The Sullon Zek Experience

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Darktide, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Darktide Elder

    Today, while playing on the Phinny server, I was wishing it was Sullon Zek.

    I miss that feeling when leveling as a noobie in Crushbone and an army of gnomes/dwarves/halflings come to ravage the zone. Sure, the zone gets locked down for awhile due to the ensuing battle, but that's what we signed up for!

    The sudden "...Oh ****..." when you see them and make a be line for the zone, hoping they don't catch you before you make it. The Call to Arms and the amazing PvP battles that follow, just to take your Xp zone back and retrieve your camped corpse if you died.

    At times, 1 higher level player could come in and be the hero for your team, or by the same token, a higher level opponent on another team becomes a massive disruption, killing everyone on your team until worthy competition arrives.

    So yes, I was in Crushbone wishing it was like the good old days when I could get murdered by an army of midgets.
  2. Tore Lorekeeper

    I too miss beating up lowbies that stood nearly zero chance of fighting back and horrible faction imbalances.
    Ladysoth and Ducreux like this.
  3. Risiko Augur

    That would be so much fun right up until Frenzic rolls in with a 40 box of wizards... *BOOM*

    So, then you get mad and buy Kronos to be able to buy gear to fight back, but little did you know you was buying the gear from the same 40 box killing machine that's having a blast watching you cry. The best part of all is that he'd be selling the Kronos on the black market to buy pizza and beer having parties for his friends to come over and watch him own you all the time.

    Yea! Sign me up for that cluster!
    Adonhiram and Steampunk like this.
  4. MelizsaRG New Member

    That server would be awesome! Sadly we dont need another server to destroy the other 3.. DBG already shot the kneecaps out of 2 servers.
  5. AntonJohn New Member

    I too miss the SZ days. It is so much more rewarding to get levels and gear, when it helps you to make life miserable for your enemies.
  6. Destroying Angel Lorekeeper

    But you can't go back.

    With boxing, 3rd party programs, and kronos it wouldn't be anything like the old days.
    Jadefox likes this.
  7. AntonJohn New Member

    They got rid of boxing and 3rd party programs on phini, so it is possible.
  8. Ersatz New Member

    DGB will have the equipment available as soon as they merge LJ/RF. An SZ rule, true box server would get my subscription back in a heartbeat.
  9. AntonJohn New Member

    We didn't see that on SZ, as far as I remember it launched right before Luclin. PvP was ok balanced up untill PoP.
    liveitup1216 likes this.
  10. liveitup1216 Augur

    Sullon Zek Pre-Luclin / PoP was heaven on earth.
  11. Lokero Elder

    I had a blast on Sullon. That said, I seriously doubt I'd come back to play a redo.

    First, the 3 factions thing didn't work at all in EQ. They would need to make it just 2 factions to keep it even. On SZ, the good team barely even existed.

    Second, EQ has some of the worst systems for PvP ever possible. Yeah, it was fun, but it truly was horrible. Enchanters able to lock down entire groups for minutes at a time. Melees couldn't do jack squat in the early eras.
    Then as you got resist gear built up, casters became useless, and melees and rangers became gods, etc.

    Granted, that's some simplification, but that's basically how EQ PvP was. If I'm itching for some PvP, EQ wouldn't be my first stop(if a stop at all). The power classes may have changed from era to era, a bit, but in the end you had one godly archetype vs. everyone else each time.
  12. Darktide Elder

    SZ Good Team was fun despite being the lowest pop.

    EQ PVP must be recognized as imbalanced. That is step 1 to playing EQ PVP. Some classes are just better overall and if you can play keeping that in mind, you should be fine. There are solo classes and just like in PVE there are people who need groups to do anything. Gotta form the meta.

    I know resist mods can be altered if needed at some point.
  13. AntonJohn New Member

    There were some clickies (don't remember names) that would put a dot on yourself and cancel all enchanter mezzes. Also melees would wear blue diamond bracers and diamond rings and everything to increase their resistances, and casters would use spells that are hard to resist like druid dot, tash, lures, life taps. Also everyone would have 4 instant click buffs to defend against debuffing. PvP was fine balanced until PoP when all slots had resistances and melees became powerhouses.
    liveitup1216 likes this.
  14. Darktide Elder

    Crimson Pots were the pot clickies hp debuff to prevent mez :)

    PoP sucked cuz of safe zones and easy travel from safe zones to anywhere
  15. Genoreaper Journeyman

    PoP did take away some of the fun on SZ, but at the same time, it opened up some awesome fights where 1 side would try to prevent the other two sides from getting in and out of a zone through the book. People would sit on the pok side waiting for that monk decked out in resist gear to come save the day, dipping in and out from the book trying to figure out which characters to go after first, where the areas were to LoS caster spells.

    I dono, a new SZ like server would get my money in a heart beat. It wont ever happen tho, sadly :(
  16. Adonhiram Augur

    I never played pvp on Everquest, but a guildie of mine (/wave Lorong) made me read the hilarious "Swamp Defense", these times sounded quite funny... even if balance issues are just too big to be solved I suppose regarding pvp. That shaman rocked and was a brilliant "photoreporter", I'd like to know if he still plays EQ.
  17. Lokero Elder

    Personally, instead of a straight up regular PvP server, I'd love to see some type of PvP seasonal server based on Project M.

    Players have some type of seasonal goal to accomplish on the server. And, others can log into the zone monsters and try and prevent them from reaching said goal. Now, that'd be fun. Make those Enchanters and healers earn their keep if nothing else ;)

    That'd definitely be the type of server people would have to group up on, too.