Boxing the Judicator in PoW

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gr8fuldave, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    Silv likes this.
  2. Narknon Augur

    Remember the early bugged Judi days? Can't believe some of the ways we managed to kill them after they were hitting 150k haha.

    But, adding to the topic, should be fine with that setup. I used to 3 box it with chanter/wiz/rogue at lvl 100. Hell, my rogue could tank it for fairly long even back then.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    Yeah over on test server (for the month or so I was over there in plane of war..)

    The Judicators would summon other .. Judicators (who were fully healthed up) if any other Judicator was up in Field of Strife what so ever ..

    So say .. 5 grps in strife killing .. 3 Judicators were up, BAM .. first grp to engage their judicator would have their Judi .. summon the other TWO .. judi's who are up .. to monkey stomp First engaged Judi's grp into the ground.

    THAT .. was pure awesome, I personally wished they would have kept that mechanic in the game.
    Silv likes this.
  4. Narknon Augur

    Yeah, the staying powered up permanently and having to train 100s of other mobs on the judi by using its AE to agro them to kill it, though.. I don't miss that haha
    Whulfgar likes this.
  5. Narknon Augur

    BTW, I never completed War even though I was one of the first in it.. Never got enough people to kill drelg. I haven't played lately, but if you'd ever be up for that I'd log in just to complete it.
  6. Whulfgar Augur

    Which guild are ya in now then ? You still playing on test right ?
  7. Sheaffer Augur

    Nark I'd probably come back for that. Jeaneae is flagged for at least one castle and I think maybe the other
  8. Narknon Augur

    Still in LoB even though its dead.. But I haven't played at all since last year.
  9. Narknon Augur

    Its a fun fight. Easiest way is a mage army, but it would be cool to beat it with real tanks.
    Whulfgar likes this.