will last expansion continue to be sold after campaign is released

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vlad Diszno, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Vlad Diszno Augur

    Still on the fence about buying the last expansion and just want to know how much time I have to decide. I remember once the last expansion came out, the previous one went off the market. Will they do similarly now that they aren't "expansions" but "campaigns"?
    Motherlee likes this.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The previous one goes off the market because it is bundled with the current expansion. What happens to this expansion after the first campaign is released will depend on if they bundle it with the campaign and I really don't think they will remove the ability for people to buy expansions they don't have.
  3. Kravitz Augur

    With the campaign releasing within the next 3 months, it makes no sense to be paying $40 for the previous expansion at this point. Hold out and see what they decide to do, but paying $40 bucks for almost a year old content makes no sense, if you bought it 6 months ago sure.

    They are still stuck with a 1999 model of not reducing prices on content as time passes. Valve and other companies who sell on Steam have completely eroded that model, but DGC fails to move with the times.
    Iila likes this.
  4. Derd Augur

    Simple easy answer is.... well of course.
    IF it's not bundled with the new campansion you will be able to buy it.
    IF it is bundled with the new campansion you will receive it with your purchase.

    If you're still on the fence I guess I can only offer that TDS has some very nice zones and gear and augs and ps's in it. If your not extremely interested in that then wait, but I'm guessing its still at the least a couple months out till the new content arrives.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  5. Derd Augur

    40 bucks for an expansion... I'm still trying to figure out why so many of you think that's expensive. Even if you make min wage that's like a little more than a half day's pay. Kind of hard to reduce it very much and find any profit margin.
  6. beryon Augur

    People consider it expensive because of what they're getting for their money. We're paying the same price for half the content. Yes, $40 is not a huge amount of money, but that doesn't mean I'd be ok with paying $40 for a dozen eggs. And yes, Daybreak needs to make money, but it's not our fault they wasted all their profits on a bunch of failed projects instead of spending that money on EQ.
  7. Iila Augur

    Because TDS is bad and not worth $40.

    Its only real feature is being the latest Everquest expansion. Meaning if you want to play in current EQ, you have to buy it. TDS tried to force you into buying it by ruining any other place to exp in game and was a mostly low-effort, unfinished, buggy mess.

    There's a few nice things in TDS, but the last couple patches have done far more to improve the game than TDS did.

    The $50 in games I've bought in the last two steam sales have given me a lot more enjoyment and don't make me want to drink myself into a stupor for sunday's raids.
    Savil, Sheex, Yinla and 4 others like this.
  8. savrin Augur

    I think what some people here are missing is that it's not $40 for just TDS, it's for all the content in the game. It's only expensive if you don't have a job. It's just folks complaining about content as always.
    I don't expect miracles from the devs for an old game like EQ.

    Also, this is a business.
  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Forty dollars is not expensive for me and I think it is a fair price for a full expansion. I do think it is fair to say that overall EQ is a fairly cheap entertainment option.

    But I do not think it is fair to say 40 dollars is only expensive if you are not working. A lot of people scrape by budget wise even though they work.
    Motherlee and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  10. Kravitz Augur

    Actually what you are getting is CotF and TDS, since every expansion before that is free to play. And you would only be getting TDS if you already own CotF.

    If you have $40 to spend on a video game, I'd recommend Witcher 3. It came out in April selling for $60 and now the price has dropped to $25.

    And if you want to compare apples to apples, even Blizzard discounts their expansions after awhile. DGC did so twice in the past after 6 months after release, but they stopped doing that, and went back to their old ways.

    Most people who play games besides EQ and buy games on Steam or GOG, are not going to be paying full price for a product 4-6 months later, this has become an accustomed mentality of the consumer since Steam and GOG, and a few other companies moved to this type of model.

    Now if you play EQ exclusively, you wouldn't really care for that and doesn't really matter if it gets discounted or not.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Iila like this.
  11. savrin Augur

    You are right about working poor people at retail places and other jobs that have trouble with paying bills because it's not a living wage probably not being able to afford it. I would think EQ is not a big priority for them though compared to getting debt payed off. I would hope most of the older EQ population would not still have high school jobs or get laid off and are forced to work them.
    I am not rich by any means myself, but I can afford a few nice things like video games and sometimes forget about people worse off than me.
  12. savrin Augur

    Meh I forgot entirely about what is free to play and what expansions you get from it. I have never did free to play and always paid for the game myself.

    If steam games are cheaper and you like it feel free to buy that instead. By no means do I want to tell anyone what to do with their money. I know EQ has weaker content lately and will most likely continue that trend. Feel free to spend your money as you wish and I will spend mine on things I like.

    It's up to you if you want to buy the expansion, I still think $40 is not bad. I spend much more money on monthly credit cared bills, utilities, water, groceries, etc. My guild raids so I will have no choice if I want to do that.
  13. Iila Augur

    Yep, this is one of the main selling points. Spend $40 or quit.

    (Or go to SOELive and get your expansion from that)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Casidia Augur

    I make enough / month and i consider $40 for some additional content in a '99 game super expensive.
    What matters is not $40 (or $120+ for boxers?) compared to what you earn, because there surely are players who do not earn a lot monthly, but to what other games / offers for the PC cost.
    And what they deliver for it. And if they basically force you to buy it, so you can keep playing with others.
    Dirty tactics here and i'm sure there are enough people out there who quit because they don't want to be cows for this company.
  15. Dreamrider Elder

    Most people get paid biweekly.

    1 year = 52 weeks. 52 weeks / 2 = ~26 paychecks. $40.00 / 26 = $1.54

    Grab an old coffee can with a lid. Every paycheck, deposit $1.54 in it.

    Campaigns? If they are slated to come out every 6 months, same principal applies once we know how much they'll charge for them. Even if they are $40 a campaign. $40.00 / 13 paychecks = $3.08 to deposit.

    P.S. I do the same with my insurance that's due annually and/or every 6 months. This way I don't get stuck scrambling for funds when they're due. A little pain -vs- payday loan sharks.
  16. Quench New Member

    It is unreal some people thinking 40 bucks is expensive for an expansion. Or that they feel trapped In too buying it so you can play with you're friends .... you're friends could still play with you ... free to play right? It's dirty tactics ? I do not get it ...
  17. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    $40 is too much for the limited amount of content that comes with an expansion these days. ROF was worth $40. COTF & TDS are worth $20. I still bought a ton of COTF expansions and about 13-14 TDS so far including 4 Collector's Editions.

    Just because I can afford it and bought it doesn't mean I think it was worth the cost. I'll always play EQ until they turn the servers off but I think their pricing plans are obsolete and the amount of content you get with each release continues to go down while the price stays the same.
  18. Vlad Diszno Augur

    In my case, it isn't just $40 I'm looking at spending, but about $80 ( after the 10% all-access discount) for the collector's edition. If I'm going to get the expansion, I will get that boat house. I've been waiting and hoping they'd offer the expansion for a lower price, like w/ the last expansion. I'm not interested in spending $80 just for a house. I was able to get all the collectibles via a guildie so that is the only thing left that I'm interested in, in this expansion. My interest in hunting was KOed by the exp nerf and has yet to be resuscitated.
  19. Casidia Augur

    Believe it or not, such amounts can be a problem for some.
    Most have at least 2 accounts these days. So for release months you are looking at 100 bucks spent (40x2 + 2 subs if you are not one of those plat rich guys).

    I did have a very good contact in Eq who was unable to afford that.
    As result that person left, unable to play where others went and sad about it.

    It's simply too much for what they offer now (Cotf, Tds), and especially when you consider new gaming standards.

    What annoys me is not the amount itself (well a bit maybe), but...
    they should be thankful so many ppl are still playing this dinosaur, and show some tact in form of reduced prices as the quality of releases drops.

    But this particular topic usually gets turned around, the players should be thankful they still keep it up.
    Why? It prolly makes them more money than all the failed projects.
    Caell and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  20. Matari Augur

    It's not about the cost - it's about our expectations. At the rate we are going, we will be handing over 40 USD for nothing soon.
    Kravitz likes this.