Shared Bank Bug? 4 slots Showing But Not Really 4

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by redwoodtreesprite, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. redwoodtreesprite Journeyman

    Been reading threads and in chat for a while now. Players seeing 4 slots in their shared bank vault, putting items in lower 2 slots and losing those items later.

    The assumption was that it was a UI addon/plugin (never use them here so not sure what they are called) causing it.

    But I just started a new account, and I see 4 shared bank slots. This is not a sub account, and I do not have the recent expansion that added 2 shared bank slots. I should not see 4 shared slots, right?

    I checked my 2 sub accounts, one recently upgraded to the latest expansion, which of course also included the one that added 2 bank slots. At the time I did this, only that acccount showed 4 bank slots. That one still shows the 4 slots of course. The other pay account which did not get the latest expansions now also shows 4 slots.

    This is not good. If some players are having everything in those lower 2 bank slots disappear, it may be a very serious bug.

    What we need to know is if this is now a vault upgrade for all accounts, or if those 2 lower bank slots are not supposed to be showing.
  2. Vanrau Augur

    Are all of these accounts logged in from the same EQ installation?
  3. Dre. Altoholic

    Wow, is that really the problem?
  4. redwoodtreesprite Journeyman

    Yes. But there are no UI addons or such. Vanilla install. The showing of 4 slots for even the new free account is very recent.
  5. Vanrau Augur

    It could possibly be some left over UI elements for the accounts with CotF and later expansions that are patching in and leaving themselves in place for the accounts that do not have CotF/TDS.
  6. UnnamedPlayer Elder

    Whenever I tried to place items in the extra bank slots, the next time I would login they were sent to my parcel.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    Same here. Only one of my accounts should have the 4 shaed bank slots. I see them on the others.
  8. redwoodtreesprite Journeyman

    There can be a problem with the items put in the lower slots being sent to parcel though. Wouldn't they go to the person who put them in? What if someone decides to delete a character and puts all their heirloom and other good stuff in containers in those lower slots. There would be no one to get the parcels, and the items could include things like heirloom store mounts and such. And with the way the company is now, they would not do anything to recover such items.