<Reign of Eternity> Questions

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Maleix, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Maleix New Member

    Hello everyone!

    Just read the official raid rotation. Very interesting!

    I had a question though, I have been playing on this server since day one and have never heard of this guild <Reign of Eternity>. I am curious how such a small guild who has never once killed a raid worthy boss or even attempted one was allowed to be put in their vote on said raid rotation.

    What will happen to RoE on the rotation when they cannot kill a single boss in the game, will they be removed? How many attempts overall are they going to be allowed?

    These are very important questions that should be discussed, I am just confused how a random small guild with no server achievements are allowed to dictate the other guilds on the server, from all I can gather is that they have one member who is very vocal on the forums and that is it.

    Thank you,
    Agrippa likes this.
  2. MBear Augur

    DB is dictating it, not them. The other guilds didn't come to resolution by today when DB said they had to. If folks can agree, they can get DB to approve another rotation but showing up at the table was rewarded by DB.

    Do you happen to be in one of the guilds in the rotation? If so, consider encouraging your leader to come to the table next time.
    Simone and Jezzie like this.
  3. Maltheus Elder

    Yes. Why even bother talking on the forums if you aren't a guild leader. Your words are far from official.
  4. Maleix New Member

    So what you are saying is I can make a guild recruit some people, than reply to every post on the forum to legitimize myself and my guild? Based on that logic and based on how it seems RoE even has a say.
  5. Seraphim Augur

    I can't wait for all 3 other guilds watching RoE fail and then DPS race the target down!! Screen shots for all!!
  6. Kittany Augur

    RoE is by far the best raiders on the server where attitude is concerned. They refuse to lower themselves to the standards that the other guilds have fallen to.
    SebastianTheIbis likes this.
  7. Seraphim Augur

    How are they raiders?? They can't kill anything.
  8. Sabbon Journeyman

    They are raiders of my heart. And forever will they be the best!
    SebastianTheIbis likes this.
  9. BestReleaseNA Augur

    Its simple why they're in this rotation, DBG listens to whoever is loudest on the forum. Breeze hasn't killed anything but she screamed to get her way.
  10. Simone Augur

    Long story short. Daybreak games said they would enforce a rotation starting July 27th and encouraged guild leaders to come to an agreement on this subject. Deadline came and they still had not agreed to anything so Daybreak stayed true to their word and enforced and implemented a rotation just like they said they would.

    It is what it is. If you don't like it then you should encourage your guild leadership to be more active in engaging the leadership of other guilds to try and come to an actual agreement and have Daybreak implement it.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  11. Dojii Augur

    RoE also represented a minority of the server that was still trying to raid. But they kept getting griefed, and suffocated, but still tried to be a guild and raid. And have took part in discussion for fairness since the beginning. Albeit was like 4 days --- but in that 4 days some people wanted to be extremely greedy. Other people wanted to be fair. ROE wanted to be fair.
    SebastianTheIbis and Liquid like this.
  12. Rokuthy New Member

    Well then speaking purely on the topic of fairness, if RoE is truly representative of fairness and all of the guilds that have been stifled, then they should voluntarily remove themselves from this rotation, sign up for the gatekeeper boss, and earn their way into the rotation like every other guild that they "represent." If they aren't held to the same standard as everyone else, then why have a standard at all?
    Zeksy FP and Agrippa like this.
  13. Liquid Augur

    Wow...today on these forums have been rough to say the least. This however is a good example of a non-narrowminded POV. This hate that is poured out is ridiculous. You would think a game as old as EQ1 the population would be a bit more mature, sadly the opposite is true. I used to think the WoW forums were toxic until I came back to EQ. The server is going to look a lot differently here shortly. Some guilds merging, some losing members, but hopefully more good than bad will come out of it all. I just wish those that post on these forums were required to list the in-game MAIN name. This would put more accountability to those in game and would follow them along with the reputation that they build.

    Good post though my friend..nice to see these few and far between.
  14. Dakienx New Member

    This 100%
  15. Moonii Elder

    I liked RoE till they sold out to Apok..couldn't do it alone ?
  16. Rokuthy New Member

    I find it intriguing that a guild that helps create a set of rules for rotation entry, isn't technically holding themselves to the rules they themselves are helping to create. Why is that acceptable?
  17. Moonii Elder

    It won't just be the other three guilds watching. It will be every other guild that was left out of the closed door one-sided apok driven discussions too.
  18. lalaloup Augur

    That depends, if this is really about fairness - which you would have to be pretty naive to believe - then you would be right in regards to standards. However, IF this is about starting an actual guild-rep based system - which some holly comments lead me to believe - most of the complaints and concerns are sadly irrelevant.

    Extreme views of hardcore and casual go out the window, no more raider or grouper guilds, which is kind of sad. But at least now there's have a chance for some top raid guilds to grow in to a real uber guild, one that people would fervently cheer on.

    If people behave as fairly as some claim, there will be no issue. More guilds will be able to see this. A community could genuinely grow from the server rather than simply being a meeting ground for the conclaves of xenophobic cliques.

    Or it can continue on where anything earnest is lost in a flurry of petulance. Our choice, really.
  19. Rokuthy New Member

    I understand what you're saying, but if this is about creating a system in which to start with, then why wasn't False Prophecy, Remnants of Prexus, Ceaseless, etc. not included in this initial rotation launch? All of those guilds have just as much right to claim a spot in this rotation as RoE does.
    Agrippa and Moonii like this.
  20. Druz Augur

    Nobody has killed Nagafen since the rules went in. The fact that a single guild has been locking people out of killing these mobs is the entire reason the rotation is being enforced by Daybreak. What is so difficult to understand?