Ragefire - 3 or 6 months

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Banak, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Banak New Member

    My buddy and I were having this discussion and arent sure what it is. So expansion gets beaten and that opens vote for next expansion on ragefire when in 3 months or 6 month? He was saying only classic to kunark was 3 months rest are supposed to be 6 on ragefire. Thanks for any info on this..
  2. Lokomotiva Elder

    I believe when they first announced an early vote for Ragefire; they said it was only going to effect the Kunark expansion and the rest would stay at their planned time tables... Hwoever, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if they handle each expansion the way they did Kunark on Ragefire.
  3. Ducreux Augur

    I expect we will see a poll on Ragefire in a month to see if we want the vote moved up from 6 months to 3.

    As it stands, we should still be on the original 6 month voting timeframe but that's just going off the information we have been given.
    PrathunEQ likes this.
  4. -wycca Augur

    I believe the very original information stated that if kunark was launched faster, that it wouldn't impact the overall timer, ie, we'd have 9 months of kunark.

    I do suspect though, that we'll simply be given the choice of 3 or 6 months for velious at some point.
  5. Roshen Brand Manager

    As called out in the post here, we'll be checking in with players on Ragefire to see if they want to return the server to a 6-month track between releases, or something faster, after the server has settled into Kunark.

    It's only been a week of The Ruins of Kunark so far! Once there's information to share on the next poll for Ragefire, we'll certainly let everyone know.

  6. Random_Enchanter Augur

    Were long-term* thinkers.

    *Long term is defined as some time-frame between 3 and 6 months. Other Terms and conditions may apply, which may include the ability to think independantly
    PrathunEQ likes this.
  7. Sagnid Augur

    Roshen this is unacceptable! I need at least a three month notice in order to plan family medical leave for all of the required raiding in velious.
  8. Grandma Elder

    This time it probably wont make a difference to most people that wanted the 6 month opening rules to stay the way we expected it to be when we started on Ragefire. After playing here for 3 months the way things are going. I'm looking forward to the no box server which should open around the same time.
  9. PathToEternity pathtoeternity.pro

    Since the next expansion can't unlock until the majority of the server wants it unlocked, I see no reason why the vote doesn't begin immediately after expansion completion. To guarantee time in the expansion and help people plan for unlocks, have the next expansion unlock two/four/whatever weeks after the vote passes.

    This voting system could be much better than it is.
  10. Asheran Augur


    From that post, the statement here seems to suggest that there will also be a poll on Lockjaw to see if we want to shorten the 6 month timer.

    Can we expect a new vote on Lockjaw in the near future? So many people have been transferring to Ragefire, only logging in for raids, or simply quitting out of boredom. I know quite a few people who voted for 6 months in the previous vote, but now regret that decision.

    I don't want to see Lockjaw turn into the next Vulak, but I fear that is a distinct possibility if these trends continue.
    Tudadar and Gemstones like this.
  11. Asheran Augur

    Isn't that how the Combine and the Sleeper worked?

    Edit: As the "Time-Locked" part of TLP was part of the draw for many people, that idea would anger a large portion of the userbase. When an expansion is released before people are ready for it, then many of those who were not ready will quit. So, even if many were ready to go from Kunark to Velious, by alienating the ones who were not, it skews the next vote in favor of those who want to go faster. Slowly it chips away at the more casual playerbase, until you eventually have a deserted server outside of a small handful of hardcore players / raiders.

    3 months is plenty of time to start voting, but instantly after killing all bosses is way too fast to go with a simple majority...

    However, I think it would be interesting if they used a % requirement that reduced over time. If 3 months (or 6 months) is the goal, then there could be a vote as soon as the bosses are defeated, but the % voting yes required to pass could start at 80% (or higher) of the votes. Then, over time, the % required to unlock the new expansion could decrease, until it hit 51% at the pre-determined time.
  12. Zublak Augur

    Damn I agree with you on something! It would be nice to see a vote for Lockjaw. I think now more people are 50 and bored they understand why 6 months of limited content with an easy exp grind caps out fast. Also seeing the other server in Kunark makes you even more eager to be there yourself.

    However, on your comment on "Bored only logging in for raids". This is why rotations can be bad if not mandated properly. Less FFA = more boredom. If you only wait for your turn to kill a mob you'll be waiting days. If you had more FFA you'd have more to do while still securing a kill through-out the week in the rotation. Just sayin....
  13. Zublak Augur

    Part of the main problem with Sleeper and Combine is that it was a race to unlock expansions. Top tier guilds defeated content quickly and expansions were opening up in a rapid pace. It was tough for anyone to compete unless they started early or formed up later from people splintering off.

    I think the 3 month polls and/or vote is a good idea just to see what people think. As I've said before on a personal level 3 months Classic is plenty with the games current state of easiness. 6 months Kunark-OoW seems good. Kunark will be hit or miss as a 6 month era, but I could definitely handle 6 months of Kunark over Classic. WAY more content for my main and alts.
  14. Asheran Augur

    Honestly, that isn't why we are bored. Even if there were more FFA spawns, this would still be a problem at this point. We don't even contest FFA anymore.

    Yeah, I agree. Kunark at 6 months may be ok...but, even with more raids, more groupable zones, and epics, it still will get old by the end.

    Now, Velious+ is a different story. That expansion was where the world really opened up, and there was ALWAYS something to do. I could be perfectly happen with a year an a half to do Velious - PoP.

    Then again, I think the servers should have started with Classic / Kunark / Velious all unlocked. That would have been so much fun.
  15. Zublak Augur

    I agree. Even Classic/Kunark start would have been really good. Even open up the Iksar race in the beginning. Less of a mess in the raid scene as well. Velious is by far my favorite expac. I'd say Velious > Kunark > PoP > Luclin for me personally. Luclin was nice, but had some silliness and VT in era was a pita.
  16. Skipper Augur

    Six monthers getting bored?

  17. -wycca Augur

    Kunark doesn't have a ton to do at 60. It really doesn't. It's alot like classic in that regard, just with epics. It has more raid mobs overall yes, but it's not really a great expansion to spend 6 months in.

    Velious...yes, it has ~40 new raid mobs. That rocks. Unfortunately it's group game is actually sorta limited. Seriously, think about it for a bit.

    Which is why....I agree with your last point. The servers should always start with trilogy, no question IMO. My main live server (once it opened) was Vazaelle. Vazaelle was the 1st new server opened after the Velious launch. I can tell you now, that trilogy really is the perfect server start-up environment and that Velious is a really really great expansion to have open as you're leveling. I hope they keep this in mind for the no-box server.
    Stones likes this.
  18. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Actually, I thought the "Time-Locked" portion of the server name refers only to the fact that the server is locked for a specific period of time in certain eras.

    I could swear someone with a red name once made a comment about the name being somewhat misleading, because these servers are actually "Time-Locked Vote" progression servers or something to that end (paraphrasing).
  19. Zublak Augur

    Essentially it's a great idea. Less problems with raid content. Your top tier guilds will farm Classic and Kunark targets minimally while they prepare for Velious. I think you'd see a lot less drama overall.
  20. Asheran Augur

    That isn't really true.

    Velk's, Dragon Necropolis, and Siren's Grotto are awesome zones that are mostly geared toward exping/farming. Also, Kunark group zones are still excellent in Velious, and mesh really well with the three I just mentioned.

    Then, at lvl 60, Velious is certainly not lacking at all. WToV, WW, Kael, Skyshrine, Plane of Growth, and the deeper parts of the exp zones are all excellent places for single groups to farm. Plane of Growth and WToV are difficult to manage, but certainly reward the effort in a similar way to the classic Planes.

    Plus, Velious should have the revamped Cazic Thule, which is incredible at 51+. It may even have the revamped versions of Plane of Hate and Plane of Fear.

    I didn't vote for six months to begin with. As I said, I wanted Kunark and Velious at launch.

    Unfortunately, Daybreak decided to make Lockjaw stay at 6 months and Rage go to 3 months, even though the majority of both servers wanted Kunark sooner (the only discrepancy being HOW soon...instantly or 3 months). I didn't stay because 6 months won, but rather because my guild, and the majority of my friends, were staying. The majority of my friends were staying because the majority of their friends were staying. Plus, most of us do like the idea of Lockjaw being a more casual server than Ragefire...that does not mean sticking to classic until the server dies is a good idea.