Best box with 2 mages?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pantharo, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Pantharo Journeyman

    My fiance and i are both playing mages (yes because we like them) we want to use our alt account to box , i was thinking a Enchanter or shaman, she was thinking cleric.... what are peoples thoughts?? Thanks in advance!
  2. Ersatz New Member

    My main is a cleric and I started him with 2 mages. The mages are so OP early that the cleric just sucked up experience as heals weren't really needed. Shaman might be a better choice as they're a more pet friendly box.
  3. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    any of the three priest classes will go great with the mages.
  4. Jadefox Augur

    More mages?

    --Elemental Jade
    jagarr likes this.
  5. Ultrazen Augur

    Druid. Snares, fire debuffs, attack debuffs (better than slow and lands on more mobs at higher levels), their own fire dots and nukes, ports, sows, buffs, heals. Almost impossible to beat a druid as a box character, especially with mages because there is so much synergy.

    You could both box and play mage/mage/druid/chanter, which is one of the best box teams in the game.

    Starts out great, and gets fairly ridiculous at higher levels once you get into AA etc.
    code-zero and Vekinntiynn like this.
  6. Pyrite New Member

    Druid for ports in my opinion. Transportation bots make quality of life at higher levels so much better.
    Oldschool likes this.
  7. Vekinntiynn New Member

    Druid or Priest would round out the party well. While the mage pets are currently power houses, this will end for late kunark and Velious. Having a decent healer will make sure the pets are able to keep tanking away for you.

    Someone has already pointed out the extra Value druids can bring in the form of utility.
  8. Machen New Member

    Personally I'd do the cleric for rezzes.

    Once you are 50, you can powerlevel a druid, shaman, and enchanter np. But the cleric will help you get to 50 faster than either of the others. The cleric will let you fight reds all the way up, take some risks, and also let you recover faster when there are problems. Enchanter with no heals will die a lot while leveling. Shaman would be my 2nd choice, but the shaman will die some too and lag behind the mages in levels.
  9. Bumpkin Augur

    Easy choice is easy - another mage
  10. Rhiyannon Augur

    i'd go shaman... shamans can rez at the higher levels and make great buffbots(the cha one comes in handy for selling), never mind the pots they can make if you actually raise their alchy.