Congrats SA in server first 50's

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HonorTruthPally, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Nickatropolis Augur

    Kegadin, aka The Greatest of All Time.
  2. Coach_Kegadin Augur

    Who is this clown? It is blatantly obvious that the guy training us was in SA. He logged before your Phinny raid and logged back on right after. He sat/traded with SA groups in SolB and SA was never trained by him. He would only show up to train is out of efreeti when there was an SA group in the zone. Just way too much evidence to say it is a coincidence.

    No I did not play on LJ. I was the first to 50 outside the TL 6-man and I carried pugs the entire way. The only that stinks around here is SA/TL consigning themselves to training on lvl 1 toons because they can no longer use on this server. Breaking the rules using 3rd party software or break the rules using in-game mechanics, y'all never change.

    For those of you TL members who do not use I apologize. Your leadership has cheated on every TLP and I have 0 respect for them and their guild.
  3. Jaime Lannister Augur

    What does training and QM have to do with one another?
    Why does lack of one lead to a other?
  4. ShamWow-RF Lorekeeper

    Our group didn't train you nor had anything to do with it. We had a game plan and we stuck to it. We went full nerd and even had 3-4 practice runs of leveling to 10 to beat everyone out of the gates and get the mid level camps that we wanted uncontested and it worked. We have spreadsheets detailing our exact route as well as every spell we needed purchased and when, as well as when the master looter would origin to buy and sell, all to minimize downtime. We had rough schedules laid out for sleeping shifts and we were fortunate that a couple of us were able to True Box to keep things going while some rested.

    On top of all of that, we never really fought or got to each other after the very long grind sessions when people are tired and nerves are on edge. We stayed on course even when the slow XP really started to drag morale down.

    Simply put we were so far and away ahead of every other group out there with our preparation and the results proved it.

    As for you not being on Lockjaw, well, a few of your buddies were and I would look there for answers to who the griefer was.
    MBear and Sagnid like this.
  5. Sagnid Augur

    You and yours have a horrible rep, you attracted this attention and now that you are unable to deal with it. Crying to mommy and daddy won't change a thing.

    And let's not even get started on the cheating. Your guild has some very well known and nefarious individuals for such behavior running around daily. You may refer to them as aggressive, but the rest of the Everquest populace knows them as trash who will do anything to get ahead. We've already seen training and harassment just in the last forty eight hours, great start to a server.

    And last. Revising history? Come now, you were not the seventh fifty of Ragefire. Perhaps the thirteenth and I doubt that even. More likely you were the nineteenth after the first three TL groups completed level fifty. And with that known. Even Mabbu who was afk more often then not surpassed you in levels.

    You backed the losing side. And just like Ragefire, you will soon quit when you figure it out.
  6. Mwapo Augur

    He just wants to try to make us look bad. He doesn't understand that maybe he had a large target painted on his back due to the behavior of those in his group and their previous server. There is so much evidence as to who it is,but you want to blame us. Good luck with that.
  7. Tseroth Elder

    lol coming from someone from citizens guild.
  8. ElaidaTL Augur

    Cept you've app'ed and been denied on multiple servers plus complained about it when you did get denied.

    Your app for TL on ragefire that got blacklisted because no one wanted you.

    Name: Kegadin Class: Cleric Level: 50 Playtime: All the time People you know in the guild: All the Arma people who played on Fippy Previous Raiding Experience: Everything through PoP Why you think you would be a good fit for ...

    Your Rage and excuses after finding out no one wanted you anywhere near their guild.

    Lol you guys are funny

    Postby Kegadin » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:35 pm
    You are seriously that mad that I beat you to mobs while you were using ? is hilarious. Have fun in Kunark.

    You might have beat that group to mobs.. ( which you didnt ) but a lot of good it did you beating them to 50 by your own admission.

    Btw i can confirm its not SA training you 100%. I think eventually who it is will come forward but for now continue to blame us. We dont care. Youre own guild, most of whom I happen to have a lot of respect for is starting to see how mentally unhinged you are. I predict you being guildless in the near future.
  9. Marthisdil Augur

    Never taken vacation days from work when a game/expansion came out that you really wanted to play?

    Ever thought of that? I've sure done it a lot in the past.

  10. Ducreux Augur


    Maybe if you take those Gunners off once in a while you would be able to see who's training you.
    EQ1999 likes this.
  11. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    It's kind of hilarious how oblivious you are to how terrible your reputation is across every server you've ever played on. I mean, outside of the inordinate waste of time and resources it would be to follow you around doing that, you already seem to be disliked enough that some brave samaritan would actually take up the burden of doing it without even desiring acknowledgement. I can safely say that you are one of a very select few people that have been permanently barred from joining the guild across every TLP even though you sure seem to continue wanting to apply. Mabbu was in the guild and playing with us for some time on Ragefire while you were blacklisted. Let that sink in for a minute.
  12. HonorTruthPally New Member

    Why people r angry to fight?

    I want just say thank you bcoz SA rez my group with powerful level 50's. Sorry for bad American I am petro from Peru and 15yr old friends.
  13. Coach_Kegadin Augur

    The TL Forumquest propaganda machine is too stronk! I mean seriously look at all of these TL members posting to try and save face. You guys can have your victory here. I'll continue to win in-game. Peace.
  14. vardune Augur

    Filthy casuals dont deserve to level.
  15. EQ1999 Elder

    The same line continuing from Fippy. "TL propaganda this, TL propaganda that..."

    You're the king of salty. If you weren't permanently a to everyone and always trying to place unwarranted blame on TL for your shortcomings, you would probably have been allowed in a long time ago.
  16. Nickatropolis Augur

    No Marth, never thought of doing, nor would I ever. I would be strung from the ceiling by my balls if I wasted vacation time on a video game.
  17. Batbener Augur

    First, there is no guarantee SA trained OG. It is possible, however. And the reason is simple. EVERY top notch guild in the entire history of EQ cheats and does DB things. They always have, and they always will. Is this because they are filled with mouth breathing neckbeards that live in their mother's basement, and only think about EQ 20 hours a day and their veins filled with Mountain Dew and hot pockets and this makes them mean, horrible people? No, it's because they have north of 100 members, and sometimes over 300, and any time you have that many people, in any segment of the population, you are going to have asshattery.

    You can only really judge a guild by their leadership, and both guilds are pretty respectable for a top notch guild.

    So if you won, be happy, gracious and take the high road. Some of the same people you are taunting and talking trash to will be in your guild soon enough, especially if you keep winning all the races. If you lost, be a good sport, offer your congratulations, and move on to the next battle. Hell, at the current pace, you might even get to race to 50 again before Easter.
  18. Lucy Elder

    What guild are you in? What level are you? I know, you aren't . But you have to always comment.
  19. Lateryn Augur

    You sound so much like Dima, He does the same thing but loses in-game.
  20. ElaidaTL Augur

    What exactly is kegadin winning at in game again?