2 PM CST and only 90 people in CL.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Seraphim, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Seraphim Augur

    Last week I saw an average of about 140-160 people and now today its less than 100... So far its been 88-91 for the last half hour. Unbelievable!!! Please Daybreak, man up and bring us Velious. Otherwise, #RIP Ragefire
    Qelyn likes this.
  2. Marthisdil Augur

    umm...well...patch was unexpected....lots of people leave their toons logged in when not playing...so those got kicked off without being logged back in yet. <shrug>
  3. Qelyn Augur

    Ded server.
    Seraphim likes this.
  4. Steampunk Augur

    It's been said that people aren't hanging around CL. Maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Or maybe you just want the evidence to support your conclusions.
  5. Moranis Augur

    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!

    On that note, feel free to parcel me all of your plat now that you're quitting - Moranis is the name.
  6. Silv Augur

    I'm sure the new expansion release has nothing to do with it since none of the people who play on TLP also play on Live :rolleyes:
    Marton and Reht like this.
  7. Jaime Lannister Augur

    While Ragefire's population is certainly taking a hit right now (it's really obvious if you play there), I'm not entirely sure measuring it via CL and general chat populations during an expansion release is the best way to prove it =p
  8. -wycca Augur

    In general, the # of zones with instances up has plummeted. It's pretty darn rare to find an instance in most locations nowadays. The zones with instances have had the # cut significantly - about in half on average. Seb used to have 10-12 instances, it hangs around 5-6 total now. KC used to have 4-5, it now runs 1. Auction is fairly dead - both in EC and the channel.
    Seraphim likes this.
  9. Darth Augur

    And here on Lockjaw we've never had 10+ Seb instances lol.
  10. Semah Augur

    It's called Fallout 4, and it's having some


    Xenthoxin likes this.
  11. Kragin Augur

    Server just came up, only 10 people on the server, servers dead.
    MBear and Qelyn like this.
  12. Batbener Augur

    I'll have to take his word for it. I xfered back to Rage about a month or so ago, and I usually got KC to myself. Occasionally WL would be camped, but I had my pick of either captain.
  13. Rofllawls New Member

    Fallout Foah is wicked awesome. I sore it the othah dyay.
  14. dreama121 Journeyman

    The only thing more awesome than Fallout 4 is Tom Brady's baby blues when he completes a touchdown pass.
  15. Batbener Augur

    Nawt fer nuthin, Doug Flutie is the gratest.
  16. Steampunk Augur

    It's dead, Jim!
  17. odul New Member

    new serv+vote plx
  18. Qelyn Augur

    Excuse me, but this thread is for mentioning how Ragefire is dying. It has nothing to do with any other servers. Take that nonsense elsewhere, your kind isn't welcome here!
    Seraphim likes this.

    new server = Yes
    new vote = No

    I'm a gambler, and as such I'd gamble that Ragefire is suffering less population loss from "The Vote" (c) than population loss because there is simply a better server model coming out soon.

    I know a lot more people that are moving to move to instanced raiding no matter what time frames are chosen for the new server. Removing the top couple of guild's e-peenery from their gaming equation seems to be the prevailing motive for moving.

    The fact that there may indeed be a decline in Ragefire's (and maybe Lockjaw's) populations is more a reflection on "other issues" rather than on expansion release timers.

    As an aside, I have already seen a marked improvement in some facets of Ragefire since many Twisted Legacy members have cancelled their accounts till February or March 2016.

    But hey, TL honks....keep calling the server dead or dying.....if you say it enough, and start to believe in what you are telling yourself over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....you may start believing it is fact.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  20. Coka Lorekeeper

    People are currently killing new stuff to buy Krono n the new expansion to sell on Ragefire and rule the world.