Nagafen down on Lockjaw

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Protagonist, May 31, 2015.

  1. Nolrog Augur

  2. Maec Journeyman

    GRATS. Glad to hear it was'nt a bot army.
  3. Catashe Augur

    90% mages what a surprise....
    Dibab likes this.
  4. xakanrn Augur

    its sad thats why i did not move.same story smaller population ,might as well stay on ragefire
  5. Glistarian Augur

    Grats on the kill, and even more grats on not coming here and saying you're DOMINATING!!!!!!!!!! the server.
    SBC0 and Fallfyres like this.
  6. Vaclav Augur

    Hyperbole aside, Frenzic is correct that by any "winning" metric, TL is over on Ragefire. So what if he likes using excited language? I take pride in my cat being awesome - just as silly to some for sure.
  7. Asiema Elder

    This right here. Thank you for this. I do not care how fast someone does this or who. All thats needed is this civility and willingness to say you wont spawn camp bosses to make people happy. That was all other guilds had to do and 90% of people wouldn't hate them. I hope you continue to lead by such a great example and congratulations, i hope you guys all work together to drop many more. Good hunting and safe travels friend.
    Glistarian likes this.
  8. Zobral New Member

    Great jobI With the mix of guilds and lower level characters I bet it felt like and is a great accomplishment.
    SBC0 likes this.
  9. Basak Augur

    I was with Faceless Order on test server a while ago. Forget which character it was but I didn't stay too long. The people were nice, but my RL got in the way and I couldn't participate much. I'm glad they're on the progression servers.
    SBC0 likes this.
  10. Lilrod Journeyman

    The reason mages are used on Naggy/Vox is because you stand outside their room to avoid ae's & just chain cast pets as they about to die. This strat was perfected on live during the OMM raids (old man mckenzie) You can look thru wall to get your pre targets or have a necro go in da to better position either but not needed & also get pre targets. On live in Omm it only takes 6 mages to dwn either so imagine 3 people boxing 6mages each....
  11. Tarrin Augur

    Congrats to the token melee for being present to get any melee loot!
  12. ThenaEQ Augur

    We had three melee present! ;)
    SBC0 likes this.
  13. SomethingWitty Augur

    WHAT?! Already?! My immersion has been ruined! Fix this Daybreak or I quit! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!
    SBC0 likes this.
  14. Ultrazen Augur

    This makes me happy. I'll probably stick around now, and on Lockjaw. The attitude on Ragefire was horrible, and it completely turned me off to EQ. I miss the days when most people were civil to each other, there was a sense of humor about things, and people weren't trying to correct their self esteem problems with in game achievements. Kudos to you for your attitude.

    Grats on the kill/kills! Good to see people that still understand what MMOs are actually all about.
    SBC0 likes this.
  15. Willy Willers Lorekeeper

    So thick with irony.. you see it right?
    Liquid likes this.
  16. Argu Lorekeeper

    Problem isn't Naggy is too easy, problem is mages need nerfed.
    Dibab likes this.
  17. Nindi New Member

    I questioned my sanity for starting over on Lock. Now I know I did the right thing.

    Congratulations on the kill!! I can't wait to be a participant in one of these raids in the (near!) future.
    SBC0 likes this.
  18. Koschei Journeyman

    Ragefire Naggy kill got a DBG congratulations, but I guess TL wasn't involved in this kill???
  19. Vaclav Augur

    I'd imagine the even lower levels are making them realize that any congrats needs to be after they figure out if they do anything to adjust pets some - since as shocking as the levels at TL's kill was, a horde of 37 mages with a few 38/39 taking out a raid is a more clear message of how out of whack they are.

    [Not diminishing the kill at all - just trying to theorize a reason for a slower congrats]
    SBC0 likes this.
  20. Frenzic Augur

    We dominated so hard that multiple so called competing guilds, ran away to another server. Big fish in an extremely small pond.

    /zing zaide and Vaclav :)