Last Chance for 2015 Nights of the Dead Items!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Nights of the Dead Marketplace items return to the Norrathian Vault at 11:59PM PST on Wednesday, November 11.

    Don’t miss YOUR last chance to pick up spooky holiday items, or this year’s popular “Cat In A Bag” while these items are still available!


    Where in Norrath will you and your feline familiar explore next?
    Cazmac and Silv like this.
  2. Silv Augur

    When will the next holiday items appear in the marketplace? I have to get a jump on re-decorating the guild hall!
  3. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    I spent over $90 in DBG cash and I am still missing 3 cats. I'm not happy about this at all. Why is it random? Why are the cats not lore?
    It's monopolizing bull crap.
  4. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    Rename this thread "Last chance to waste even more money."
  5. tonywilson New Member

    use PP to buy DBC the best. that encourage everyone play more.
    BTW . I don't use Real $ to buy any DBC.
  6. Cazmac Augur

    I don't care what anyone says, I love the cats! :)
    Poyzen Frawg likes this.
  7. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    I love the cats too... but I don't want 15 of some and none of the others.
  8. Dendria New Member

    Cazmac, if you were on the Nameless I would give you one of my cranky cats. I have 2 of them and my collar from prior Halloween event so definitely not something I want to spend anything else on...