When does the Kunark unlock vote start?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tons, May 28, 2015.

  1. Tons Journeyman

    Seems like all the major targets in classic are already dead. Is there a list somewhere of what needs to go down before a vote can be started?
  2. Trosh Augur

    Targets going down start a 6 month countdown to the vote. at which time there will be usually several weeks for the vote, then if it passes kunark launches.
    Tons likes this.
  3. Diemond Augur

    181 days 14 hours. All targets were killed 2 days ago.
    Tons likes this.
  4. Tons Journeyman

    Thank you for the explanation. I thought the vote started when the mobs were dropped. Appreciate the responses.
  5. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    the vote will start on either the first or third week of November.. depending.. I think the first week...
  6. beyrak Augur

    Six months is ENTIRELY TOO LONG and this will be revisited at some point in the future (DB claimed) when people complained about the poll legitimacy.. But with that said, the poll does not take weeks. It usually is two weeks.
  7. Trosh Augur

    Maybe, maybe not.

    2 weeks is several weeks, btw.
    Tamier likes this.
  8. beyrak Augur

    determiner & pronoun
    determiner: several; pronoun: several
    1. 1.
      more than two but not many.
  9. Peone Lorekeeper

    "several" is definitely more than two.

    But not to confuse the subject, the poll is usually two weeks.
  10. Potsos76 Augur

  11. Glistarian Augur

    Sorry. The main argument for revoting goes out the window when the server comes back up.

    The "we need more space!!!!!!" argument for unlocking Kunark is now dead.
  12. Arafys New Member

    6 months for kunark is an awful long time. Honestly, I hope its brought down to three for Kunark, Velious and Luclin and maybe PoP. Anything after that can be like 10 years as far as I'm concerned. GoD was awful. ;)
  13. Kopuz Journeyman

    I want classic for 6 months. Im having a blast!
  14. Machen New Member

    Not sure if they actually did exactly 6 months or 180 days for the timer. 180 days is easier to implement and more consistent so I suspect that's what they went with, but we'll see.

    If they did 180 days, the 180 day mark falls on November 22, with the next voting block starting on November 23. The vote would then launch November 23 at 12:00 AM, last a full two weeks, and finish at 12:00 AM December 7 (with Kunark immediately launching at that point if the vote passes.)

    If they did 6 months, the 6 month mark falls on November 26. Since it would fall into the first week of the voting block, the vote would launch on November 26 at the same time of day that we got the unlock message, and last until December 7 (with Kunark again scheduled to launch at 12:00 AM on December 7). If this is the case, this is the condition that bugs out the voting system more often than not, so there is a good chance the devs will have to manually unlock Kunark, probably around midmorning PST Dec. 7.
  15. Wildwand New Member

    I've been trying to find the post that has a DBG employee saying they will be revisiting the decision, can you link the official source pls as my eyes just aren't what they used to be.
  16. Finwen Augur

    Unlocking expansions sooner means casuals quitting faster. I can see Kunark unlocking one or two months earlier, but it's unlikely at this point with instancing being implemented. Every other expansion will probably receive its full time allotment barring something completely unexpected.
  17. Theoequis Journeyman

    I'm all for 6 month locks on expansions. Allows everyone time to quest, kill, craft not just the basement dwelling punks. /sorry that was a bit harsh. I really think the long lock time will help sort out the KSing a$$hats and mob blocking guilds that was all to prevalent on Flippy.
  18. Ivanhoe New Member

    6 months is about right, happy to be playing classic EQ. Having a blast.
    SuedeVeil likes this.
  19. Zanarnar Augur

    I for one hope they DON'T change it; let everyone that rushed to 50 sit there bored out of their minds while the rest of us that knew it wasn't a race enjoy leveling through the classic game. I'd guess at the rate I'm leveling, it will be august-ish before I hit 50, maybe even a bit longer.

    Once LJ opens up, if they don't do transfers I'll have to start fresh again, so.. maybe even september before I hit 50. I'm lovin it ;)
    SuedeVeil likes this.
  20. Steampunk Augur

    Why the rush? Do you have a terminal illness that you have to beat EQ before you die, or something? (If you really do, then I apologize.)