Bad behavior, magnified exponentially

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ultrazen, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Ultrazen Augur

    Back in the old days, your server rep mattered, because you really needed other people to get anything done. The combo of out of era damage, and the ability to stack multiple uses of it, has made the community check of bad behavior non existent.

    This game *was* entirely capable of "policing itself" when having a server rep meant something. As it stands now, there really is no way for decent people to function in an environment where people prone to bad behavior can magnify that behavior by 6, 12, 18.

    This out of era stuff has destroyed the game in so many ways. It's trivialized the content, it's destroyed the balance that required grouping and cooperation, and it's given rise to the sociopath bot army. The upshot of all this for me is un-subbing.

    I could maybe put up with the rampant bad behavior, if the game wasn't trivialized in the process. For me, 100% of what made EQ great, was the need to cooperate and coordinate with other people playing different classes. The fact that this aspect of the game is completely gutted, renders it meaningless for me.

    I'll go back to playing EQ once in a while as F2P, or better yet, on the test server. There is just way too much garbage to put up with currently to warrant paying a sub. If there ever is a time when the balance that existed in classic EQ is possible, I'll be there in a heartbeat. For now, best of luck.
    Vaclav, Isell, Wyxx and 1 other person like this.
  2. fazool Augur

    I see a worse problem being the real-money kronos. You can sell these to players playing the game and it is directly tradeable in-game for in-game currency and can be used for real-world purchase of game time.

    For me, this has been a blessing and a curse.

    I have a busy job, a big family and a busy life. When I wanted/needed an item, I could have tried camping it the nostalgic way (which could mean dozens of hours for several weeks), but with the fear of KS-ing, it could be a very risky way to spend your time. So, I made a decision, I would simply spend real-life money, buy a kronos, trade it for in-game platinum currency and then buy the rare item I want/need.

    The good is that now I can enjoy some of the game without the life-sucking time sink.

    The bad is that I don't necessarily have to work with others, cooperate, go farm items. I did have two groups - one where we farmed BAM's in REC and the other where we tried farming CBB in WK and those were wonderful in-game collaboration experiences.

    But I skipped that for my J-boots (which I stood little chance of getting).

    I think the Kronos (which in full disclosure I have used) is the biggest threat to this experience.
    Fallfyres, MamaBear and Xanadas like this.
  3. Zedd New Member

    Both of you are absolutely correct. I had a terrible experience today, but it didn't matter because this person doesn't need to hold any reputation. They can just 6 box their way to anything. And then you have kronos. nuff said.

    DBG just lost another subscription. I can certainly waste my time on a much more enjoyable experience :p

    Single player games here I come!
    MamaBear and Jaxarale01 like this.
  4. Elkay Augur

    So many of these thread..

    Not saying they shouldn't be opened..

    WTB PnP, even if on a new, dedicated, additional-cost server.
  5. Rhiyannon Augur

    other than the fact we are paying to play on this server... i honestly am starting to think these severs are worse than fippy. i remember being in guild with you on fippy el, and the nightmare it was there.. *sigh
  6. Dixa Augur

    more of you need to stream. it's free. it will not impact your gaming even on the same machine unless you are running 8 instances of the game at the same time and the VoD's can be used as evidence later.
  7. Numiko Augur

    It's people who do not care about this server and are just here to farm Krono to fund their play on live server's or in other daybreak games that cause the most problem I think.

    They do not care about reputation because as soon as Krono here become to expensive to farm easily they will be gone.

    Krono here is about 1200 plats, on live they go for 1.2 to 1.7 Million. People willing to crash camps or box huge armies so they can win DPS races can easily get enough plat and items for half a dozen or more Krono a day ....

    go try and make 5 to 7 million plat in a day on a live server.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  8. Dixa Augur

    stop selling krono for so little then.
  9. Numiko Augur

    Wish I had some to sell!:eek:

    Actually for me personally I have never bought or sold a Krono ever..
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  10. Sygny New Member

    For all the bad there is also good. There are people in your server doing good things for their groups and others. The entire game is comprised of many classes, characters groups and situations.

    The dev's have made it possible for us to choose different play fields, instances and locations in order to get everyone a chance to play. That is a good thing, and do not fret, reputation will still add some component to those who get picked for groups or guilds.
  11. Dark_Intentions Augur

    I've been typically avoiding the boxer teams that roll into an instance, especially the unguilded ones. Those are the ones that have no reputation at all to worry about. Personally I don't see how they are even enjoying EQ, running around by themselves all the time with nobody to chat with.
  12. Zublak Augur

    Not necessarily as easy as you say. Not everyone has great upload speeds. As an example my provider provides me with 15-20 mbps upload speeds. However it's currently bottle necked (probably because of my new router, still making adjustments) and I am only pushing about 120kbps which is not near enough to stream and causes Frame Drops.

    So not everyone can just stream as they wish as it very much relies on your upload speeds.
  13. Zublak Augur

    When he says good things he means these Mage armies that sell their services for Krono's. Which is still paying them one way or another. For me personally I haven't seen one good thing come from anyones Mage army.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  14. Batbener Augur

    I wish I could be like the ghost of EQ past. I would take all of you back to 2001, and show you all the people on your "bad people list" that either did a name change, rerolled with all the gear they ninja looted or flat out just ran the same awful toon, and show you all the top of the line guilds they were in.

    I had way more camps stolen in 2001 than I ever did on a progression server.
  15. Isell New Member

    I myself am unsubbing 2 annual subscriptions I have had for years. I started in 2002. This server has ruined the game for me for most of the reasons mentioned above. Today I went to a level appropriate camp and a mage who was getting no experience and just wanted the item refused to even let me xp when I ceded the named. Simply because it was "something for her to do" while she farmed items.

    F- This game.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  16. Gythlen Augur

    Wow. Just one camp you couldn't get something ruined the ENTIRE GAME for you. That's .... SMH. You couldn't do anything else? You HAD to get that camp? You couldn't have just said "Sorry, but I'm staying thought you can have the named" and just keep playing?
    Mayfaire likes this.
  17. Mayfaire Augur

    So, you went to a camp that was already camped....and was mad that the person who had the camp wouldn't give you the mobs in the camp? Huh. :confused:
  18. SuedeVeil Lorekeeper

    Yeeahh of all the things to complain about on the server.. seriously! Sometimes people kill grey cons for the items they drop sometimes for tradeskills or what not, either way they shouldn't need to justify why they are in a camp no matter what their level is.. now clearing an entire newbie zone? Maybe thats a bit much. They were in the camp first they are free to do what they want with the mobs there.
    Rhiyannon and Mayfaire like this.
  19. Wayylon Augur

    The thing that bothers me the most about these new progression servers is seeing how disappointed people are after so many excited posts leading up to launch.

    The problem is 3rd party programs and modern hardware allow the selfish and the powergamers to totally dominate. Where does that leave the people who just want to play the game as it was intended to be played? A single character, a group of friends, a tight nit guild.... there's really no where for these types of players to go that wont be cheapened by box armies, script runners, hackers, poopsockers, game mechanic exploiters...

    I tried Ragefire, but its not what I'm looking for. Everything just seems kind of meaningless when dragons and gods die in seconds.

    Flame on, but I wish there was a "Play as intended Vision" type server.
    Fallfyres, Rhiyannon and Elkay like this.
  20. Atvar Augur

    Ask for progression server, get PVE sullon zek server.
    Rhiyannon likes this.