Ragefire Rotation Discussion 8/7/15 -- 5PM PST

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dojii, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Ducreux Augur

    In the interest of keeping the rotation discussions as transparent as possible I would gladly stream it for the community to view.

    Feel free to contact me in-game on Ducreux.
  2. Kalamurv Journeyman

    I have a feeling the negotiations are going something like this. ..the majority is agreeing to things and making progress, while apok/roe are crying life ten year old girls refusing to agree to anything other than them having complete control, amd the system they want in it. ..with a certain apok officer crying that TL RMT'S (which they don't). I think apok should ask itself where a certain person vanished to after an aon was given to them...and oddly enough one went up for sale