Endurance Recovery

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by LaVolta, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. LaVolta New Member

    The new changes make it hard to recover Endurance after a death during a raid. Perhaps we could make a few changes to our disciplines? How about instead of being out of combat, we get a fragile buff that provides our endurance but disappears if we attack or get hit for damage? Can even make it break if we move if you like.

    Think about combat during World War II. Soldiers could hunker down behind cover while bullets flew over their heads. They clearly were still in combat but had that split second or two to catch their breath.
  2. Jiggs Elder

    With the changes to clicky buffs becoming an AA it might be possible for pure melee to use Alliance Elixir potions as well as the player made one in TDS (forgot name).

    They had stacking issues with melee overhaste clicky and now that "may" no longer be an issue. I have not tested them yet, but if it works, it is better than nothing.

    They also had stacking issues with Chanter mana regen buffs, so Alliance Elixir is still not viable for casters.

    [38542] Alliance ElixirTarget: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 5.2m (52 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Increase Current HP by 1221
    2: Increase Current Mana by 1221
    3: Increase Current Endurance by 1221
    4: Increase Current HP by 53 per tick
    5: Increase Current Mana by 53 per tick
    6: Increase Current Endurance by 53 per tick
    LaVolta likes this.
  3. Zunnoab Augur

    I keep forgetting this aspect of the sweeping changes, as if making non-tanks that will die rampage tank with no recourse isn't bad enough.
  4. Reval Augur

    The urge to troll.....

    You can memory blur a raid mob if it was aggroed before it is engaged if necessary, but you should assign a ramp tank to fix these issues. Generally it's based on the order of who aggroed first that is not currently tanking the mob. So you could have a bunch of knights aggro the boss just a little before the tank does (and no one before that). This would solve the given issue. I boxed a ramp tank once, and then some dps was saying that he didn't have haste, so at the last 2% I faded.


    Based on my tests and understanding, that's how non wild rampage works.
  5. LaVolta New Member

    Sorry, I am not sure I understand. Sending in a bunch of knights for early engage will fix endurance issues after death because.... ?
  6. mackal Augur

    Fixes the rampage tank issue. You should set the ramp tank in other words :p (easiest to do by having them pull if possible)
  7. Reval Augur

    It's because if you utilize other aspects of the game, you won't die as much.

    There are two kinds of rampages, one is wild ramp which hits everyone and is usually much lighter than the other. The other is just "rampage", and has been around for aaages. It was a key component of the early game. If you handle the normal rampage, it's not going to just go around hitting random melees, casters, and anyone that aggros early and killing them. One thing you could try to to engage a few seconds later than you see other people. See how much longer you live.

    And sure, you can easily try to make a case. You can say "but what if ae's and wild ramp kills me", and I could be that guy that says "well get a healer". I won't, I get that sometimes people die, but if you really try to embrace this idea, and your guild tries to just do the best it can in this area, you'll be a lot better off for it.

    I'm not saying if you die to blame the sk's and paladins like crazy, what I'm saying is that you have to work as a team to achieve the best results when the game is made right. Maybe you guys will get this down, and you'll STILL die! But if you try, you can figure out why you died, and eventually find a solution for that as well. Maybe in a year or so, your guildmates will really have this down, as well as other key components of raiding, and you'll all be better players for it.
  8. LaVolta New Member

    My concern is the new added difficulty regaining endurance. From deaths or just burning through endurance like there is no tomorrow. Once you are out, it's pretty much over. Fade won't help much. Hence my proposal. Pretty sure we'd all like to avoid dying but it *does* happen.
  9. Reval Augur

    I've turned his sour attitude by giving him the view of a true hero.

  10. LaVolta New Member

    Let's be crazy here. Let's say a tank loses the boss because she picks a new target and he can't keep her locked down. Boss eats someone. No fault of anyone because of the changes. How can we help that person get back in the fight if they use endurance?
  11. Reval Augur

    Are you talking about Arx 1?
  12. LaVolta New Member

  13. Reval Augur

    So from Allakhazam, it says this of Lanys:

    --- Swaps between tank targets every 75-100 seconds (switches from top hated to second hated).

    If you're talking about Lanys, then the trick is to have more than one tank on her, and for melees to not get too high on the aggro list. If you're talking about another mob, then I guess alla's writeup is a bit incomplete.

    I assume though that it is a good writeup, and the issue you are having is with Lanys, in which case good strategy and teamwork can solve this problem. I know it's painful to hear it, but that same thing can solve most of the deaths you're gonna take. It sucks to die, but it's supposed to suck to die. That's part of the game.
  14. Zunnoab Augur

    I know what rampage is, and repeating what it is does not change the point. The point is a pull not going well or a raid hitting a bump and losing the tanks shouldn't condemn a bunch of people to what amounts to deathtouch. Raids should not be "make a couple mistakes and you are pretty much dead" in design, and most actually aren't lately. This reminds me of the stupidity of the Ritual of Terror, where four tanks need to run up together in a time window of like one tick or so or the entire event is lost and you can't complete it anymore, and it wasn't fixed to properly reset for a VERY long time.

    Something being possible is never a good excuse for it. The point is there is no other way to control rampage other than the order of being added to the aggro list. That's bizarre in and of itself, but it wasn't quite as annoying with people able to fade it. Gee I know, now people can gate and come back! Isn't that such fun to revert the game back a few years? And blurring some of the mobs in TDS would be something to avoid at almost any cost. Some of them can rip through multiple tanks in seconds if control of a defensive rotation is lost. Edit: Actually we may have blurred Nomia once recently, but there are some situations where it would be an utterly terrible idea to do so depending on the event. The point is about a tool being removed anyway.

    A good example is Principal Vicarum Nomia. If rampage is not controlled during her second phase it can be complete and utter chaos. As is, a non tank can easily get one rounded by it. Now? Back way far away or gate! I can't say what "fun" Nomia is with loose rampage since it stayed fairly controlled when we did it post patch.

    The idea of rampage getting loose and a long fight going downhill over one factor that used to be under player control is just aggrevating though. It's just one example of many other examples of why these changes were a horrendous decision, especially right before an expansion.

    In TDS rampage is a big issue once again. For a few expansions rampage was relatively medium and something a well-geared hybrid could survive. Heck even back perhaps 5-8 years ago as a bard sometimes I ended up with rampage and kept it because I could survive it better than say a random caster. Nowadays in TDS at least rampage is often pretty much a deathtouch for many tanks. Even knights can be destroyed by it sometimes. Someone cited 50-60k dps from rampage through a few unlucky rounds once, on a tank, on one fight! They restored the danger of rampage with TDS, and now they are stripping away a tool to control it.

    This is generating tons of anger, annoyance, or both. There are not many worse ways they could have gone about this other than not announcing what they did at all. How could they possibly have not seen a backlash coming? People are rightfully upset, and they should not pipe down and accept this lunacy.

    Like I said, it's just one example. This will encourage training all over again, and that's ignoring the lunacy of the other sweeping changes. Stuff being possible doesn't mean people should just pipe down about this garbage. As a bard I'm sure I'm fine pulling. That is not my point. Most of my concerns come as a raid leader anyway, seeing so many tools taken away in one swoop, but I sympathize with all the other complaints tool.