Let raids merge damage done.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Progress, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Progress Augur

    That way if multiple small guilds want to join to out DPS a p00p-s0ck guild then they have a way to do it. The zone might explode but at least there would be an option for the smaller guilds to fight back against the guilds that broke the rotation.
  2. Orienn TreeHugger

    lol that sounds like a swell idea, please go into more detail...
  3. Machen New Member

    Why can't you already do this? Not hard to send raidinvites out to people...
    lockjaws likes this.
  4. Progress Augur

    What I am saying is that currently if 4 full raids are killing a boss then only the 1 raid with the most damage done will get the loot. If there were 3 guilds that each had their own full raid and they could link their damage done on a raid target to out damage the other guilds then it would give them a chance at loot. Currently only the top end guilds can compete as they are geared enough to do the most damage within the confines of a full raid.
  5. Orienn TreeHugger

    So basically what you're saying is You want to merge the 2+ raids here in Naggy so you can win over 1 guild, Brilliant!
    lockjaws likes this.
  6. frankie78227 Augur

    Just instance the darn things a be done with it. They have made plenty of changes already and wasted countless man-hours on the TLPs. If they had instanced everything to begin with half the problems would not have occurred.
    Zurd and lockjaws like this.
  7. taliefer Augur

    if they can form a full raid, they arent exactly a small guild...? if you want to contest, form up a raid and do so.

    that said, i agree with whoever said instance the stuff and be done with it~
  8. Vaclav Augur

    256 person raid cap I say!

    Ok, not really... this idea is awful. I can appreciate that you are pitching something to try to fix it, but this is a bad one. For starters what's to stop a bad party from doubling up their own raid force?
    Simone likes this.
  9. Zurd Lorekeeper

    It's seldom I see a train wreck of this magnitude but DBG has managed to create NEW COKE all over again...no, wait...more people liked New Coke. (technically it's neither new or old...its a random assortment of old and new with very little rhyme or reason that is utterly mislabeled as "Classic" which it clearly isn't). I think TLP is quickly becoming the Grey Goo of EQ...sad.

    The rotation people aren't happy (and I do believe they are in the majority) and from the posts here the FFA people aren't happy. There are a few dozen bridge trolls who appear to be getting some jollies off of other people's grief but I'm pretty sure that's not a viable base for growing your business.

    So to repeat the above "Just instance the darn things a be done with it." (fixed from the eye destroying yellow)
  10. Jaime Lannister Augur

    What you do is simply put ALL DPS in 1 raid, and put the tanks/healers in another raid.
  11. Orienn TreeHugger

    I agree but the yellow is burning my eyes :eek:
  12. Porygon Augur

    Shhhhhhhhhh. Don't give strats away
  13. Lee81 Augur

    There are some big guild mergers occurring. We have 12 hours instead of 24 hours to engage a raid npc. Merging is happening to be able to tag a raid target 24/7.
  14. TheWizboom New Member

    #########NEWS FLASH########
    Some guilds are gone, some guilds are here, but some guilds are MUCH larger now.....The Juggernaut may not get here in time, because I see larger Juggs coming! The Modest Juggernaut may be to late.