Double XP Grinding ZzZz oops

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Merlaster, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Merlaster New Member

    Haha I was 26+ hours into streaming Everquest Phinny trying to get that elucid level 50 and I fell asleep on stream.

    Syrup likes this.
  2. Trackanon Elder

    Had to be the cleric! I love it.
  3. Ducreux Augur

    ResidentSleeper .

    This was pretty funny to see live, you recovered well.
  4. Merlaster New Member

    haha thanks guys :D
  5. xakanrn Augur

    reminds me of good old days before twitch
    '"why is that cleric not healing??tank dying"
    get a tell next day from a regretful cleric saying he/she fell asleep
  6. Fhiele Augur

    I love his totally casual expression when he wakes up and sees his group wiped. Its like "oh, I guess I should gate..."
  7. Nerdz Elder

    The really funny thing was he started to try to get the group back together when he woke up :p

  8. Batbener Augur

    /hidecorpse always
  9. Pseudofate Augur

    Wakin up on stream smirkin like
  10. Merlaster New Member

    haha hey we didn't wipe :p
  11. Numiko Augur

    i remember the days of spam inspecting a group member who fell asleep to make them go link dead so they would not get killed when we left :eek:
    Syrup and Fhiele like this.
  12. Klober_Dcard Journeyman

    <<< ive totaly done that spam to LD a sleeping member