Stay on RF and vote No in August

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Cheryon, Jul 1, 2015.

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  1. Kivi New Member

    that's like saying votes:
    1. steak 46%
    2. hot dogs 17%
    3. hamburgers 20%
    4. corn-on-the-cob 12%
    5. veggie shishkabob 5%

    The majority didn't want steak so it is hot dogs for you
  2. mark Augur

    played 2 previous tlp and the bigger server always survives longer so il be staying on ragefire even if i wanted 6 months il be voting no to unlock in 2 months
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Healiez Augur

    A better analogy would be steak 50% Chicken Kabob 22%, Grilled Chicken Breast 28%..

    50% of the people wanted steak, but the other 50% wanted chicken, just different forms of chicken.

    So we are going to offer steak at event 1 and Chicken at event 2, The events are the same other than that.
    Batbener likes this.
  4. taliefer Augur

    the way they set this poll up, there was no way it was going to turn out well for daybreak. and many of the forum posters here said as much.

    that said, planning to try stay and "vote no" on ragefire, wont work. kunark is going to pass overwhelmingly on ragefire as it stands.

    you'd be much better off coming up with an argument to daybreak about why ragefire should be the 6 months server, and lockjaw should be the faster paced one. that one has about a 5% chance of success, as opposed to the 0 of trying to hold a server hostage.
  5. ElaidaTL Augur

    No. Its like saying since 54% of the vote didnt want steak guys can have this table over here since it was the largest single vote np... but this table here is ALL voting for no meat on the table bc it offends them...and they are 54%.. more than DO want meat.
  6. Draslin Journeyman

    I think the sentiment is noble, but I must point out that trusting the same people who literally *just* ignored the outcome of one poll to honor the results of any further poll is probably not sound logic or a path to satisfaction.
  7. Freki Augur

    1) the vote was flawed and allowed loose interpretation.
    2) they made the vote look as they wanted with the results.
    3) their reasoning at synchronizing the two servers makes no sense as they posted it.
    4) they left their intentions out in order to get what DBG wanted, not what the server wanted.

    I'll explain. 4 votes leads to allow people to think that if their option has the most votes they win, it does not. it should have asked one question and it be a yes or no answer. "Do you wish to change the time to unlock kunark? YES or NO." then people would have accepted it better.

    they did not post the actual results, i want to know what the numbers were for all four and combine the no preference with the 6 months to see where that fell. but i'm not sure if i trust them to be honest about the numbers. their message on voting results were vague and allowed them to set their policy as they want not how the server wants.

    both servers apparently had more than 50% going to change the server mechanics but they kept the server as is... so why did they do that? what did that do? it showed that they want to appease those who wanted 6 months and have them come around and have a server of their own. well that's all well and good but to little too late. it's pandering tbh and offensive to me.

    they cloaked their intentions in two ways, 1) said here's a vote.... tell us what you want. we did they didn't follow what we wanted. 2) here's how we are going to read this.... we will not follow the vote but make the vote into something they wanted. to match things to what it seems like we wanted. that is simply not the case.

    if they wanted to set ragefire to what the server wanted, they should have taken the vote results and not manipulated them to make it what they wanted. i am now calling for a RE-VOTE! with the correct question asked (see first explanation paragraph for the actual question)
    oldkracow likes this.
  8. Rhoulicas Augur

    Because TL and other raiders will agenda for it to be another Fippy or Combine/Sleeper server (1 month to 3 months) per expansion. Now that raiders know that Holly is on their side, there is no beating them over anything.
    oldkracow likes this.
  9. Hecula New Member

    So the majority voted against 6 months by adding the immediately + 3 months folks together? How about the majority voting against 3 months by adding the immediately + 6 months? And of course the majority voted against immediately by adding the 3 months and 6 months together. There you go. No one won and no one lost.

    It's not about what votes were cast, it's about who counts the votes.

    Folks, the outcome was pre-determined before the first vote was cast. It was engineered in the way the poll was set up - to require "interpretation". It was run to give an illusion of choice but this was planned to end this way.

    Even if the 6 month option overwhelmingly beat immediately and 3 months out, this poll would have just been run again in one month.
    Rhoulicas likes this.
  10. AngorfLadroTholuxeP Augur

    Even if I was going to do what you suggest, (Which I'm pretty sure I won't' as I voted for 6 months, and that means I'd be stuck on RF indefinitely,) what makes you think DBG wouldn't do the same thing again? This kind of inspires no faith in the product. I mean, why should anyone believe, that even if they remained on the server and voted NO to unlocking Kunark, that DBG would even respect the winning vote? I mean, both times the server voted, they voted for 6 months, yet here they are switching to 3. Why should one stay on RF just to hope that the majority votes no and then DBG actually respects the vote this time? No thanks.
  11. Zapsos Augur

    How difficult is it to under stand that more than half didn't want to wait for 6 months for Kunark?
  12. vardune Augur

    Don't be a . Just transfer and enjoy the game if u want 6 months.
  13. Hexaholic Augur

    Did you not already learn your lesson with the previous vote. Even if no to unlock wins, they'll open it in 3 months. Simple as that.
  14. vardune Augur

    Why, just move. The vote was split almost in half. Don't waste it time. Just move to lockjaw if u r a 6 monther
  15. Anomalies New Member

    I'd love to believe that we can vote no in August and it will make a difference.

    Unfortunately from what we've seen so far this is just a terrible bait and switch tactic. We are spoon fed one thing and then something completely different is what is delivered.

    I'd be willing to bet that 99.9% of the server could vote 6 months, and they would still set it to 3 months.
    Rhoulicas and oldkracow like this.
  16. Wispur Elder

    So your plan is to further split the 6 month community?

    Seems like a bad plan.
  17. Carlos Journeyman

    Peoples of Ragefire that voted 2 time already for 6 months unlock should stay on Ragefire and vote no to unlock Kunark in august. You dont have to move to LJ at all. Fight for your idea dont quit.

    If DBG dont respect the vote in august, no matter what happen, i will talk with my wallet.
  18. RadarX Augur

    Please use an existing thread to discuss this topic. Thank you!
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