Phinigel Community Forums

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Emeralda, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Emeralda New Member

  2. Dojii Augur

    Oh nice, can you make me a police forums ranger? pls
  3. Weverley Augur

    Thank you Emeralda for the hard work.
  4. Emeralda New Member

    My pleasure!

    Please let me know here, or in the Website Improvements forum, if any of you have suggestions. And I'm certain I can find a few fun titles for those who want them!
  5. PathToEternity

  6. ScarletLetter Elder

    hey jain, can I have my potions now? D:
  7. Lejaun Augur

    I'm on...thanks for setting it up.
  8. PathToEternity

    If I resub for Phinny... :(
  9. Dojii Augur


    Edit: oops wrong thread
  10. Emeralda New Member

    Already a few guild recruitment posts up!

    Definitely feeling some excitement for the new server!
  11. Wildfires Elder

    Aye Quite a few guilds Posting there now Starting to gain some traction GJ Eme
  12. Nostra Lorekeeper

    Bump, Common guys Register and Post we need more activity =-)
  13. James Augur

    BEEN done signed up
    Lets Go!
  14. James Augur

  15. Nostra Lorekeeper

    Bump, We need more people =-)
  16. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    I'm actually a fan of these community forums, the leadership forums is awesome.

    And it doesn't look like a phishing site!

    See you guys there.
  17. Fhiele Augur

    Your forums CAPTCHA is brutal for chrome users. I tried to register, but wasn't able to correctly do the CAPTCHA.
  18. Skipper Augur

    Let's start using this Phinny forum please. DBG doesn't seem to like some of our threads and deletes them, closes them down, etc. Let's move.
  19. Machen New Member

    It took me six tries.
  20. Emeralda New Member

    I am very sorry to anyone for the trouble that the CAPTCHA system was causing.

    I've gone ahead and registered for a re-CAPTCHA service, which should be easier for users to use with any browser.

    Thank you for your patience while I continue to work on making our server forum run smoothly! As always, I welcome any suggestions on webpage design!!!