Vote no for Kunark

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jezzie, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Gregolo Augur


    They openly stated they may revisit progression votes if there was indication that we wanted them. Before the server even launched.
    Tarrin likes this.
  2. Indigo Augur

    Tarrin likes this.
  3. Filnydar Journeyman

    I'll vote "yes" because of the absence of level 30+ solo/small group friendly zones in Classic.
    Not everyone likes to have no choice besides being trained every 2 minutes in Lower Guk.
  4. Templeton Augur

    If Kunark is pushed up to next month or something then I will unsub. I could live with it getting here around the four month mark though as a compromise. I would prefer longer though, but then I am not a poop socker, boxer, or RMTer.
    Friday likes this.
  5. Vaclav Augur

    Crowding issues won't be any better if they can't instance zones with raid content. Uninstanced KC and Sen with this pop anyone?
    Barton likes this.
  6. ngs1 Augur

    Sounds like more zones for people to play in to me.
  7. Fallfyres Augur

    Nope! They openly stated they would measure the overall server player population TO SEE IF THEY WANTED TO VOTE ON AN EARLIER KUNARK. The sentence you are referring to literally says that, not any further intent than finding out IF the population wants to re-vote.

    So there has to be either a two step poll or two separate ones. If they do THAT, then they will be keeping to the generally accepted published TLP server announcement made on May 6th outlined.
  8. Fallfyres Augur

    *Agreed Filnydar, so please direct your suggestions, annoyances, and ire toward DBG to address the problems. 100% their responsibility. Period.
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    For everybody that doesn't want to unlock Kunark, here's a campaign logo for ya.

  10. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Just vote the way you want when it comes out, if you don't like the outcome then take appropriate measures after if you want based on your level of satisfaction or not.
  11. Rhiyannon Augur

    if it's any earlier than 3 months i will vote no. i agree about them working the bugs out and solving some of the issues before they open. kunark unless instanced, and even with instancing some areas will still be a massive pain, will not really solve the crowding issues. these servers are just too popular right now and there will be another influx new people, those who had waited because the wanted iskars etc.
  12. Bumpkin Augur

    The patch today is ninja opening Kunark hope you're all ready to slay some dragons!
  13. chanlinslacks New Member

    voting yes because it seems they don't want instanced weekly raidzone lockouts, nothing more frustrating then no raid bosses to kill in the evenings in classic due to too many guilds not enough content.
  14. Numiko Augur

    I voted to have Classic and Kunark opened at the start so more then likey will vote yes.
    I will have to see what they propose in the votes first of course before making my final decision.

    oh and for the record I'm not in any guild at all right now.
  15. Finwen Augur

    Kunark won't solve this problem.
    Fallfyres and Rhiyannon like this.
  16. Maxe Augur

    Opening Kunark right now will only further feed the rush to the end, take every camp people, and the RMT botters even more. I voted for maximum nostalgia, just like most of the other people did. We wanted that option then and we still want it. Just because the majority of the rushers come on here to complain, doesn't mean that has changed, it just means people are too busy trying to enjoy the max nostalgia experience to come on here and argue with the whiners wanting more content. If you want more content go to live.

    The overwhelming majority still want max nostalgia. Just because a few of you who box multiple accounts with rmt krono or bot the camps people want all night while sleeping to get more krono, want Kunark opened earlier so you can make more money, doesn't mean we (the overwhelming majority) want it opened early. If you want to rush through content, go live.There are literally thousands of players who haven't been able to see raid content yet because a few people are monopolizing it, so if you leave maybe some of those people who want it will get a chance?

    The boxers will most definitely not cancel their bot accounts or stop playing, and even fewer of the vast majority of players who wanted max nostalgia will quit. Continue to address the issues as you can with population, community standards and instancing and you will have a happy player base. Opening Kunark early will just amp your stress levels to max again, and for what? to appease maybe 20 - 30% of the paying subscribers? Then your poor CS department will get to deal with the 5000 petitions a week from the same people being jerks in Kunark instead of just classic.

    I get it, you rushing types want your epics. Unfortunately for you, most of you wont get them, at least not for a very long time, or without paying for multiquests from the people currently monopolizing a majority of the raid content. If you can't find a group in the 30's btw, you're doing something very wrong. LGuk is not the only option, even if it is, I just go in, pick until I find an open camp and move my party to it. Sol A is a good option as well, with the clockworks and gnomes dropping good loot and the good experience modifier. SolB would be wonderful if it was instanced and not in a way that made Nagafen a farm dragon. Permafrost. Rathe Mountains Giants. OOT. I'm not even naming them all. Take the time to explore instead of rushing to the end like it's a foot race, and you will enjoy the max nostalgia experience, trust me. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I am, but I was wrong.

    Thanks for all your hard work DBG team. I know you're stretched thin (to say the least) and I'm really impressed so far with how you've worked so hard to address issues as fast as possible.

    TLDR: Vote no on early Kunark, make some friends, and have fun. If it's too slow for you, go to live and practice what you're going to do when Kunark launches or something. Don't come on here crying until the devs give you what you want.

    PS: @ Devs any chance of an instance token that can be purchased from the sc store for raid content once a week? I know you're doing great at instancing so far, but this would not only make you money, but probably make a lot of the non hardcore gamers happy because they can see content that is currently locked down.
    Friday, arwilly, Jezzie and 1 other person like this.
  17. gluteous Elder

    Don't mind them revisiting the issue of opening kunark sooner, but it should at least be at the 4 month mark. Several people resubbed to play just because of the ruleset of this server. The ones that rushed to 50 know they are going to lose the vote so they flood forums here and figure if they whine loud enough Daybreak will open expacs sooner. Those about opening expansions quicker aren't going anywhere except here to whine. Those that resubbed for this server will leave if server gets jacked for early xpacs.
  18. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Personally now that the server is a few weeks old now, I wouldn't mind Kunark being opened eay. I didn't start playing originally until after Velious launched and had forgotten how few spots I liked to get XP in there were in Classic.
    Dark_Intentions likes this.
  19. Tarrin Augur

    Just let the vote speak for itself.
  20. Maxe Augur

    Except that most people don't even want a vote.