Plane of Hate

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by vendethe, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. vendethe New Member

    Looking for someone to explain how Plane of Hate works? (IE, camps, spawn times of mobs, frequency of armor drops, current zone etiquette?) P99 seems to have some good info on it but I couldn't really find any mention of spawn times of stuff.

    On a side note, I was there last night with some friends for the first time on Ragefire and was amazed at what a cluster the zone is currently. People we're KSing each other, charm stealing pulls, ninja looting, etc. It seems the etiquette that you develop over the course of leveling is just left at your bind point when you go to this zone. I'm not complaining, it was more just a shock at what was going on. I was really looking forward to experiencing this zone and the experience was not expected. I did get me a nice shield though so it was all worth it in the end.

    Happy hunting!
    Fallfyres likes this.
  2. Bond New Member

    It's free-for-all on Ragefire in the Planes unfortunately. Spawns are about 2:40 I think. Armor drops are random. That's really about it... also, I'm going to apologize ahead of time if we meet in zone when it's being a show and I take one of your mobs. Our guild will be pleasant to people who are pleasant to us, so please feel free to get in contact. However, if people act like to us we'll act in kind on pulls.
    Dark_Intentions likes this.
  3. vendethe New Member

    We came across one group of folks, apologies we're exchanged once all the shenanigans ended and everything's good now. I think it was Chronicle.

    I don't see why DBG just revamps the spawn timer on mobs (excluding any raid specific targets) just like any other zone?
  4. Mabbu-EQ Elder

    There were 230 people in hate the other night and it crashed. Its fully repops on a crash minus the mini bosses and Innoruuk.

    That being said I see no reason why Daybreak won't just dynamically instance Fear and hate like they did Sol B and Permafrost and Kedge Keep.

    It is absolutely out of control during prime time hours in these zones, its like a herd of buffulo there every few hours.
  5. Vlerg Augur

    might aswell go all the way and create expeditions. It's the logical solution.
    Smallpox likes this.
  6. Korillo Augur

    It isn't called the plane of friendship
    Thewiz, Harrang and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  7. Mabbu-EQ Elder

    That doesn't make any sense, they should just be treated like the other dynamically instanced zones because they will take the least effort to implement.

    Expeditions wtf?
  8. Numiko Augur

    I doubt P99 info would help here, which version do they use? we have plane of hate 2 (3?) here if they are using the original version everything would be different.
  9. Mabbu-EQ Elder

    Its the Hate 3.0 map with the Hate 2.0 mob population, not the same version as P99 as far as population OR zone map.
  10. Vlerg Augur

    instead of creating a new instance of hate for every X player, you'd just create an expedition for those X players. wtf indeed.

    expedition just solve a whole lot of problems... that's why GoD + stuff ... and pretty much every game out here... use it.
    Smallpox likes this.
  11. Finchy Augur

    Hate and Fear had their times adjusted last week. bout 3 1/2 hours for trash now. with the time it takes people to clear it out you have a wait time of a couple hours, maybe a bit more before stuff respawns. All trash can drop random stuff, from gear to gems.

    Chests seem to drop ANY gear from i looted shiverback hide boots from a chest last night.

    KSing usually seems to only happen with large numbers fighting large numbers, at least that's what i see. When i take my 6 box crew up there killing 1 mob at a time in a random corner i usually don't get messed with.
  12. Vlerg Augur

    when the number of player is greater than the number of mob... PnP goes down the drain.
  13. vendethe New Member

    What mobs are considered trash?
  14. Finchy Augur

    all mobs except inno and CT from what I understand...
  15. squidgod Augur


    LJ tops out around 60-70, but is usually lower. At around 50 in zone people start to realize that they're not going to get any of the easy mobs and just go elsewhere. There are usually a couple 6-12-mage box armies, a couple mixed box groups and one or two 6-human groups. Pull from anywhere, don't pull over other groups, don't KS, /ooc your rot loot, etc. I haven't had or seen any problems there.
  16. Zublak Augur

    Must be nice. Ragefire is a show to say the least. Only time I've seen less than 50 is at like 3 A.M. CST. Even then tempers fly.
  17. Dark_Intentions Augur

    Some guilds are nice to others that are nice to them, but if you KS them then they will KS you.

    Then there are other guilds who will straight up steal anything they can, train anything they can, provoked or not. If you are in one of these guilds, then you associate with true scumbags.
  18. squidgod Augur

    Yeah, it's pretty nice. Trying to get my Planes stuff done before transfers...just in case.
  19. Greymere Augur

    Id rather see instanced planes that appear fully spawned with a lockout timer on killing anything, or a triggered spawn that can only be performed by x # of players with a lockout before they load balance planes. If anything the trash in all the planes could use a buff in difficulty so it required a raid to begin with.

    Raid zones should require raid groups not just a next step up in dungeon grinding.
  20. Rauven Augur

    I agree.

    a repulsive rat should wreck a 6 man mage box without breaking a sweat. A 12 man box would be able to kill it by the time the 10 mage died.

    That's how hard it should start. And escalate from there with named.