Brand new player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Tall_Cricket, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Tall_Cricket New Member

    Hello everyone. I'm brand new to this game and wondering if any of the veterans out there could give me some pointers and/or tips to help me get into the flow of the game it'll be greatly helpful.

    This was recommended by watching Extra Credit over on youtube and I look around and watch some reviews and read some forums and thought this game will be great for me to play.

    Sadly I can not play immediately because I keep getting a Connectivity issue to download the game so I'm just waiting till they fix the problem, but in no rush because I want to go in well prepare on the do and don't.

    Again, any help or experience would help greatly. If you are wondering what I will be playing as. I'll play as a Vah Shir and my class will be either a monk or Rouge, if those classes are available for that race.
  2. ZieriGuide Senior Guide

    Welcome to EverQuest and the world of Norrath!

    You'll find the community here to be very kind and helpful a large portion of the time. I'm sure there will be many here willing to help answer your questions and offer to help you along. :)

    As for your downloading issue, if you're having an issue downloading it from Daybreak Games directly, try Steam. If you've had trouble with Steam, try Daybreak Games. One of the two is likely to work for you and get you going!

    Good luck in your adventures, fellow Vah Shir. And don't be afraid to ask questions. We're happy to have you!
  3. Crystilla Augur


    Yesterday DGC games were under a DDOS attack from some stupid hackers so that may be why you had some connectivity issues. I haven't tried logging in today (am at work) but believe the issues may be resolved now.

    I know Rogue can be a vah shir; don't think monk can.

    Take a look at Borek's FAQ/Guide in my signature. It's a good introduction to EQ.
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    And the other links in Crystilla's sig, too, lots of good reading there.

    Don't take the connectivity problems to heart, they should pass shortly.

    Vah shir rogue - yes; monk - no. There are some fun old school quests for rogues, and they are great for exploring. Be warned that rogues will be slow to level past about 80 (solo), unless you fall in with a good guild. Before 70, all classes level at about the same speed, with a tank merc to start with. It doesn't matter a lot if you have a subscription or not at those lower levels, although the mercs will be noticeably weaker. After about 65 or so, the extra benefits from a sub gradually become more compelling.

    If you decide to go monk, humans are probably the easiest, although there is no bad race choice for monk (iksars have to be careful of the guards in old zones, that's about all).
  5. Tall_Cricket New Member

    Thanks for the help guys also I fixed the download problem by unclicking Legend of Morrath in the game version, my guess it was trying to download the DLC's before I actually had the game files, but all in all the download worked.

    Also I wasn't bother by the connection problems. At first I thought it installed wrong on my end a a file got curropted. Then I tried to come here, never loaded. Then I checked FB page and people said it was a DDoS. So I just waited till the game was back online.

    Thank you for the links Crystilla, I will definitely check them out before playing. Also thanks to all three of you.
  6. Hawklight Yandli Elder

  7. Meneltel_Tormtor New Member

    Good luck, have fun and remember, we play to have fun. I do suggest find a large family guild for help and support. You may have problems finding groups at low levels on some servers as most are playing their more powerful toons; but if you are in a large family guild people will often log on a low level alt just to help you.

    Good luck, and post back here if you have problems we can perhaps assist with.
  8. moogs Augur


    If I was a new player I think I would play for about 2 months on Lockjaw server (paid account required). That's to get a feel for how the game used to be (with some important changes since). Low level grouping is fun and was a hugely important part of the game and of the discovery and exploration process.

    Then I would start over on one of the Live servers, beginning with the tutorial. Read everything. Don't rush it. The real action is on the Live servers; you just need to grind it out for a few weeks to join the rest of the population.
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