Nagafen down on Lockjaw

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Protagonist, May 31, 2015.

  1. Shmef Augur

    can you maths? in the screenshot, of the 35 people in raid 19 were mage - 54%
  2. Storytimebros Elder

    Is this the same guild that pre-farmed stuff on test server to progress after they couldn't compete on Vulak? Will this guild again quit and go to the test server if they are grieved on the progression servers again? Is this the same guild that beat Gates of Discord at 65 with the help of Citizen members that copied over then claimed it was a legit kill in era? Is this the same guild that only beats encounters once then puts them on post-farm and has select group of friends plow everything while others sit around bored waiting to raid the new content? Do we only show up to play random old world zerg content and think its a form of accomplishment? What will happen when these servers get to instanced content and the real progression begins? So many questions to be answered!
  3. taliefer Augur

    Considering TL folded like deuce seven off suit shortly after instanced content, The irony is strong. Someone call Alanis
  4. Arandris Elder

    Get your daily dose of sodium here, boys. The salt is real.
  5. Jaxarale01 Augur

    This more than anything is exceptional... kudos to you and yours for promoting this type of thing!
    SBC0 likes this.
  6. Weverley Augur

    I think storytimebros is having a bad day.So much anger towards a guild.
  7. Kellaer Augur

    Give all raid targets the Plane of War named anti-pet mechanics. :)
    Silentchaos likes this.
  8. Weverley Augur

    That would be epic lol if they were to do that all the raiding people switching class.
  9. Darth Augur

    All the melee performed duties, the rogue dragged corpses, the 22 monk split pulled, and I as a 29 warrior controlled aggro when not on mage pets.

    All dragon loot was awarded via random roll to those present regardless of class, as many of the mages are rerolling real mains.
  10. Darth Augur

    No they were not, Devs don't care about us I guess.
  11. Storytimebros Elder

    Nothing to get angry about. I just think its pretty funny that people took time off to zerg old content and post on a board thinking its some kind of accomplishment using broken game mechanics while trying to recruit more to zerg. Both servers included there is no challenge here till instanced content and just instancing old content doesn't make it challenging either. I am looking for the guild that will be doing split instancing content once its starts. Now there's a challenge!
  12. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Lady Vox is also down. Raid size 44. 33 Faceless, 8 MiM and 3 Modest Men
    SBC0 likes this.
  13. Mogossis Journeyman

    Grats Faceless Guild! Glad you guys got the kill!
  14. Kravitz Augur

    How do you handle /random when people are boxing 6 lol. They get 6 rolls? And thats leads to the question, how would you even tell whose boxing who, anyone could lie about not boxing and roll, casters are so easy to box.
  15. Fiyero Augur

    Only the boxes' main is eligible to roll.
  16. RumRum New Member

    Fascinating. According to the screen shot, Gulfein i.e.Dima of Fippy and Citizen infamy lead the Nagafen raid, and got the serverwide for the Vox kill. Is Faceless really running this show?
  17. Arandris Elder

    It's probably too early to determine who is 'running the show' considering the server has only been open a few days now.
  18. Darth Augur

    So being the person using the raid tool and pulling the mob is always running the show?

    Faceless indeed was the guild that got everyone together, and delegated the role to those best suited for that raid.

    But, please keep thinking we're doing nothing.
    SBC0 likes this.
  19. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Lol yeah, Dima totally ran the show. He was all like "attack this mob in camp" .

    As for the server wide, I got the first one he got the second and I imagine Dupre will get the next one.

    Here's the real answer. No one is running the show, we're just people who don't want our server to became Vulak 2.0 working together to make that a reality.
    ThenaEQ, SBC0 and Arandris like this.
  20. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Can confirm. So modest. Many pets. Wow.