I'm level 50, what now?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by KingOfPepsiMax, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. Gythlen Augur

    I have to agree. Smithing is really slow.
  2. Gregolo Augur

    Getting above 188 Smithing (where fine plate leaves you) is pretty much impossible. Making cutting sickles is just insanity right now.
  3. bobjones1208 Augur

    Go outside and feel the sun. Maybe go for a walk while you are out there.
    Talk to your family.
    Volunteer at a charity.
    Read a book.
    Play a board game.
  4. KingOfPepsiMax Lorekeeper

    Maybe i'll roll an alt and go cast fear on people's mezzed mobs, that sounds cool and fun.
    Ducreux likes this.
  5. Zapsos Augur

    Up to 188 it is relatively easy, albeit a little pricy.

    Above 188 it is not only insanely expensive, but also time consuming, it takes 9 sub-combines (assuming you buy the sheet metal, which is faster but more expensive) Takes 3 expensive gems, and in the 5% chance you succeed, sells back for 6-7 plat to a vendor and has no other use.

    back when 250 was the cap I did 248 (when Shadowscream trivialed) to 250 doing Sickles, and those 2 skill points alone cost close to 50k. I can't even imagine doing all of 189-250 doing them ><

    And then I Can't think of anything even in the game right now that would take you the rest of the way?

    (When I made my "virtually impossible" comment I was mistakenly thinking sickles went to 300, like picnics and Solstice robes. I actually don't think it is even theoretically possible to get to 300 right now)
  6. Lowstats Lorekeeper

    Do what I did. Farm some plat for a Krono and make a alt.. or 3 in my case.

    Start it over again with some more chars on your belt.
  7. Numiko Augur

    are there even smithing combines available in classic that need a 300+ skill level?
  8. Greymere Augur

    If you plan to have an alternate you can farm for drops for their turn in quest rewards as most of them are not No Drop and can be traded, you can work on tradeskills and skilling up your research for Tomes, you can level said alternates, you can join a guild to raid, you can work on farming drops for your epic weapon, or upgrade out of crafted to better drops elsewhere and the planes.
  9. Weverley Augur

    I have 4 alt waiting and i just ding 36.I must be doing something wrong lol.All the alt are level 2.Didn't start tailoring and my smithing is at 23.Been accumulating stuff for my shammy when he start alchemy.I know people gonna say wow how come ur not further ahead. Reason weather is nice, i do have a life outside of EQ.Speed just look perfect to me.Oh and i saw 2 mage bot army in all that time.Havent got somebody charming a mob under my nose.Might have been train once not sure Maybe the puller made a bad move in CT pyramid anyway some were pathing near us when he came back with a bunch from the stairs but he did bring 5 or 6 a few times before so could be bad luck.You know sk often don't wait that casters get enough mana to handle everything.
  10. Vlerg Augur

    so with your super casual lifestyle you style managed to get halfway to 50 in just a month out of 6 of the original time planned for classic... and you actually did other stuff than XP'ing.

    you are also nearing the point where Lguk + OOT goblin/seafuries become , almost, the only viable options... and you'll have the joy of running into these a$$hats more and more ( bad behavior tend to be more common when you have 3+ group on the dead side of Lguk...). and who know, soon enough you may be the gentlemen rolling in some lower lvl zone to twink one of those alt.

    just wait a little bit more... after 2 or 3 week of lower guk and OOT goblins, tell us if you think the speed is just perfect.
  11. Gregolo Augur

    Even without competition in those zones, they still blow all sorts of D. I couldn't get out of Lguk fast enough.
  12. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    Honestly once I am at a camp in LGuk... I don't find it TOO bad. It is getting around that is a gdamn nightmare for me.

    OOT gobs just suck. Tons of hp and nothing to look forward to (named wise) just a monotonous stream of goblins and rusty weapons for 6 lvls. Kunark/Velious made 40-50 MUCH more enjoyable. Too bad we are contemplating waiting so damn long to get access to the content that by then 40-50 will be irrelevant.
  13. Goodnews Augur

    Where is the contemplation? I thought it had be decided and announced ahead of time that we would have 6 months from when bosses were cleared.
    Grisnkh likes this.
  14. Vlerg Augur

    I believe this has only been repeated 351 time so far, so you might've missed it.

    Daybreak precisly added that while 6 month won the initial vote, if the majority felt like it was too long, they would reconsider it. and that's exactly what the poll is for ATM.
  15. Tarrin Augur

    Anyone who hits 50 in under 4 months clearly has no life, has no family/spouse/significant other (or flat out is ignoring them), and never sees the sun. They most likely don't work, vote >insert political party I don't like<, and are fans of >news channel I don't like<.

    I hear they also are all over weight, only eating hot pockets and dorritos downed with Mtn Dew. They obviously never log off except to take small power naps, and most likely account share. The all smell bad or have a scent of too much fibreeze.
  16. Constellation Augur

  17. Steampunk Augur

    You take that back right now! I am nowhere near level 50!
    Grisnkh likes this.
  18. Fallfyres Augur

    Roll and level a Monk, SK or Necro and join /sheriffs.
    Kegwell likes this.
  19. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    Looking to join /sherrifs if you need a cleric :)
  20. Tweelis Augur

    Create your own quests with no reward other than to say you did it. Here's a couple ideas:

    Kill at least one mob for XP in every zone in the game. You can be grouped but you must get XP in every zone. While this isn't difficult in cities that are your enemies (hint, guards in Erudine Palace are easy for gnome necro's but they will find it difficult to kill a mob in Ak Anon for xp without loosing critical faction.....it can be done).

    Do faction quests. See if you can swing your faction pendulum from completely one side to the other....and back. I'd love to see another high elf paladin someday have kindly faction inside Crushbone.