Partially filled Krono order????

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Wraithlord1998, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Wraithlord1998 New Member

    Last night I ordered a total of 8 krono in three orders (since the ordering system is archaic as all hell and you can't just specify XXX number of krono in 1 order; so I split it up between an order of 5, an order of 2 and an order of 1). I know it can take 24 to 48 hours, but that's not my complaint/question/concern. What I'd like to like to know is, why was just the order of 5 filled, (order # 1249591384) and then the other two orders (orders #1249591466 & 1249591500) cancelled? According to your FAQ about krono, I should be able to order up to 18 in a 24 hour period.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic that the order went through as fast as it did, and I wasn't expecting it, but you cancelled the other two and didn't bother to notify me? What the hell kind of business practice is that? Do you NOT want my money or business?

    You didn't even bother verifying anything, you just cancelled the two remaining orders with no explanation? I got no email; no text; no phone call; no ticket; no ingame message - absolutely NOTHING!

    So... I resubmitted the two orders for the last three krono that you shorted me (orders #1249667944 &1249667992) and now I'm having to potentially wait another 24 to 48 hours and now the original orders say "refunded" so I have to worry about double billing? Submit a ticket for help! Yes! /sarcasm Your company's ticketing system is a joke - it takes days to hear anything back; most times the response isn't even related to the issue the ticket was submitted for, or FAQ's are referenced that are so out of date - it's not even valid. Your company is more concerned with tweeting and posting about new buildings; server renames and various other garbage - than it is about helping/serving it's customers. Tweet on twitter or post on facebook to get help, everyone passes the buck (IF they even bother answering at all) "no you need to post here; no you need to tweet there". The majority of your company ignores the posts/tweets requesting help, and just keeps right on posting it's garbage. New buildings? Great. Offering contests? Awesome. But how about some support and hiring more employees?

    I'm sorry, but it comes off as very poor customer service and borders near incompetence. Your company was idiotic for laying off as many employees as it did, as it obviously can NOT handle any form of customer support in a reasonably timely manner.

    If it seems that I'm more than a bit angry - well you'd be correct. It may not seem important to your company, but you're holding up an important ingame trade which in turn is holding up a transfer of one of my characters to another server (which is yet MORE money I'd be throwing at your company; but someone dropped the ball, and they dropped it big time!!!) Luckily the individual conducting the trade with me understands how your company conducts it's business, (possibly understands your companies incompetence) and is willing to wait.

    If it were not for the fact that many of the remaining subscribers are long time fans, you'd most definitely lose them with this piss poor customer service.
  2. Derd Augur

    Archaic ordering system? That's odd when I just went and looked at it, it seems very modern and streamlined. They've even gave a discount if you order even as few as two Krono, instead of just single ones. If you were worried about potential double orders it might have been proactive to wait but from what you've stated in your post, the second two orders got cancelled and now show as refunded. I don't see anything in either of those two words that say that the transaction is now going thru and I imagine you can easily check your credit card to see if the transaction is now showing up.
  3. Wraithlord1998 New Member

    And here I thought there'd be a useful reply instead of a fanboy post. /sarcastic cheer
  4. Derd Augur

    I'm not the one spending hundreds of dollars on Eq :) to get an item so you can then move to another server. I just had to go look at the archaic system you described and found it actually pretty straight forward. And just a fyi if the faq states 18 it must be incorrect as they have a buy 25 button. There I pointed out a mistake by DBG hopefully you feel better about me , I was sad.
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