Troll Shaman Advice Phinny

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CGindecent, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. CGindecent New Member

    Looking for any tips for levelling up a Troll shaman on Phinny....any help would be appreciated or even links to where I can read up.
  2. Kruggan New Member

    Other than the obvious kill and level up ASAP as anyone would do, I'd recommend reading the Project 1999 levelling guides on their Wiki (just Google it - it's easy to find) - I found a few tidbits about starting zones and levelling advice that was helpful. I would also recommend you do the Initiate Symbol of Innoruuk questline - the last one in that series has a snare clicky :) Very handy.
    CGindecent likes this.
  3. Cainen Augur

    Worship inny(i think you have to) and do the necklace quest in nek. The third reward is a right click darkness(Snare) with unlimited charges.
    CGindecent likes this.
  4. CGindecent New Member

    I guess for starting area I dont have much choice

    Thanks for the replies guys.
  5. Iyvy Augur

    Guk is really good exp early, get to 3 or 4, or get some other people together and go into guk for great exp. You'll have money trouble early so be careful, Trolls have some of the worst starting cash. The swamp is very social. Stay near the wall or the guards and pull out of the water to the wall, you will get overwhelmed surprisingly quickly. Practice your bind wound and try to keep lots of bandages on hand as you level. Bindwounding while medding saves you mana on healing, and later it combines with canni for tons of mana, you'll be glad you kept it up. There's a backpack in your bank go get it.
    CGindecent likes this.
  6. Ottopaul Journeyman

    Trolls do have a choice in who they worship, i think they are the only shaman race with a choice. It's Innoruuk, and i think the second option is Cazic Thule. As stated above, make sure you choose Innoruuk.

    The Innoruuk snare necklace is one of the best reasons to chose Troll as a shaman race(the other reason being regen).

    I can't think of any solid reasons to choose Cazic as a diety... unless you really wanted to RP it. It's possible that Cazic worship might give you a slight faction bump in Cabalis(Iksar) and Paineel(Evil Erudite), both of which are strictly Cazic worshipers.
  7. Weverley Augur

    I think when trolls move to neriak they switch some drops from innothule to nektulos forest also.So if u can't find something for a quest check nektulos.
  8. Harrison New Member

    I've heard trolls had one of best zones for starting cash? Not sure what levels you are looking for but I recently leveled a troll shaman to 9 so I got some really low level advice. The best path for exp/living seemed to be just slowly creeping up the right side of the swamp. It's really boring but going in the middle of the zone will get you jumped. Start fighting the guards to guk and the first room inside at around levels 6-8. Don't bother with going to the DoT salesman on the hand until like 7+ because it's probably not worth the risk. Just buff and use like 1 DD per mob until then. Med when low. Repeat. Once you get the DoT's and the SoW the world opens up and that's the end of my guide, haha.
    CGindecent likes this.
  9. ZuukP Journeyman

    As a player who almost always plays a Troll, I have a few tips. Fight early on the first few islands targeting mostly frogs and skeles. Frogs will drop netted armor and skeles bone chips which you can turn into the SK guildmaster, 4 for a rusty two hander(sells 2-2.5 gold). Netted gloves are magic, so save any you get (don't sell to merchants) and sell them to monks looking to add magic attacks for their H2H attacks. I disagree strongly with the poster above, you want to get your lev 4 dot as soon as possible, so make your way to the hand merchants as soon as you hit lev 4 to buy it. It can be a suicide run, you don't lose exp, just start using it as soon as you get lev 4. Lev 4 with new dot and nuke really opens up your DPS. When I play a shaman, all my cash is saved until I have enough to buy a store bought spear, has a great ratio for newb weapon and is the proper weapon type for a shaman ! You can also make some spare cash early selling no weight bags from the spell you get at level 2, dont think the mages get theirs until 6 maybe? If you can find and bond with a young Troll SK, you can have a leveling partner that is perfect for 1-50. Good luck, and GLORY TO GROBB !

    Zuuk Povar
    CGindecent likes this.
  10. Harrison New Member

    All I meant was that I died around 3 times trying to get the DoT at level 4. If you think you can get it in 1 shot go for it. I think a better use of time would have been just grinding another level. Doesn't it tick for 1 at lvl 4? Even at level 5 it's not really not that great either because xp mobs have such low health and the DD cleans them up much quicker. I will concede it's good at 6 and worth it then. This is obviously such a small part of the game and probably not worth splitting hairs with mana and time efficiency, but I just wanted to defend what I meant.
  11. Whales Aren't Orange Lorekeeper

    It's worth it to start casting as early as possible to get those skill ups. Because fizzles later on suck and leveling a casting skill is some of the most boring crap you can do in any MMORPG.
  12. Kruggan New Member

    Is Guk the place to grind in after lvl 7 or so or does it make sense to try and travel elsewhere? One of the advantages with Barb shaman (vs Troll) is the close proximity and gnoll fang quests in Blackburrow. Thoughts?
  13. Alavaz Lorekeeper

    Poisons are alteration, so you can cast heals to level up the skill.

    If I'm soloing I usually do the swamp until 7 or so, creeping up the right wall towards guk as Harrison said, then go into guk and kill the crocs around the heart spiders. I usually bail between 12-14 and go to lake rathe to the aviaks by the arena entrance. It's super good exp with almost zero risk. The guards are super easy red cons and can take you to 21-22 easily. After that you're kind of in an awkward place where not having a pet makes soloing for decent exp somewhat hard so I usually try to group, but you can do ok making the short run to SK and soloing centaurs/treants/aviaks and some of the higher lvl animals. Just watch out for the myriad of high lvl wanderers who all hate trolls.

    If you want to group get into uguk asap (lvl5-6 on) and you can pretty much stay there until you're ready to go to lguk around 27 or so. uguk may not be as hopping as unrest, but you should still find steady groups. From there progress through the /sup > Frenzy > AM/Hand etc. You can grind to 50 in just lguk, but I prefer to bail in favor of OOT gobs for 42-50.

    The only other little pieces of advice I can think of is to head straight out from the grobb zone at lvl 1 and look for skeletons with cracked staffs. Keep one to use and sell the others (9g a piece to merchant). Melee becomes useless pretty quickly for shamans, but I find 1hb is more useful than 1hp in classic. The easiest (and probably bis) +wis weapon to get is the no drop mace in kithicor so find some time to either exp out there (in your 30s) or see if you can score a rot.
  14. ZuukP Journeyman

    Poisons are conjuration before 50 for certain, not sure of later expansions. I use sicken on every mob until I get affliction, its my usual pull spell.

    The entry area in Uguk is great exp and fast spawns, but there will be so many trying to exp there that you may be better in outdoor zones, even with multiple picks of Uguk. The area near the hand is good with kobold hunters and frog foragers. At 8 when I get tainted breath I either go Uguk crocs, or Sro orc camps.

    Another good item to grab when you are around 10 or so is from Feerott. The mystic lizards on the far side of the river drop a burning affliction 1 neck, every bit helps.

    And if you want to get a magic weapon early, bone spears drop fairly often in LS. You'll be going to Neriak twice for the neck turn-ins anyway, can stop by LS and grab one.

  15. Aneia Master

  16. CGindecent New Member

    Am I making the right choice going troll over barb...Im so torn!