What's the difference between Ragefire and Lockjaw?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sillyfish, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Sillyfish Elder

    I'm an EQ newbie and have a level 4 Druid on Ragefire. Just wondering if I should continue on there or start fresh on Lockjaw is most of the population has moved.
  2. Lowstats Lorekeeper

    Lockjaw was made primarily because of how full Ragefire was. Almost always was an hour + Que time when first signing in. That is mainly why it was made so people can play whenever.

    As for differences. Nothing is different. Lockjaw just has a smaller number of players than Ragefire. It's not dead (yet) but compared to Ragefires population its laughable.
  3. Sillyfish Elder

    Ah thank you. I didn't know if it had different rules or something.

    Thanks :)
  4. Arrk Augur

    Lockjaw has just over half the population of Ragefire ( per DBG). This population is still more then Fippy/Vulak was. Ragefire has the most population of any server, ever.
  5. Numiko Augur

    I noticed the difference in population when I logged in my druid onto lockjaw the druid channel had 140 people in it, went over to Ragefire it has 362 ... but both numbers are far superior to my normal server!

    when I logged my druid onto that server the druid channel only had 17 people in it :eek:
  6. Rolento Augur

    That depends on what your looking to do in the game. If you want to raid I suggest lockjaw. If your looking for a high populated server to just group and mess around on Ragefire would probably be better. Both servers have the exact same rule set so it's personal choice really.

    I got a wizard up to 44 on Ragefire and from what I've seen. It's far to overcrowded. The instanceing of zones have helped a lot but now you have other flaws to that like flooding the market with items. Honestly I think Ragefire will end up being a great server even if twisted legacy takes over the raid scene.

    As for lockjaw my new home. It's far less populated but not dead by any means. What I have noticed though is 50% of the population is a Mage. Not a bad thing if you roll a healer or tank. Also it seems the potential top end raiding guilds are more open to sharing spawns. Wether that will be true, only time will tell.

    What I hope happens a week or two down the road is that they open up server transfers to lockjaw. I think a good amount of people would come over just to get away from twisted legacy but were to lazy to reroll. If they don't. It still will be a good server. I haven't regretted investing my weekend leveling over again on lockjaw
  7. Hendar2 Augur

    Laugh it up then. Lockjaw is the 2nd most populated server, behind Ragefire, according to DBG tweets.
  8. Nickatropolis Augur

    I'm thinking lock jaw is somewhat populated, from hour plus queue times on ragefire to no queue or 5 mins or less, a good % of the ragefire population went to lockjaw to start fresh late last week.
  9. Glistarian Augur

    Lockjaw currently has more than enough players to be viable. It's much less than Ragefire, but then what isn't?

    The real story will be in 4-6 weeks, how many remain on each. Then we can get a feel for what we're dealing with.

    Personally, I'm happier on Lockjaw. It does seem more relaxed. The one downside is there really are a LOT of mages. Literally 25-30% of the players I've seen. I suspect, though, they're mostly just plat makers, to twink the "real mains" down the line.
  10. Trazzlo Elder

    I play on both, having learned from the Fippy/Vulak fiasco, plus the longer expansion release times. I can level up on both and see where I like it most. So far, I like Lockjaw more but not by a large margin.

    If anything, I had hoped they would let Lockjaw decide the ruleset for itself or that they used the second most popular rules from their votes.

    At least let us decide on whether Kunark is available soon. Some people love Kunark, others love the classic EQ only for a while. Again, I would play both but at least they would be different and people starting up would have a clearer idea of which they prefer.
  11. Liquid Augur

    I think most seen on Ragefire on how the Mages were OP...I mean we all heard about it before Ragefire launched but seeing it in action with the BIGGUNS dying so fast made the OP and over popular. I could see Lockjaw becoming a great Mage main for a few, then switch to a permanent alternate character after you wreck with the mage for a bit.
  12. Rolento Augur

    Exactly this. Not that i have problem with most of the server being a mage, but i hope down the line people start making alts that arent a mage lol.

    So far i have enjoyed Lockjaw more then Ragefire simply because its not a complete zerg fest in every zone. Even with instancing the Ragefire server feels over populated. I like the more laid back feeling of Lockjaw. Im not saying Ragefire is bad in any way. I still plan on getting my wizard to 50 there. BUT my main will certainly be on Lockjaw where i hope to join one of the raiding guilds.
  13. bobjones1208 Augur

    My main is a rogue and I group with my wife. When she doesn't feel like playing, I play a mage to get gear and pp for our other chars. I think that's probably pretty common on the server. 6 months is a long time, so a lot of people are going to use them for farming.
  14. Lumiens Augur

    I was doing population checks between the two servers by joining all the class channels and comparing numbers. At the off peak hours when I tend to play later at night (due to my HST time zone) there was about 4 times as many of every class on Ragefire as there was on Lockjaw except for Mages. The Magician numbers were actually pretty close to even between both servers with there being about 4 times as many mages on Lockjaw as the second most populated class on Lockjaw at the time (second most was druids).

    I think Ragefire will still have a healthy pop in a few months when all the crowds have gotten bored of the new servers but Lockjaw will probably feel a little lonely if they don't end up merging them by then.