Why make Ragefire 3 months?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jezter, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Rhoulicas Augur

    Also, man. Let's stop complaining for a while about it, they at least are going to allow transfers free or paid whatever. They could just choose to say reroll you know? Especially since the producer does not support casual players anymore; well at least she has shown that she favors raiders and hardcore players. Appreciate that they're even going to allow casual players to transfer.
    Friday and Rhiyannon like this.
  2. Druz Augur

    You really cannot assume what a 3 month voter's second choice would be. You can only assume what an immediate voter and what a 6 month voter's second choice would be (and even then, you *could* be wrong).
  3. Tarrin Augur

    But you can assume that over 50% of the voting results turned in a vote for less than 6 months of Kunark.
  4. Numiko Augur

    True but that was to just open Kunark early, not to open every ex pack up at 3 months as they are suggesting may happen now on ragefire.

    as I said before if I had known it would encourage them to hold more polls down the line to shorten the timeline on these servers I would have Voted for 6 months.
  5. Templeton Augur

    Yeah, and down the line, when you vote not to open the next expack early, expect your winning vote to be ignored. They will probably offer you a transfer to LJ though, so it'll be ok.
  6. Mezrah Augur


    Votes to unlock on Fippy / Vulak were yes/no, it is hard to (mis)interpret those votes any differently than they are registered, unless one stoops to the nonsense of extrapolating how eligible accounts that did not vote, would have voted to arrive at a desired result.
  7. Groans Augur

    HAha this is funny :)

    have you noticed you can join auction chat any time now? you know what that means right?

    I went and liquidized all my stuff into kronos once I realized the true population is abandoning this server like rats on a sinking ship.
    Friday likes this.
  8. Numiko Augur

    for the first time today I noticed mage chat was under 400 when i logged in
  9. taliefer Augur

    it really should be ragefire that's the 6 month server, doesn't make any sense for it to be lockjaw.
  10. Tarrin Augur

    If casuals aren't allowed to fight Naggy, they aren't allowed to keep the server of their preference.
    Friday likes this.
  11. Storytimebros Elder

    Makes perfect sense when people can't get any loot they get bored and find somewhere else to go.
  12. lalaloup Augur

    In terms of ragefire, no one won. That may be the point as neither of the two loudest groups of gripers get exactly what they were asking for.

    It doesn't get voted on now (which many complained about non-stop before the vote), and it doesn't go till the 6 month mark, which even in the vote stated was the time limit the server was released on.

    So the first server gets shortened for the regular subscribers, and lockjaw is turned in to the nostalgia event server. Why not give a slight nod to the people willing to play the content dbg actually makes?
  13. doodelydoo Journeyman

    Majority of the accounts*
  14. vendethe New Member

    Can someone explain to me how this works. In 3 months do we vote again for kunark to unlock or does it just unlock?
  15. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    At the end of the "time" phase there is a yes or no vote to unlock. If No wins, there is another in, I think, two weeks after that. If yes wins, the expansion unlocks. Not sure when that is, though.

    What's funny about this situation is the complete cluster they have turned this into by not simply being decisive about any of it. They hold a vote on live servers for original unlock times knowing that they are polling a lot of people who will never play on the proposed servers. They then take the results of that poll, one that contains a lengthy unlock time that, while fine for most eras, is fairly unworkable for classic era in modern EQ, announce it and even market it. Response is overwhelming when launch rolls around. So, instead of launching a second server they try to handle the loads with instancing and a logon queue. Still not enough so they launch second server...a week later. Great for people who haven't started or have been stuck in the queue for most of that week...Not so great for people who have made actual progress or spent tons of money on the marketplace. Since they said all along there was only going to be one server. Within a week of that people are already calling for early kunark, citing an obscure comment in the faq about early votes and complaining that the original vote is invalid because it wasn't voted on by people actually playing on the servers. So, another vote is taken...in 1/6th of originally marketed timeframe. In the middle of all of this, it becomes more than apparent that there isn't enough raid content to support the pops, yet they double down on not instancing raid content due to a commitment to raid "competition" in EQ...A nostalgic dynamic from a time when actual pnp was in place, gm support was available and there weren't 300 member zerg guilds with batphones, OP dps classes and out of era features and conveniences. They punctuate that by having a senior producer make not just inaccurate, but inflammatory comments about the situation in the gaming media, pretty much pissing off everyone including people who weren't before. They then announce the results of the poll and what they plan to do with them. They explain that while the 6 month vote won overwhelmingly on both servers, they are going to look at going early on the original server because a combined total of the losing votes slightly outnumbered the winning vote. Epic acrobatics in logic (South American dictatorships got nothin on these guys), but at least they can weasel out two options that should work for most players. They offer a one time free transfer to accomplish this, but have offered no details or timeframe. Shocker.

    So, essentially, the only thing they've been firm and decisive about is not instancing raid content. Lol. Everything else, apparently, right down to the very rulesets of "time LOCKED progression" servers is open to change are any moment as the wind blows.

    What's going to be really funny is when people transfer to Lockjaw because they prefer 6 months, leaving guilds and friends behind, possibly enduring name changes, then the vote on rage goes No....Credible possibility considering 6 month vote actually won there despite the vocal lobbying by the minority. Or they offer the xfers after the rage vote and it fails because they are all still there and vote no be cause they are annoyed at having to move.

    So much lose lose and confusion everywhere and it's all because these people running this game really don't understand their own game, how it's played, or what different segments of the player base want....And they are either unwilling or unable to create a clearly stated plan and stick with it so people know where they should be for their particular preferences and playstyles.

    So, good luck, OP. Really, your guess is as good as ours.
  16. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Neither server voted for less than 6 months. They are weaseling the 3 month thing on ragefire because it was, apparently, closer there. On Lockjaw the 6 month option was overwhelming but not as much on ragefire. So you guys are getting 3 months.

    And when you figure out the logic of any of it, let the rest of us know. Lol. We, obviously, understand the rationale, but that's not the same as logic.

    I'd be annoyed, too. This was not what was announced or marketed by the company for ragefire. But there is absolutely no reason for Lockjaw to be the 3 month server when our vote was as decisive as it reportedly was.
  17. vardune Augur

    Because Holly doesnt want to loose her name. So she made a command desisions to make Ragefire 3 month and Lockjaw 6 months. She really likes her name i guess.