<Apokalypsis> and the TLP Limbo

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dojii, Nov 3, 2015.

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  1. Lee81 Augur

    Actually, I think that I remember a suicide and other pretty outrageous drama associated with in-game incidents. Then again, we didn't have a lot of dropped subscriptions due to them.
  2. Dojii Augur

    I'm just saying a community is just a bit more fun (for me) when there are multiple high end guilds. And new people to meet from around the world. Zones in Velious, Luclin, PoP with groups going on everywhere. It's going to be hard to fill up all the zones in an ever expanding world.

    I'm aware how to join your guild and be "the best". You just level and app. It's not a big deal guys. Everyone not in your guild knows how to find your website.

    The discussion I'm trying to have is about community, and high end guilds all having access to the same content. I'm also talking about how the TLP scene is in limbo because options for end game are limited, and with the advent of a new server a lot of players are waiting to see where the long term investment and fun will be.
    Zargonza and Lee81 like this.
  3. Kumidor Journeyman

    This is absolutely correct!! If they do open a server with raid instances, most of the casuals will go there but keeping RF and LJ @ 6 months is going to kill these 2 servers. They won't have casuals as they have flocked to the new server and the hardcore burned out with no new content!!!

    I have been an advocate for instances since they announced these TLP servers. They should have spent the time to do it right the first time. But now they are making 2 wrongs with this stupid 6 months of Kunark.
  4. Shae'der'lun Journeyman

    Apok combined the impatience, population and forcefulness of a hardcore guild with the capability of a semi-casual one, minus any tact or diplomacy, and then proceeded to wonder why it wasn't just TL giving them guildwide blacklists. All of this can be traced to bad leadership, with decisions that paid no mind to future interactions with their fellow players.

    The stupid thing is that I agree with y'all on the need for instanced content, but I don't like your reasons behind it. I'd like to see instanced raids because I don't want to interact with malevolent people in an environment with actual stakes in it (and guess what guild my "best examples" of that came from). I think you want instanced raids because you're eating crow for being crappy to the server and now it's a major social problem, as you managed to lower your faction with every other guild so badly that you made the top dogs on the server look like the friggin' "good guys", destroyed a rotation that kept non-hardcore players playing, and then tried to play the victim when the consequences started to hurt.

    Don't start s**t, won't be s**t.
    Sheex and Esper like this.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I've got a few guesses ;).

    Ultimately, the leader of <Apok> coming to the boards to whine about being victimized by a toxic environment (that they had a huge hand in shaping).......

    Qelyn likes this.
  6. Dojii Augur

    "we're toxic because you made us do it"

  7. Sagnid Augur

    The lack of effort in your picture selection, or altering to add Twisted Legacy character names or guild tags above the Juggalo's is. A further demonstration of your sub-par leadership and gaming skills.

    PS:Instanced Gore wont be any easier.
  8. Dojii Augur

  9. Dojii Augur

    Looking forward to the new server. Should be fun. Especially the change in conversation for the forums.
  10. Mind tickle Lorekeeper

    Huh? Cause the no box server will get its own forum? Like lockjaw did?

    Almost like saying you're looking for to the change in daybreak's customer service after they release the nobox server.

    At least aloha can continue to mercilessly train people under the apok tag without fear of suspension.
  11. Dojii Augur

    The forums will have better, more constructive conversation about the progress of a new and better project. Everyone I know is jumping ship from Ragefire. Selling a Krono. Got many players in TL who have told me it's really quite boring, and there isn't much grouping or community.
  12. Risiko Augur

    First and foremost, anytime anyone leaves a 16 year old game, it is a negative for that game. There isn't exactly anybody knocking down the doors to get in to EQ for the first time. I know you said yall will be back for the new server (if it ever actually comes out), but who knows how many if not all of you end up just drifting away from EQ for good... this time.

    Secondly, haters are going to hate. And, these forums have more than their fair share of haters. People being rude to you and your guild on here is just stupid.

    Whether anybody wants to admit it or not, it's the people we compete against in these kinds of games that adds that extra level of immersion to the experience. Even the ones you hate.

    I can still remember a guy on my original WoW server that was the biggest troll on our server (actually.. he was a troll rogue). He would sneak in to Ironforge and murder all the auctioneers and bankers before running out of Ironforge with a parade of dwarves after him. The guy was annoying, but it was fun. He added a level of fun to the game that did not exist because of the game designers. It existed because of him.

    Some people liked Apok and others didn't. Either way, you added something to the Ragefire experience good or bad. The experience would have been different with out you.

    I would say the same thing of TL, RG, RoE, FP and any other raid guild that was here for Classic on Ragefire. You all were part of the Ragefire experience. When you leave (and you will eventually), a little bit of that experience will end with you.

    Fare well Apok.
    Dojii likes this.
  13. ScarletLetter Elder

    Dojii is just a loser that is trying to act important. Apok maybe will be remembered as low lvl zone grievers that didn't hack it 6 months from meow just like Armageddon on fippy.

    Dunno what makes you think your people will all follow you to the next server. They are prolly just saying ya and gana find a new guild on it. You guys barely killed anything, dunno how having a instance to your self is gana make any difference. If anything healers will be a problem on the new server since there are prolly gana be like 50 guilds and you know how often clerics quit.

    Anyway, gluck bind zerging classic mobs again in fear/h8 try to set a limit of 7 corpses per kill this time.

    btw what happened to your guild bank? I heard the new guild leader of it is hopeing to get some bank items from it? =p did you ninja apoks bank doji?
    Seraphim likes this.
  14. Finley Augur

    That's an odd accusation lol. Apok's guildbank has never been worth very much (We never had more than a couple spare big ticket items, people at the raids actually needed almost everything that dropped) and "guild bank" has never been centralized on one person, with every officer and some veteran members holding onto it. And Dojii is still in the guild...
  15. Seraphim Augur

    Apok's bank is worth 10 million dollars! #Confirmed!
    Qelyn likes this.
  16. Zargonza New Member

    in paeso's maybe
  17. Sagnid Augur

    From what I heard. Dojii used some spare Red and White scales to RMT his live character back into his hands.

    I wouldn't have thought you had extra scales, but I trust the source.
  18. Zargonza New Member

    That would be false sir we haven't had an extra white scale or red scale for quite some time lol
    Finley likes this.
  19. Dojii Augur

    10 million krono. Used to pay for the better funner server. :) No but RF was cool for a few months. Nothing worth glamorizing. We all have Krono now for years of subscription for the better designed end game coming.
  20. Sagnid Augur

    No I do not believe this. I highly doubt anyone ever cared to track and catalog the coming and goings of such a large guild bank.

    Again, I trust my source. Using scales or not. It seems as if Dojii recently "Found" his live account again.
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