What's your Achievement Score?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tobin, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Tobin Augur

    What's your Achievement Score? Mine's 14599 I'm on Povar. LFG to raise my score.
  2. Savager Augur

    Can't you just go to the rankings page on magelo.com and see them all?
    RPoo likes this.
  3. Noirfu Augur

    Magelo doesn't have all of anything.

    I think a much better question would be: "Who has the best character with the lowest achievement score?"
    Sancus and Tobin like this.
  4. Ishtass Augur

  5. Tobin Augur

    Yes that would be a good question - I agree whole heartily
    Sancus likes this.
  6. Jidokwon New Member

    I'm curious how many have shrouded to do more of the epics. Race changing to gnome for tinkering would also get a few extra, but not as impressive as doing multiple epics.
  7. Barbwarrior Augur

  8. Iila Augur

    You don't get credit for completing other class's 1.0 epics.
    roguerunner and Jidokwon like this.