of weeks raiding (2-4 weeks) "in era". So we'll probably see this in action come February (Kunark unlocks March 2nd).

    Now if your "casuals getting to raiding" definition is some hour a day or 4 hours per week person, then I absolutely agree with you that they'll never get to raid "in era", nor do I feel the game should be neutered to a point that they can. It is absolutely okay that not every player will get to raid "in era". It really is okay.
    kraggnar likes this.
  13. Elemenopi Augur

    The ad hominem is in your post where you call everyone who disagrees the xp crying team. Theres none in my post. Im not insulting you, Im asking you to back your claim up. You want to discuss the valid points. First, show us your claim is valid.

    Citation still needed. We can make the determination by degree rather than as an absolute as to what a casual is. Since you made the claim that casuals will still get a solid 4 weeks of raiding in, please show us through playtime and raid gear equipped just what a casual can accomplish with the xp lowered as it was (without being informed the xp was lowered, which is the real valid argument - everything else is just a straw man).

    Since the original post I quoted didn't also contain a car analogy I have to downgrade it to a C instead of a B+.
  14. Venthos Augur

    Spouting "Citation still needed" makes it obvious you're not reading and/or comprehending my posts.
  15. Tyche Elder

    6 month RF & LJ should have the Phinny exp and 3 month Phinny should have the accelerated exp. Bizzaro DBG strikes again.
  16. Elemenopi Augur

    theres that ad hominem again.....
    What specific part is not comprehended? You made the claim that casuals will get 4 weeks of solid raiding before kunark and I asked for proof, specifically indicating that you could prove your claim valid by showing us time played and raid gear equipped. Show us what a casual can accomplish.
    You want to discuss the valid points? (you claimed you do) Then, make a valid point by proving the claim. It shall be discussed.
    AKA: Citation still needed.
  17. RadarX Augur

    Let's go ahead and put this one away. A few of you will be hearing from me.
    Sheex likes this.
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