Sorry for the positivity.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sennik Jevest, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. taliefer Augur

  2. xakanrn Augur

    hehe that a word i not heard in a while
    add this to list preposterous
  3. Solkos Augur

    Big question is, what is your /played time.

    Honestly I have a hard time believing that you could work 16 hour days, not play on your one day that you usually can play on plus get level 19 (about 19-24 hours played).

    While you think you might only take 3 weeks to get to 50, you are a bit mistaken. Even with your playtime which is halfway decent, it will take at least 6 weeks and that is if you use EXP pots the whole time at your rate.

    That is given the other thread where the guys that hit 50 first took 114 hours of optimal play to get there. That is without any LFG and with a very optimized group.

    1-19 is fairly easy compared to later levels.

    I really don't think that the people coming to these forums are the vocal minority. They are definitely vocal but, if they are 25% of the players and the 25% quit the game and maybe for 15% of them it'll be forever, that is a HUGE hit to both DBG and the server. That is such a big hit that in a normal company, people would be canned in a heartbeat over a loss of even 5-10% of their customer base due to a controversial decision.
  4. Finwen Augur

    Plot twist: his 16 hour a day job is RMTing.
    Pirlo, Slartibartfast and Ishkur like this.
  5. taliefer Augur

    i just thought it was funny with all the people doubting the dude.i dont know whether he's full of it or not.

    im enjoying the exp rates of the server, but i put in about 5 hours a night after work, and about 16 to 20 hours over most weekends.

    i dont think the fast unlock pace, coupled with the exp rates, is good for the longevity of the server. i hope im wrong.
  6. Blankslate Elder

    Well, if it's on the Internet, it must be true.
  7. Pseudofate Augur

    This post:

  8. Until We Felt Red Augur

    Hey guys, I'm even MORE casual than the OP.

    I work TWENTY hours a day and I have THREE wives and SEVENTEEN kids. When I decide to form a group in EQ, I go to ANY zone in the game, type "LFM _______" and within FOUR SECONDS, the group is full and we're pulling. If it takes you longer than four seconds to form a group and make your first pull, you're an idiot. I still manage to sleep TWELVE hours a day (I work through ten of them and play EQ through the other two), watch the entire Star Wars series (I work, play catch with my kids and bang my wife while two boxing) and then I enjoy a nice meal with my family (while selling at EC tunnel).

    All other opinions are invalid besides mine because I'm super unique.
    Pirlo and Solkos like this.
  9. Solkos Augur

    That is the big thing I am concerned about.

    EXP penalty coupled with 3 month unlocks.

    I agree that the EXP rate is actually a good rate, for a 6 month unlock server lol.
    For a server that showed every sign of being intended for casual crowd and allowing people their chance at raiding that has 3 month unlocks, I think the EXP rate is awful.

    I feel as if DBG would have made a LOT more money if they just gave this server RF/LJ EXP rates.
    Think about it. Granted people might not buy as many pots but I thought what DBG did to give each account a raid lockout was brilliant. I mean if we could just level up a char on 6 or 7 different accounts, we could raid every day of the week just purely in your own instances.

    Not everyone would do that but I would have been surprised if hardcore players didn't have more than one account and the revenue generated by the extra accounts would outweigh the EXP pot revenue grab by far.
  10. xakanrn Augur

    honestly had the OP just come out and said look i play it and put in the time but enjoy my time with this server and love the exp rate then think no one would make fun.
    but creating this scenario of the extremely hard working man with a good social and family life but about to achieve what he claims(also spitting on laws of time in process) is comical
    thats why people making fun of him
  11. Pictarous Augur

    No prep planned grouping. 15 Druid and 15 Wizard at 22hrs played. Granted I farmed platinum for some BiS for each, but yolo
  12. ElaidaTL Augur

    Yes. Hit me up in game.
  13. Demoncrusher Lorekeeper

    I was in one of the croc groups with Vetis. We had 3-4 mobs in camp continuously for at least a solid hour. At one point he afk'd to change his kid's diaper and asked us to time him.

    His time was 4 minutes.

    It is possible to work a lot, and play a lot, and be available for your family. It's especially more feasible now since there are so many couples that play online games together... Everquest can be family time too.

    Don't jump to conclusions.

    Sennik Jevest likes this.
  14. Sennik Jevest Elder

    Haters gonna hate. 60% into 21. But yeah I did have a snow day today. Idk why you kids think I would make things up? Rofl, just.. instead of crying on the forms, try grinding? Anyways I did play around with the LFG today. Turns out, you can put like. /who all LFG 18 24

    Then it'll bring up everyone who is lfg who is also level 18-24. Call me a noob, but that was news to me. Anyways, again. 0 problems getting groups. Smashed upperguk today for a good 5 hours. Took a nap, shoveled snow, went to walmart, snaked a drain. Looks like 2 weeks from now i'll be capped.
  15. Sennik Jevest Elder

    Rofl, thanks man. Haha
  16. Delphwind Augur

    What a bunch of whiners.

    There are 5000+ people in game right now LOVING how it is playing out. So you all are saying the 100 or so people that cry on the forums here are in any way a majority? Give me a break. If you don't like the xp rates go someplace else.

    The slow leveling really lets you experience zones in a way I had not since true classic. It allows players time to really get to know each tier of spells and fine tune their class. It's a good system and I really hope all the complaining here does not force a change.
  17. xakanrn Augur

    acutally in your post if you notice the response is very different from others who also posted they love the new experience .
    because this people simply state they love it.
    you created a scenario of spending 2/3rd of your weekdays at work and having a busy family life and social life on weekend yet still claimed to have put in 25-30 hours or so (if you were level 20 at time you originally posted) over 6 days of which 4 were working and 1 was busy social.
    i believe someone actually wanted to see your /played when you posted originally.
    go check similar post about liking the new experience and see the difference in response and then you understand.
  18. Blademaster Elder

    Good troll, 10/10.
  19. Junlo Journeyman

    Lol all you turds getting your panties in a twist because of what vetis is saying are the true no lifers.

    You kids need to grow thicker skin and not worry about other people so much... Sad people are sad