Mage/Necro Pet Nerf on TLP also /q

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Esper, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Esper Augur

    *** Progression Servers ***

    - Increased the maximum number of adventurers that can be in any load balanced version of the Commonlands.
    - Many of the bosses in the Ruins of Kunark will provide more of a challenge on the progression servers. Bosses in the Ruins of Kunark will only spawn in the base version of their zone.
    - Returned the defensive skill values of level 1-65 magician and necromancer pets to the values they had prior to the May 2015 patch, putting them more in line with the power curve of the era.
    The skill values will return to the modern curve when LDoN unlocks on the server. These changes have no impact on other live servers.
    - Raid targets on progression servers now have the ability "Mark of the Old Ways". This will reduce the resistances and melee damage output and increase incoming melee damage of summoned companions with increasing severity based on the total number of summoned companions that are attacking the raid target.
    This ability only applies to targets that are adjusted for the pre-LDoN skill curve.
    - Raid targets on progression servers have had their improved melee damage lowered.
    - Plane of Sky - Bosses have had their difficulty reduced.

    *** Miscellaneous ***

    - Link-dead (LD) players will no longer be immediately removed from the world
    - /quit now works like /exit.
  2. Esper Augur

  3. Zahariel Journeyman

    Too little, too late.
  4. Dark_Intentions Augur

    So the pets can't tank as well, but they can DPS just as well. Sounds good to me.
    Simone likes this.
  5. Trevalon Augur

    As someone with a druid and 5 mages...

    this is awesome news!

    I am somewhat confused on exactly waht the "Mark of the Old Ways" Does, but from what I can tell as you get more pets on the mob they do less dmg and take more dmg....

    Does this finally mean the end of the Mage army guilds? One can only hope...
    Simone likes this.
  6. Esper Augur

    The raid mob takes less dmg the more mage/necro pets are on it.
    Simone likes this.
  7. Trevalon Augur

    See, It says it will "reduce the resistances and melee dmg and increase the incoming melee dmg"

    Which to me says that as you pile more pets it will make the pet's resistances and melee dmg go down AND at the same time it will make them take more dmg as well.

    Basically meaning that as you stack pets on a mob they basically become wet noodles with no dmg and no survivability...

    So yea, Basically this is to "hopefully" kill off guilds like Modest Man who use 40+ mage pets to kill their mobs...Let's just hope it works and we can finally either say good riddance to such guilds or they will at least be forced to make a legitimate raid force.
  8. Foo Chow New Member

    I think it means if the raid target uses this ability the more # of pets the less damage they do and the more damage they take..

    Edit: what Trevalon said, wet noodle....

    Simone likes this.
  9. FcsevenXIII Augur

    It's fun to watch these new servers crash and burn. Now can we please have a real classic server?
    Drexll likes this.
  10. Sebbun Augur

    Didn't they imply that this was impossible to change pets without messing with live??

    How many times have they changed something deemed "Impossible" now?
    Ducreux, Simone, Drexll and 1 other person like this.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Shadowknight pets, it's your time to shine! Wew!
    Simone and Foo Chow like this.
  12. rick Augur

    this sounds like a step in the right direction except for the necro pets .. the necro pets never seemed as OP as the mage pet and I have been trying hard not to scream and shout about how hard some levels are as a necro now ..

    IT isn't every level but the one before a new pet the pet is mauled regularly..

    I for one would like to know is malachite is the stone mages always use now which also on TLP servers makes IT way cheaper than the necro pets should you need to by bone chips from other players ..
    7s6c I think for malachite and yet bone chips go for 50 to 100pp for a stack of 100.. (yes i farm my own chips at that cost)

    also BCs are used for a quest that gives a good amount of xp while there is no limit to malachite
  13. rick Augur

    I hope that is a joke .. I bet it ends up being that SK pets (which are already REALLY lame and I say this as a player who DOESN'T play an SK) are also included so 1 necro+sk = 2 necro pets
  14. Fiyero Augur

    Yeah, while I'm glad they're finally doing something about mage pets, they did say it was impossible without screwing up live. So why couldn't this have been done 2 months ago?
    Drexll likes this.
  15. Hateseeker Augur

    If they had done this from the beginning the effect would have been amazing. But now, if mage armies can't do raids, they'll pick on group content even more, trying to content block even more in Hate/Fear. Unless the inability to mage-zerg-raid drives them away totally but I doubt it.

    Apparently they've attended the Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott School of Getting Things Done, which is to say, at your convenience, unless you have to sooner.
    Foo Chow likes this.
  16. rick Augur

    I think you might be right about them studying at Mr Scott's school of dissimulation ..and misinformation

    Lets face it I bet they were trying not to alienate a part of their subs .. while failing to understand that these are the same people in many case driving away the paying customers .

    I have said before and I will again that it isn't the whole community that chooses to box at fault but there is a large number who just don't care who they run over
  17. Banuvan Augur

    They should add this ability to every mob in hate and fear as well. That would solve any issues people are having in the planes.
    Simone and Hateseeker like this.
  18. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Good step in the right direction.
  19. Lateryn Augur

  20. Tudadar Augur

    It took three months for this change? When everyone has been saying mage armies would be crazy overpowered for years and pets needed to be nerfed?

    I mean them doing something is a step in the right direction and really nice to see for the future progression servers but a serious neededchange like this should have never taken 2-3 months.
    Drexll likes this.
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