(Longterm) P99 Pop vs Phinny Pop

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ILOVETOCOMPLAINLOL, Dec 14, 2015.


    I just want to know, for so many people who are crying that they are only lvl 6 or 8 and they will never find anyone to group with ever again, and that every zone will be a desolate wasteland from now on:

    How do people in p99 continually find groups? Why are their zones always full? It's a true no-box (per IP) server. People have multiple high lvl characters, the xp is super slow with no XP Pots, and yet, zones are still full. How is that?

    Maybe, and stay with me now, there are always going to be people leveling since no one ever has just 1 character. And, follow me again, people join and play at their own paces because they enjoy visiting the zones, making friends with random groupmates, and dont think people can 'Win' an MMO.

    Did you know, after xpansions come out, there are still the previous raid zones available? I know, I thought they closed them off with police tape, too, but it turns out that even when Kunark, Velious, etc come out, you can still kill Naggy and Vox with guilds that are already doing new content.
    Alchemist, Brunlin and Actonup like this.
  2. Finwen Augur

    I heard Phinny was just like p99.
  3. Elemenopi Augur

    because people who want the slow xp and long corpse runs are already on p99.

    I wonder what the difference in population would have been if we were told before hand - before people liquidated assets on other servers for use on the new one.
    Elkay likes this.
  4. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    to be fair, anyone who liquidates their assets before the server even is up made a terrible choice. So that is on them.
    liveitup1216 likes this.
  5. TowerDefense Augur

    Right, because having your account paid for, for the next 12 years is a terrible idea.

  6. Tulgin Augur

    Doesn't P99 have like 3 years between each expansion. It's for people that want a slow pace.

    Announcing 12 week expansion unlock means it's going to be a super fast paced server, with super slow XP gains...errr yea right makes total sense.
  7. TrinculoDarkblood Journeyman

    P99 is never going past Velious. So there's that.

    The exp is also slower than Phinny in my experience.
    Elkay likes this.
  8. Elemenopi Augur

    not really. from a marketing standpoint, the only possible loser in that situation is DBG. The more those types of circumstances occur, the more attrition increases due to said circumstances. Customers want to make informed decisions, but they need up front information in order to do so.

    When the "oh by the way...." is the most important piece of information in the marketing of a new server, the marketing failed.
    Drexll likes this.
  9. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    "Hey guys new server coming out, lets cash in everything now BEFORE server even comes out." yea...not smart

    Don't get me wrong I agree DBG retained information, that has caused a huge impact on the server, nonetheless to rush out and get rid of your crap before hand assuming the server is gonna be everything they expected is dumb imo, but enough about that- its pointless
  10. Darth Augur

    How is:

    "You gave us super fast expansions, but slow xp so we quit."

    Any different than:

    "You gave us instances but the bosses are too hard, we can't kill them, so we quit."

    Please tell me the answer.

    Cause we all know the people quitting cause leveling is too hard, would quit cause raids are too hard, would quit cause something else.
  11. Tulgin Augur

    Doesn't make any sense. Who said levelling was too hard? Like no one ever.

    But ok, let's pretend what you said actually made some semblance of sense. Let's say DBG made raid bosses hit for 10k damage inside instances. You think it's not reasonable that people quit because they are unkillable?

    Or they make something else game breaking, you think it's unreasonable for people to stop playing?

    Try and view this from the perspective of someone that has a life outside of EQ. For them to stop playing isn't like ending their life. It's not really that drastic.

    You make a broken game and people stop playing, deal with it.
    Ishkur likes this.
  12. Ottopaul Journeyman

    I'd like to preface with the note that i was not actually one of the people who liquidated on RF/LJ. My RF characters are still fully intact, with all of the gear still on them, which could have potentially been worth 30-50 krono, had i made an attempt to liquidate pre-emptively. I'd also like to state that i don't mind the xp rates on Phinny. So i, myself, am not actually one of the "whiners", but the rest of my post that follows explains why i sympathize with their concerns.

    I'm getting a little tired of seeing people say this. You're being obtuse. Do you not understand economics? Do you not see why people would want to act preemptively when they recognize that their current economy is fluctuating in an extremely volatile way, in anticipation of an upcoming event?

    Lets say you had stock in a company that seemed to be tanking, and had every reason to believe that an up and coming stock was likely to grow rapidly, based on knowledge of that industry and the product/service that upcoming company will provide. Would you say that it is foolish to make an effort to transfer your funds into the stock that has more potential to grow? Or would you leave your funds in the sinking company for as long as possible, until they became worthless?

    In the weeks between the announcement of Phinny and it's actual launch, the market on RF changed dramatically, in an alarming way. Values of items were dropping, values of Krono were spiking.

    With Phinny, we were told explicitly what to expect from this server, but a crucial piece of information was "accidentally" left out. We didn't have a "promise", no, but based on the "clear" information that was provided, it definitely made sense to liquidate our funds in the dying economy, to have the potential to recoup any investment and use it on the new "promised-land" server.

    Do you REALLY think it was "on them", because they made efforts to move to a server where they had every reason to believe they would be happier, based on what seemed to be clear communication from DBG? It's not "on" DBG for "forgetting" to announce a rather major change on this server?
    Drexll, Jaxarale01 and Lemuelbaruch like this.
  13. Darth Augur

    Who are you to claim I have no life outside of EQ?

    I woke up at 6am this morning. I killed Trakanon on Lockjaw, I played FTL (another game) for 30 minutes, then drove my wife to work.

    I then spent the next 7 hours xmas shopping. I went to pick up my wife, bought dinner for my family, came home, and helped my son with his 4th grade homework. He got an X Box One for his Birthday on Saturday, so after his homework we played some Tomb Raider together.

    At around 7pm, I locked on to Phingel with my level 19 Monk.

    I'm currently watching a show with my family, while I xp grind and post this for you.

    So please tell me how I have no life.

    If you were better at managing time, and prioritizing what you do in game, you would be higher level.

    The simple fact is that your "life outside of eq" isn't the reason you can't level.

    It's because you and the rest of the whiners of bad. Pure and simple.
    Lemuelbaruch likes this.
  14. Makelite Augur

    So your a house husband? Wish I had that gig...
    Drexll likes this.
  15. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    Who said he was a house husband? maybe you should just stop where you are right now- your making yourself look even dumber
  16. Lejaun Augur

    I disagree. The only terrible choice I made was not selling all of my gear before the hype for Phinny started the mass sell-offs. I could go back on Lockjaw with the Krono that I made selling my characters gear and buy far more than what I sold.

    I could have made a few more Krono had I sold off all of my shaman's gear, came back and sold one of those Krono for plat and bought all of the same gear again.
  17. Lejaun Augur

    As for the original post, I think there is a difference between P99, which gathered a large percentage of those who prefer the classic expansions over the newest ones, and Phinny. Phinny has 84 day unlocks, not years like P99 has. There will be less people making new characters after they max level and gear their main. For most, by the time they max out gear or level, a new expansion will be out to start the process all over again with new max level and gear to obtain rather than just starting new characters.
  18. Darth Augur

    I'm retired US Navy. What have you done for your Country?
  19. Makelite Augur

    Actually at 17 and a half years in the Navy so I guess...a lot?
  20. Makelite Augur

    woah woah woah fanboy, was just envying his position in life right now, not poking fun, settle down before you pop a blood vessel.