ETA for TLP Server Transfers?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Queena_Brokenhearts, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    I'm not going to complain about what was done, simple truth is the chips fell, and I ended up on a server that doesn't match my personal choice for progression speed.

    I understand there are a lot of things to hash out with how the server transfers will be done. I would simply ask that you consider opening the server transfers as soon as possible. For the past month I have been playing to get to know the people in the game around me and try to find good players in a guild I would like to join. Now I'm stuck waiting to repeat the process on another server. Even if you don't know how long it will be available, if you opened up server transfers immediately it would allow people that know they want to move the opportunity to do so.

    Finally if there is no urgency in your decision making, please try to keep us well informed so we know what to expect.

    Thank you.
  2. Finchy Augur

    I too would like to know what the time frame is so we can plan accordingly.
  3. Solkos Augur

    I would Imagine it would be about a month to a month and a half because they have to offer it before RF goes into Kunark. I would be patent because they have to offer them very soon because the RF Kunark release is a hard deadline to stop the transfers.
  4. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    Yes, it has to end before Ragefire moves to Kunark, but the bulk of the question boils down to logistics. They are likely wanting to implement this in a way so that server transfers are available and free but only once. I don't think they want people bouncing back and forth between the servers 10 times over the next month.
  5. Hendar2 Augur

    Bah. So much for letting the servers develop their own identity.
  6. Tarrin Augur

    Sounds like they are identified by "6 months" and "3 months" :p
  7. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    They still might, if most of the people that voted release kunark now wanted it out because they think Kunark+Classic was when the game was at its best, then Ragefire could sit on Kunark forever. Meanwhile Lockjaw progresses steadily at a new expansion every 6 months... I wouldn't bet on that, but certainly not impossible.
  8. Korillo Augur

    It's certainly impossible
    Nickatropolis likes this.
  9. Rauven Augur

  10. Ghroznak New Member

    I am not playing this game until transfers are confirmed and available.

    Not wasting time when there is an inherent risk of DBG going back on their word, as they have done repeatedly, and simply denying server transfers for <insert backwards, convoluted logical reasoning backed up by generic quasipolitical gibberish> reasons.
    Rcalielie likes this.
  11. Steampunk Augur

    I'm sure that every one of us is deeply saddened by your decision not to play. The game just won't be the same without you.
    tofu stir fry likes this.
  12. tofu stir fry Augur

    why should anyone get a free transfer? when Lockjaw opened everyone on the server had to re-roll and start anew. so should everyone else. Plus i imagine DBG sees this as a cash cow. i would rather see no transfers but i imagine DBG will capitalize on it somehow. it is a business after all.
  13. SomethingWitty Augur

    Because since that time DBG has decided to fundamentally change the timed progression of one of the servers. If I had known that DBG was going to make these changes a month later, I would have rerolled on LJ.
    Ankarv likes this.
  14. Rauven Augur

    And while you were happily plugging away at content, RF players were sitting in a queue. Sorry, but RF peeps didn't get the headstart you think they did. LJ players can freely transfer to RF just like RF will be able to transfer to LJ. As they should and will. Despite what your anti-capitalistic view is.
  15. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Lockjaw has never had a queue, if Ragefire was sitting on a queue then more than Lockjaws entire population got a headstart on Ragefire...
    tofu stir fry likes this.
  16. vendethe New Member

    I don't think you'll get an ETA. They're too busy standing up a EQ2 TLP server.
    tofu stir fry likes this.
  17. Rauven Augur

    That only proves my point further. It makes no sense for someone who wants a 6 month before kunark experience to have to reroll.
  18. TarewMarrForever Augur

    Love this logic lol.

    Well since you asked why, I will tell you why.

    Why? Well, because when Lockjaw opened, 49% of RF players didn't get a ice pick jammed into their nutsack. You know, kinda like where 49% of them just voted to keep it 6 months and this vast plurality was *ignored*??? But the same vast plurality on LJ was *not* ignored??? Hmmmm?

    That good enough reason for ya?

    As just compensation, they are being allowed to MOVE to the server that MATCHES THEIR VOTE!

    And it's both ways. A (barely)*majority* of LJ players voted to open kunark < 6 months. They can now move FREELY to RF where it will be 3 months. Should they have to re-roll after a month? HELL NO! Of course not. That's just silly.

    I don't know about you, but I'd say those pretty good reason why.

    You are equating two totally different scenarios that are inequitable. It is now 6 and 5 weeks into the servers, respectively. Not 1 and 0. A split vote has just happened, and the rules for the servers now diverged. How in the *hell* can you logically equate what happened a month ago when you voluntarily rerolled with what has now just transpired?

    I feel bad that you prematurely rerolled. I hope premature actions aren't a habitual problem for you... :)
    Captainblood and Templeton like this.
  19. Templeton Augur

    Oh, please say that you're not dumb enough to asking this in all seriousness? Comparing 6+ weeks of investment to a few hours? What where most LJers when they rerolled? L10 or something? I know a few were somewhat higher, but these were by far the minority. Be sensible.

    Alienating and souring a good portion of your customer base is *not* sound business.

    If they say reroll I don't doubt the majority will just leave. I know Holly doesn't like casuals much or think they should be allowed the full game, but I am sure that she likes the Krono that they buy and sell to her hardcore crew.
  20. Gloom Journeyman

    I feel bad that you prematurely rerolled. I hope premature actions aren't a habitual problem for you... :)

    I made an account to say, well played.