Reinstalling / returning =) ragefire or lockjaw ?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vark, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Vark Journeyman

    Guys , currently reinstalling, havent logged on this game for years eheh

    Should i head to ragefire or lockjaw ?

    Casual player..

  2. Arrk Augur

  3. Zobral New Member

  4. tofu stir fry Augur

  5. Zapsos Augur

  6. Mardy Augur

    Ragefire, because you're casual and will level slower. You'll have higher chance of getting groups even if you level slow and play casually.

    Lockjaw has a healthy population, 100% no doubt. But people mistaken lower population as a choice for casuals. Truth is casuals will find more groups on a server that's more packed, so even if you level slower, you'll find more people around your level in all timezones for groupage. Where as soloers/boxers and guild/clique groups will have a better time on a server with less activity and more space.

    All in all, both servers are solid choices, you'll find plenty of good folks to play with. And finding an active guild with like minded individuals will enhance your gameplay no matter what server you choose to play on.
    arwilly, Riou and Deadlyne like this.
  7. Vaclav Augur

    Differences are narrowing - but LJ started at a better place. And is still less congested so tends to be a tad less drama-laden.

    Some seem to insist on trying to drive that up however.
  8. Aenoan Augur

    Either or, both are good. Ragefire has a larger population especially if you are any kind of late night player I notice. You could very well play both depending on where friends are.
  9. Vark Journeyman

    Well no friends plan on playing so yeah ill try to find mates and guild, might go ahead and give LJ a shot =)

    Thx for reponses folks
  10. taliefer Augur

    ive played a bit on both servers. id reccomend lockjaw over ragefire to anyone just starting
  11. Trosh Augur

    Lockjaw will be nicer in the short term (few years, probably) but will eventually fizzle and die, where Ragefire will not.
  12. taliefer Augur

    belive the devs had said lockjaw currently has more people than fippy did, so i dont know that it will be the same situation as vulak
  13. Weverley Augur

    More lower level on lockjaw.Personally my guild yesterday saw tons of people getting msg level 10.
  14. Numiko Augur

    Ragefie is to crowded, no one ever goes there anymore .....
    code-zero likes this.
  15. Brelic Elder

    Ragefire has the larger population and it will continue to be that way since it was the original new progression server.
  16. Jent Elder

    I started on RF, went to LJ, then back to RF. I prefer the higher population. The only place I've encountered drama is on the forums, as per usual.
    My thoughts were that Rage will most likely retain a healthy population for longer. Just my guess. I did find LJ to be "calmer" feeling, if that makes sense?
    arwilly likes this.
  17. FXTi New Member

    As a casual, you don't have the time to level another character when a low pop server dies. For that reason your only choice should be Ragefire.
  18. Tiffy31 Elder

    We will get free transfers then when they close the server so wont matter
  19. Weverley Augur

    God people gonna be surprise when in like 3-4 months from now its the opposite more people on lockjaw then ragefire and people ay oh god what a mistake i did.
  20. Azaria New Member
