When is Alan Rickman stepping in..

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Elkay, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Elkay Augur

    .. to give players that don't want to play on a server without PnP our own server with a rule set and enforcement that stop/prevents KSing and griefing? It's obvious at this point that we can't play nice together nor police ourselves.

    Enough threads have been posted with all of the problems and people up in arms over this. Many have already unsubbed and left because they refuse to play under the current rules. Is Holly's word the final say, that this is how low this game has dropped and the current play style is acceptable and here to stay?

    I'd like a dev response please so I can stop bothering to even come to the forums anymore if nothing is going to be done about the current state of the game.
  2. ngs1 Augur

    Server seems packed night after night to me. Maybe it is time for you to pick up another game.
  3. Korillo Augur

    I don't really understand why you think they would be able to make a new server that enforces PnP rules when they can't enforce them on the current servers?

    I don't think you need a dev to tell you this isn't going to happen, it should be pretty obvious.
  4. Elkay Augur

    I already did unsub over a week ago. I just find it laughable that DBG is willing to just let all of these people that are unhappy with the state of the game simply unsub. The forum is littered with them, well the posts that weren't moderated or deleted. The said Alan would step in. He has not.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  5. Korillo Augur

    Perhaps, but the forums are used primarily to voice complaints or opinions. You should expect it to be "littered with them." Both servers seem to have quite a few players who are enjoying themselves, hopefully they continue this way.

    If you ask me, DBG has been pretty accommodating, what with pickzoning - and now increases the spawn rate of trash in both fear and hate (making BiS gear much more accessible for everyone on the server). Sorry they couldn't cater to your particular desires I guess.
  6. Numiko Augur

    Populations are definitely down, necro chat was under 100 last night for the first time I have seen and mage chat was about 350, usually its maxed out at 401.

    Still well above any live server of course but they do seem to be bleeding customers fast here.
    Elkay likes this.
  7. Finwen Augur

    Casuals shouldn't be allowed to log-in... that diminishes the achievement of others.
  8. Jaxarale01 Augur

    ROFL!! perfect post!

    To the OP... solid question, doubt you will get an answer though.
    I'll see your question and raise you one...

    The devs said they wanted us to "experience" classic raiding. I think that is just dumb but w/e.
    Point is we have experienced it... so can we now instance raids?

    I don't expect an answer except from the IRNMW crew.
    Gythlen, Rhiyannon and Elkay like this.
  9. Fallfyres Augur

    Plenty of the same substantive talk regarding discontinuing subs and leaving in the chat channels ingame as well. It won't show up in three days; but guaranteed it will show up. I think DBG has a laser-specific subbed customer/player they are earning the bucks from and that is who motivates them; other types are okay but won't be courted. Period. And they have clearly shown us what the profile of that player is.

    I don't think the dev staff should be blamed at all, they are working for the man within what is referred to as a mechanistic management style. In this case its abundantly obvious that while the dev's considered expertise and experience has literally kept this tlp chapter going so far, the restrictions they were/are/will be continuing to work under is diametrically opposite of an even semi-balanced gameplay tlp that the overpopulated returners are seeking.

    It may be true that not everyone posts on these forums, but I guarantee you many, many of those same players who do not post comments do come here and peruse the threads and posts herein.
    Gythlen and Rhiyannon like this.
  10. Reval Augur

    The hype involved in this game, and the level of posturing on these forums is incredible. If we pooled the energy behind all of these politics together, we could elect the next president.
    rob1727 likes this.
  11. Zublak Augur

    From the outside looking in as a player, it's easy to see the dev's are struggling. This is obvious.

    We all get frustrated at what's going on and the lack of support. I know I do. But I try not to get overly worked up. I keep playing my way, I am courteous and show respect to those who deserve it. If I get griefed, I try and avoid it, if that doesn't work I try and fight back, if I can't, well I just leave and take notes of their name and guild tag.

    But what I keep in mind is that it seems the devs and gm's focus on the future of the game. Not just progression, but live, and the other games. So I can understand they're very busy. Like anyone else I also understand they put themselves in that position by laying off a large portion of their staff. So it's their own fault.

    They really need to consider putting together a Guide program to assist in monitoring ALL EQ servers. Obviously more supervision would be required on the TLP considering that's where 95% of the issues are. But they could also assist on Live as needed. They can pay 1-2 GM's to oversee the Guides. Obviously Guides would be volunteer based. This would help them be able to focus more on future games/updates while being able to assist their paying customers.

    So hopefully they'll acknowledge it and maybe try something like that, or come up with a better idea.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  12. code-zero Augur

    There was a very good reason that they shifted Guides from doing CS work to whatever it is they do now and none of those reasons have changed. In fact I suspect that the toxic nature of some on the TLP servers would only exacerbate the problems
  13. MaestroM Augur

    It's been a while since I last saw die hard, can anyone explain the reference?
  14. Roxxanna Augur

    They are hemorrhaging players, that's pretty apparent. Personally, I don't blame the Devs, they have done a good job of reasonably accommodating most players. I don't even fault Holly for her comment, a few weeks ago it might not have struck a nerve, but the term "casual" or "filthy casual" has been tossed around as intended insults too much. You can say people are just whining or crying all you want, but when this many people are angry, there's an issue.
    Rhiyannon and Fallfyres like this.
  15. Hendar2 Augur

    Alan Rickman did step in, however he was trained and died before he could say anything.
    Berret, rob1727, Symbius and 9 others like this.
  16. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    I had to sign in just to like this. LOL
  17. Sinzz Augur

    honestly man don't take offence but seems same 50 people post complaints here every week whether on there main accounts or there alts its same 50
    Steampunk likes this.
  18. Jezzie Augur

    Apparently Alan Rickman isn't a man of action.
    Maybe they can use this guy?
  19. Naelbis Elder

    When a company falls on their face as badly as DBG has with PR, seems more interested in policing their forums than their games, has nothing in the pipeline ready to release quickly and just laid off massive amounts of staff? That is called lacking corporate vision and needing a leadership overhaul. If that doesn't happen then DBG will die and EQ with it. No one in their right mind would invest in DBG right now unless they are crazy or looking to clean up some money....
  20. Alexanders Augur

    Sadly I can tell you nothing is going to be done. At this point in it's life cycle there is more or less a skeleton crew running and developing Everquest. There will not be enough GM presence to prevent and resolve the issues you mentioned.

    Dev's have already stated they will not bring the old guide program back to allow us to help them police the servers and provide some semblance of GM oversight. Your right there are some that simply can not play nice with others in no small part to having little to no repercussions for bad behavior.

    As far as Holly's word being the final one she is the Executive producer so as far as we as players are concerned her word more or less is the final one. She has backtracked and changed her stance plenty of times so you never know what will happen in the end. She will do what she believes is best to maintain the highest number of subs and people buying krono and stuff from the store that she can.

    This is just where Everquest is now in its life cycle. I could say that some of what you want is available on Project 1999 but no server is ever going to be perfect the way you remember it with the support of GM's defense against bots, etc. Project 1999 maybe the closest one out there but recapturing that feeling of how things were back in the day is very difficult. Players are just different now, we have more knowledge, so many other games to compare to, players look at others more as competition than someone they don't know who they could become friends with. Maybe it's the leader board mentality of the Moba generation I don't know. Maybe it's the extra knowledge of where everything drops how often how hard or easy things are to get and the ability to pay to win with krono. The game is different now then it used to be and getting that back is just not going to happen.

    All of these things combine to make a time locked progression server not a classic Everquest server. Take the nostalgia toss it in a blender with 16 years worth of code changes, player knowledge, changes in player mentality hit the high speed button and dump the results on the hardware that is Ragefire and Lockjaw and see if people like the taste.
    Elkay likes this.