attempting a comeback

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by toddv, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. toddv New Member

    haven't played in 10 years im guessing. so looking into I guess lockjaw server.
    will be looking for a noob friendly guild with a voice chat. im EST and will usually be on 6:30-11ish and all day on weekends.
    any recommendations? ideas? 1st time around I ran a necro, this time im thinking either necro or mage
    thanks for any feedback
  2. sifonin Augur

    Hey Todd,

    I know that people are generally very excited to get back onto new progression servers in hopes of living in the nostalgia that we all feel when we think of camping the sarnak fort in lake of ill omen or just getting a group at the orc camps in GFAY, however, I think that the progression servers may not be the best place for a returning character to head. While it is true that a great portion of the population is on Ragefire and Lockjaw, I firmly believe that EQ live is still a lot of fun, and if you can meet the right people, you just never know you may end up sticking with live! My suggestion is roll some alts on live servers, and test drive the toons on free to play! If you choose Luclin, send my character a tell, or a PM on these forums, I enjoy helping returnees get set up for success.

    Best Regards,

    Fallfyres likes this.
  3. Roxxanna Augur

    I agree with Sifonin, I can't in good conscience recommend the TLP's to new/returning players at this time. Perhaps after Kunark opens.
  4. toddv New Member

    did not expect those responses , will have to consider it.
    I downloaded this morning and tried to find old toons. found the necro lvl 81
    and mage 53, and a shammy around 80.
    just no idea what servers. was just spamming through seeing what chars. were on there
  5. Roxxanna Augur

    If you decide to roll on TLP's, Lockjaw would be the better choice, I'm just worried about it's future with the upcoming free transfers. Good luck, whatever choice you make, players are the real commodity here, and we've lost enough.
  6. Crestfallen New Member

    Is it possible to start characters in the old racial zones? I'd be interested in playing again, but every time I try I get bored with the new introduction zones.

    I'd really like to see the old, traditional EQ (wasted a load of time in the karanas and the ocean of tears, yes I guess I am strange...) world again and really don't have much interest in having to go through the long drawn out tutorials to get out there.
  7. Roxxanna Augur

    Yes, just pick starting city -not Cresent reach- at character creation screen, and make sure tutorial is unclicked.

    Add: I really encourage joining a family guild, especially the new/returning ones, even if you don't plan on staying long or never leveling last classic. The guild chatter makes it less lonely, and you might make some good friends.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  8. Borek-VS Augur

    You have to have All Access to be able to do this. On the other hand, for F2P/Silver, it's not that much of a burden to start in Crescent Reach then relocate to the old home towns and get a bind there.
  9. Roxxanna Augur

    Did not know that :)
  10. Crestfallen New Member

    Thanks for the info! Just created a new enchanter on The Rathe. Decided to try the tutorial anyway since it's been so long since I've played.

    I appreciate the info!
  11. Sindo Journeyman

    You can't go wrong with the peeps in The Eternal Darkness on Rathe. I recently joined up with them and although I have barely been able to play much the past week or so, I feel confident to recommend them based on what I experienced playing off and on.
  12. Urshulgi Augur

    Can you elaborate further on why the time-locked progression servers are a bad choice for returning players? I've got some characters on the european server, but was thinking of reliving the nostalgia on Lockjaw.
  13. Roxxanna Augur

    Based on my (and a lot of others) personal experience with the TLP's.

    You would probably enjoy it for awhile, till your first experience of a 6-18 box group/raid of mages plops down on you and begins stealing not only your groups mobs, but also every mob in the zone, all while laughing at you. It's dps race rules, and you can't do anything about it. There's a lot of problems there, but you might get lucky and avoid most of the crap, or , you might get angry and ragequit like a lot have. I don't want EQ to lose any more players. My suggestion if you really want to play there: Choose Lockjaw, but if you start getting frustrated and want to quit, try live before you go. Our guild specializes in new/returning players (there are other guilds that do too) we have recruited over 400 in the last year. Some leave, some stay, some join other guilds after they get situated. We are here to give you a stable guild to ask every question you want, free of any drama, harassment, or rated r chat, and where you go from there is up to you.
    sifonin likes this.
  14. sifonin Augur

    I agree with roxx,

    A family casual style guild is how I really caught up on my server and am forever thankful for them, I wouldn't be fully raid geared or geering my favorite alt in my current guild if I hadn't gotten that initial assistance from black dragon legion on luclin.
  15. Urshulgi Augur

    Thanks for the information. I don't feel like competing against a group/raid composed of one person boxing a bunch of toons. When I quit in 2004, I remember it being rare for someone to play two accounts at once, let alone 4-6. I did come back to the game last year for a bit, and leveled a cleric and enchanter to 57 on two separate accounts boxing, but I wasn't stealing mobs or camps from people.

    I may look at reactivating and server transfering to be part of a friendly guild. After all, isn't socializing one of the biggest reasons to play an MMO?

    Also, tired of super-easy, fast-paced cartoon mmos. Just can't handle that junk anymore.
  16. toddv New Member

    think im pretty much with you urshulgi on the boxers. I may do the same thing and go with either my old necro or mage. but trying to relearn a toon that is now severely under geared could prove challenging haha.
  17. ShadowMan Augur

    A lot of times this defines the good players from the bad, tanks being the exception. Forces you to learn the class and whats its capable of instead of learning the top 3 things and thats it.
  18. Roxxanna Augur

    Gear is easy to acquire (on live), play what you like, and SOCIALIZE!!!!! :-D
  19. Ketzerei84 Elder

    For live I really recommend Xegony, I find the playerbase there to be the most friendly in my experience. As to Lockjaw, load up, log in, shoot Taeluuin a tell on whatever race/class you desire, and we'll party for some xp ;)